Дистанционное и виртуальное обучение
№ 03 • 2010
Kaliberda E.L. –
RUSAKOV S.V. Rusakov S.V. – Doctor for Physics and Mathematics, Professor
Web 2.0 Teaching within the Frameworks of Distance Information Technologies and Computer Engineering Tournament
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Аннотация / Annotation:
Experience of mastering of Web 2.0 technologies by schoolchildren of command interregional distance tournament in basic computer engineering is represented in the article. Methods of mathematical statistics were used for the analysis in details.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
technologies, social services, tournament, additional education, Wiki-environment.
VESNA G.SH. Аннотация / Annotation:
Experience of mastering of Web 2.0 technologies by schoolchildren of command interregional distance tournament in basic computer engineering is represented in the article. Methods of mathematical statistics were used for the analysis in details.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
technologies, social services, tournament, additional education, Wiki-environment.
Vesna G.Sh. – PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Senior Researcher
ZHMAKINA S.P. Zhmakina S.P. –
ZOBKALO O.M. Zobkalo O.M. –
Actual Issues of Distance Education
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Аннотация / Annotation:
Necessity and challenges of development of distance education in educational institutions of Leningradskaya Region are discussed in the article. Authors were participants of the project of development and implementation of distance courses for secondary educational institutions. Their experience enables them to conclude that distance education give a chance to deep schoolchildren’s knowledge in any field, fill all gaps caused by ill absence of school and teach children, who can not attend school lessons. Also we need to solve many organizational and legal issues.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
education, distance education, Gatchina, Leningradskaya Region, MOU DPO ‘TSIT’.
MALINNIKOV V.A. Аннотация / Annotation:
Necessity and challenges of development of distance education in educational institutions of Leningradskaya Region are discussed in the article. Authors were participants of the project of development and implementation of distance courses for secondary educational institutions. Their experience enables them to conclude that distance education give a chance to deep schoolchildren’s knowledge in any field, fill all gaps caused by ill absence of school and teach children, who can not attend school lessons. Also we need to solve many organizational and legal issues.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
education, distance education, Gatchina, Leningradskaya Region, MOU DPO ‘TSIT’.
Malinnikov V.A. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
SAVINYKH V.P. Savinykh V.P. – Doctor of Technical Sciences
SOLOVIEV I.V. Soloviev I.V. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
TSVETKOV V.YA. Tsvetkov V.Ya. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
New Challenges in Geodesic Education
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Аннотация / Annotation:
Modern requirements to organization of training specialists, who have professional geodesic education, are given in the article. Tendencies of development of geodesic information technologies are shown. It is concluded that geo-computer engineering enables solve of modern system tasks. It is shown that solution of technical tasks of geo-engineering could be solved within the frameworks of independent field ‘technical geo-computer engineering’. An object and subject of technical geo-computer engineering are represented. Proposals on inclusion of a discipline ‘Technical Geo-Computer Engineering’ into specialty ‘Geodesy and Land Management’ are given.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
higher professional education, geo computer engineering, informatization, infrastructures of dimensional data, geodesic information technologies.
GOMULINA N.N. Аннотация / Annotation:
Modern requirements to organization of training specialists, who have professional geodesic education, are given in the article. Tendencies of development of geodesic information technologies are shown. It is concluded that geo-computer engineering enables solve of modern system tasks. It is shown that solution of technical tasks of geo-engineering could be solved within the frameworks of independent field ‘technical geo-computer engineering’. An object and subject of technical geo-computer engineering are represented. Proposals on inclusion of a discipline ‘Technical Geo-Computer Engineering’ into specialty ‘Geodesy and Land Management’ are given.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
higher professional education, geo computer engineering, informatization, infrastructures of dimensional data, geodesic information technologies.
Gomulina N.N. – PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
System of Distance Training for the Unified State Examination on the Website ‘College.ru’
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Аннотация / Annotation:
Up-to-date abilities of distance training for the unified state examination based on permanent control over individual rating and preparation of an individual curriculum are described in the article. Parents and teachers can supervise the process. Individual educational tracking is supported by expert dialogs and individual virtual teacher.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
training for the unified state examination, distance education, an individual curriculum, training tests, examination simulator, individual rating.
TAHMASIB KH. FATALIYEV Аннотация / Annotation:
Up-to-date abilities of distance training for the unified state examination based on permanent control over individual rating and preparation of an individual curriculum are described in the article. Parents and teachers can supervise the process. Individual educational tracking is supported by expert dialogs and individual virtual teacher.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
training for the unified state examination, distance education, an individual curriculum, training tests, examination simulator, individual rating.
Tahmasib Kh. Fataliyev – Institute of Information Technologies of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Monitoring of application of ICT in scientific activity
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Аннотация / Annotation:
Work is devoted monitoring of application of modern information-communication technologies in activity of scientific organizations of the Azerbaijan Republic. The main attention is given to the questions of analysis of existing systems of IT indicators and formation of primary data for monitoring, to working out of the information system, the organization, carrying out and analysis of the monitoring results.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
VIRTUAL TECHNOLOGIESАннотация / Annotation:
Work is devoted monitoring of application of modern information-communication technologies in activity of scientific organizations of the Azerbaijan Republic. The main attention is given to the questions of analysis of existing systems of IT indicators and formation of primary data for monitoring, to working out of the information system, the organization, carrying out and analysis of the monitoring results.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Leshkov O.A. –
Internet-Communication during Lessons: Experience of Pedagogic Experiment
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Аннотация / Annotation:
Usage of Internet-communications during lessons enables a teacher to integrate distance educational elements into full-time education. Basic means of telecommunicate activity are forum, chat, ICQ, e-mail, teleconference, videoconference, and a website. Internet-communications enrich full-time education and add a content component.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
internet-communication, pedagogic experiment, CDO ‘Eidos’, distance education, forum, chat, ICQ, e-mail, teleconference, videoconference, a website.
AZEPOVA E.S. Аннотация / Annotation:
Usage of Internet-communications during lessons enables a teacher to integrate distance educational elements into full-time education. Basic means of telecommunicate activity are forum, chat, ICQ, e-mail, teleconference, videoconference, and a website. Internet-communications enrich full-time education and add a content component.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
internet-communication, pedagogic experiment, CDO ‘Eidos’, distance education, forum, chat, ICQ, e-mail, teleconference, videoconference, a website.
Azepova E.S. –
PLEHSNOVA V.I. Plehsnova V.I. –
PASMARNOVA N.V. Pasmarnova N.V. –
Geometry Task Solution in the ‘Compass-3D LT’ Environment
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Аннотация / Annotation:
Integrated geometry and computer literacy images generation lessons, including generation of primitive points, cuts, circles and complex triangles and polygons, etc., are represented in the article. Integration is included not only geometry, but also geometry of space. Pupils study to use their skills in information technologies on geometry lessons on school 7-10 grades. There is an example of generation a three point separation inside a cube on 9th school grade with advanced course of mathematics. This lesson is conducted by teachers of mathematics and computer engineering. Firstly a teacher analyzes a generation design, and then pupils make a generation through ‘Compass’ computer environment. All lessons are combined with presentations; pupils get materials prepared with ‘Compass’. For descriptive reasons this separation is built in 3-D graphics. 10-grade pupils are able to make geometric generations in ‘Compass’ graphic editor.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
computer engineering, geometry, geometry of space, integrated lessons, information technologies, a cube, separation, graphic editor, computer-aided design program ‘Compass’, toolbar, draft, 3D graphics.
GOMAN V.V. Аннотация / Annotation:
Integrated geometry and computer literacy images generation lessons, including generation of primitive points, cuts, circles and complex triangles and polygons, etc., are represented in the article. Integration is included not only geometry, but also geometry of space. Pupils study to use their skills in information technologies on geometry lessons on school 7-10 grades. There is an example of generation a three point separation inside a cube on 9th school grade with advanced course of mathematics. This lesson is conducted by teachers of mathematics and computer engineering. Firstly a teacher analyzes a generation design, and then pupils make a generation through ‘Compass’ computer environment. All lessons are combined with presentations; pupils get materials prepared with ‘Compass’. For descriptive reasons this separation is built in 3-D graphics. 10-grade pupils are able to make geometric generations in ‘Compass’ graphic editor.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
computer engineering, geometry, geometry of space, integrated lessons, information technologies, a cube, separation, graphic editor, computer-aided design program ‘Compass’, toolbar, draft, 3D graphics.
Goman V.V. – PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Preparation of Educational and Laboratory Mounts and Virtual Laboratory Works in a Field of Life Safety
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Аннотация / Annotation:
The article covers experience of preparation of educational and laboratory mounts and virtual laboratory works in a field of life safety. Brief description of developments and their functional are represented.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
educational and laboratory mount, virtual laboratory work, life safety.
ZHAROVA E.E. Аннотация / Annotation:
The article covers experience of preparation of educational and laboratory mounts and virtual laboratory works in a field of life safety. Brief description of developments and their functional are represented.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
educational and laboratory mount, virtual laboratory work, life safety.
Zharova E.E. – PhD in Philology, Associate Professor
Usage of Multimedia Educational Resources for Increasing of a Level of Common Cultural Competences as a Factor of Personal Development of a Young Specialist
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Аннотация / Annotation:
One of the problems of introduction of information technologies into a field of higher education is considered on the basis of the example of teaching English for young specialists graduated from non-philological university. An issue of increasing a level of common cultural competences as a key factor of personal development of a specialist in a field of oil and gas is considered.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
computer educational programs, computer testing, multimedia presentations.
GRIGORIEV E.G. Аннотация / Annotation:
One of the problems of introduction of information technologies into a field of higher education is considered on the basis of the example of teaching English for young specialists graduated from non-philological university. An issue of increasing a level of common cultural competences as a key factor of personal development of a specialist in a field of oil and gas is considered.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
computer educational programs, computer testing, multimedia presentations.
Grigoriev E.G. – PhD in Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor
OBLIZINA S.V. Oblizina S.V. –
BELOVA I.V. Belova I.V. – PhD in Physics and Mathematics
Modern Physical World View in Computer Simulations
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Аннотация / Annotation:
Some issues of methodology of usage of computer simulations during lectures on modern physical world view for students of non-physical specialties are considered. A series of presentations from e-library, which illustrate basic natural laws and events, is given.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
physical world view, computer simulations, educational courses of physics.
Some issues of methodology of usage of computer simulations during lectures on modern physical world view for students of non-physical specialties are considered. A series of presentations from e-library, which illustrate basic natural laws and events, is given.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
physical world view, computer simulations, educational courses of physics.