Дистанционное и виртуальное обучение
№ 06 • 2010
Tsvetkova M.S. – PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Stages of Informatization in Russian Schools
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Аннотация / Annotation:
A way of development of ICT resources in public schools, which has been implementing by federal target programs and objects in a field of informationzation of education in last 10 years, shows that this is a way of development of complementary resources for expanding capabilities within the system human-to-human by means of up-to-date achievements in ICT.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
programs of infromatization of education, ICT-competence of a teacher, information environment in school.
DISTANCE EDUCATIONАннотация / Annotation:
A way of development of ICT resources in public schools, which has been implementing by federal target programs and objects in a field of informationzation of education in last 10 years, shows that this is a way of development of complementary resources for expanding capabilities within the system human-to-human by means of up-to-date achievements in ICT.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
programs of infromatization of education, ICT-competence of a teacher, information environment in school.
V.A. Kuklev – PhD
S.P. BORTNIKOV S.P. Bortnikov – PhD
A.V. KRUPENNIKOV A.V. Krupennikov – Postgraduate student
Mobile learning for Health and Safety
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Аннотация / Annotation:
This paper presents the research results of the implementation of Web-based education in Health and safety. It contains the method of the mobile learning implementation in Health and Safety in the framework of Moodle-based open distance education.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
mobile learning, Web-based education, Health and safety, open distance education
LUPANOV V.N. Аннотация / Annotation:
This paper presents the research results of the implementation of Web-based education in Health and safety. It contains the method of the mobile learning implementation in Health and Safety in the framework of Moodle-based open distance education.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
mobile learning, Web-based education, Health and safety, open distance education
Lupanov V.N. – PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor
Distance Education of Disabled Children in the System of Open Education in Regions
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Аннотация / Annotation:
Issues of distance education of disabled children in conditions of development of open education in regions are considered in the article. Great attention is paid to problems and ways of development of regional target programs on the basis of fundamental educational technologies including their practical usage in recent times.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
the system of open education in regions, distance education for disabled children, educational technologies, purposes and tasks of education, professional education, Leningradskaya region, legislative base and legal fundamentals of distance education, ways of improvement of education of disabled children.
KAZARYAN M.L. Аннотация / Annotation:
Issues of distance education of disabled children in conditions of development of open education in regions are considered in the article. Great attention is paid to problems and ways of development of regional target programs on the basis of fundamental educational technologies including their practical usage in recent times.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
the system of open education in regions, distance education for disabled children, educational technologies, purposes and tasks of education, professional education, Leningradskaya region, legislative base and legal fundamentals of distance education, ways of improvement of education of disabled children.
Kazaryan M.L. – PhD in Physics and Mathematics
Mathematical Research of Design and Development of Mobile Educational Center for High Mountain Regions of a Country
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Аннотация / Annotation:
A model of a mobile educational center is designed. Research on its software and technical support is conducted. A method of signal compression through spectral transformations as zone coding is considered. A specter of valuable orthogonal transformation is estimated and it enables to set optimal methods of zone coding through Haar transformation in the class of Lipchitz signals. It is stated that last packets of spectral vector, used in the task of input signals compression, are the less informative packets. It enables to decrease number of calculations in compression process and improve process of information transmission through data channels. It is proposed that further researches of signal transmission in mountains regions, supporting of experiments and potential of creation of a mobile educational center for implementation of MUH educational technologies in extreme conditions.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
information transmission through data channels, one-dimension and two-dimension signals, preliminary mathematical signal processing, Lipchitz signals, digital signal processing, signal compression, a system of satellite data transmission, discrete orthogonal transformations, Haar transformation, mobile educational center, high-frequency satellite antenna, random process, covariance matrix.
VIRTUAL TECHNOLOGIESАннотация / Annotation:
A model of a mobile educational center is designed. Research on its software and technical support is conducted. A method of signal compression through spectral transformations as zone coding is considered. A specter of valuable orthogonal transformation is estimated and it enables to set optimal methods of zone coding through Haar transformation in the class of Lipchitz signals. It is stated that last packets of spectral vector, used in the task of input signals compression, are the less informative packets. It enables to decrease number of calculations in compression process and improve process of information transmission through data channels. It is proposed that further researches of signal transmission in mountains regions, supporting of experiments and potential of creation of a mobile educational center for implementation of MUH educational technologies in extreme conditions.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
information transmission through data channels, one-dimension and two-dimension signals, preliminary mathematical signal processing, Lipchitz signals, digital signal processing, signal compression, a system of satellite data transmission, discrete orthogonal transformations, Haar transformation, mobile educational center, high-frequency satellite antenna, random process, covariance matrix.
Fedorov A. – Prof. Dr., president of Russian Association for Film & Media Education, vice-rector of Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute
Moscow Media Education Centers: Comparative Analysis
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Аннотация / Annotation:
The article based on the comparative analysis of Moscow Media Education Centers: including the analysis and systematization of their basic models, goals and objectives, practical results.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Media Education Center, Media education, media literacy, media competence, comparative analysis, schools, universities, educators, teachers.
FINOGEEV A.G. Аннотация / Annotation:
The article based on the comparative analysis of Moscow Media Education Centers: including the analysis and systematization of their basic models, goals and objectives, practical results.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Media Education Center, Media education, media literacy, media competence, comparative analysis, schools, universities, educators, teachers.
Finogeev A.G. – Doctor in Technical Sciences, Professor
MASLOV V.A. Maslov V.A. –
FINOGEEV A.A. Finogeev A.A. –
Architecture of Virtual Education Environment with Technologies of Wireless Access to Information Resources
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Аннотация / Annotation:
Experience of development of experimental heterogeneous information environment of the department and center of university distance education with wireless zones on the basis of assembled multi-antenna WiFi routers (ASUS–500WL), Bluetooth access points (D-Link DBT-900AP) and debugging sets ZigBee for educational support of students and teachers, and monitoring of technical and backup systems and university services is considered in the article. The idea is in supporting of wireless access to information from mobile user devices such as cellulars, smart phones, CPC, communicators, laptops and netbooks. Using of wireless mobile means for access to resources is caused by dissemination of similar devices among students, absence of licensing for using of wireless communication and ability to provide free access to information recourses by university. Heterogeneous virtual environment is based on usage of wire (Ethernet) and wireless (Bluetooth, WiFi) network segments in organization of unified information dimension through implementation of general access to information in any place in university campus in any time based on 4A principle, and it enables to increase effectiveness and quality of educational process.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Information support, sensor networks, heterogeneous networks, localization, additional reality, decision-making support, e-learning, WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee.
KRAVCHENKO YU.A. Аннотация / Annotation:
Experience of development of experimental heterogeneous information environment of the department and center of university distance education with wireless zones on the basis of assembled multi-antenna WiFi routers (ASUS–500WL), Bluetooth access points (D-Link DBT-900AP) and debugging sets ZigBee for educational support of students and teachers, and monitoring of technical and backup systems and university services is considered in the article. The idea is in supporting of wireless access to information from mobile user devices such as cellulars, smart phones, CPC, communicators, laptops and netbooks. Using of wireless mobile means for access to resources is caused by dissemination of similar devices among students, absence of licensing for using of wireless communication and ability to provide free access to information recourses by university. Heterogeneous virtual environment is based on usage of wire (Ethernet) and wireless (Bluetooth, WiFi) network segments in organization of unified information dimension through implementation of general access to information in any place in university campus in any time based on 4A principle, and it enables to increase effectiveness and quality of educational process.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Information support, sensor networks, heterogeneous networks, localization, additional reality, decision-making support, e-learning, WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee.
Kravchenko Yu.A. – PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Simulation of Dynamics of Adaptive Asynchronous Process of Education Based on Multi-Agent Technologies
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Аннотация / Annotation:
This article is focused on a method of development of models of adaptive processes based on results of psychological research of cognitive personal characteristics and cognitive styles including further development of individual educational; tracings and models of referent groups on the basis of multi-agent systems.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
teaching process, imitating simulation, intellectual agents, individual tracing, educational models, multi-agent systems, open education.
METHODS AND EXPERIENCE Аннотация / Annotation:
This article is focused on a method of development of models of adaptive processes based on results of psychological research of cognitive personal characteristics and cognitive styles including further development of individual educational; tracings and models of referent groups on the basis of multi-agent systems.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
teaching process, imitating simulation, intellectual agents, individual tracing, educational models, multi-agent systems, open education.
Polyakov S.D. – PhD in Technical Sciences
Complex Approach to Support of Security and Quality of Information and Communication Means in Education
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Аннотация / Annotation:
Complex approach to support of security and quality of information and communication technologies in education, which is based on applying of existing Russian legislation in a field of technical regulation, actual international and national standards in sphere of ICT, modern methods of assessment of accordance of program products, its production processes, and systems of quality management are proposed in the article.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
security, information and communication technologies, quality, complex approach, international and national standards, education, technical regulation, e-learning courses.
BOGDANOVA D.A. Аннотация / Annotation:
Complex approach to support of security and quality of information and communication technologies in education, which is based on applying of existing Russian legislation in a field of technical regulation, actual international and national standards in sphere of ICT, modern methods of assessment of accordance of program products, its production processes, and systems of quality management are proposed in the article.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
security, information and communication technologies, quality, complex approach, international and national standards, education, technical regulation, e-learning courses.
Bogdanova D.A. – PhD in Pedagogy
Internet Security (Australian Experience)
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Аннотация / Annotation:
Australian experience on organization of Internet security in schools is considered in the article. In each country implementation of technologies and security support has its own specifics. Experience of Australia is interesting one because of this country is in avant-garde but accumulates developments of specialists from other countries. Complex program for support of cyber security of pupils, conducted by the Government of Australia is considered in details in this article.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
digital revolution, pilot project, Internet security, cyber security, harassment, fear appeal, step-by-step instruction.
Australian experience on organization of Internet security in schools is considered in the article. In each country implementation of technologies and security support has its own specifics. Experience of Australia is interesting one because of this country is in avant-garde but accumulates developments of specialists from other countries. Complex program for support of cyber security of pupils, conducted by the Government of Australia is considered in details in this article.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
digital revolution, pilot project, Internet security, cyber security, harassment, fear appeal, step-by-step instruction.