Дистанционное и виртуальное обучение
№ 07 • 2011
Korkikyan R.G. – Postgraduate Student, Saint-Petersburg State Unversity of Telecommunications in the name of M.A. Bonch-Bruevich
OSOVETSKIY L.G. Osovetskiy L.G. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
A Basic Model of a Differenciated Analysis of Supply Based on DES Algorythm, Implemented through a Hardware
Страницы / Pages: 4-12
Аннотация / Annotation:
A basic model of a differentiated analysis of supply for DES algorythm is considered in the article. For the selected system it is stated that testing of sensibilities can be successive if we have data of power for 320 operations of encrypting, and its practicability is shown.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
sensibilities, analysis of supply, DES, leakage through external channels.
PECHNIKOV A.A. Аннотация / Annotation:
A basic model of a differentiated analysis of supply for DES algorythm is considered in the article. For the selected system it is stated that testing of sensibilities can be successive if we have data of power for 320 operations of encrypting, and its practicability is shown.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
sensibilities, analysis of supply, DES, leakage through external channels.
Pechnikov A.A. – Cand. (PhD) Phys. and Math., Assistant Professor, Senior Research Associate, Institute of Applied Mathematical Research Karelian Research Center of RAS
Research of interlinks of the Russian University libraries web-sites
Страницы / Pages: 13-24
Аннотация / Annotation:
The conducted research of interlinks of the Russian University libraries web-sites, realized by means of hyperlinks, show their low connection. It is shown that connection to a great extent increases by means of identified web-intermediaries, to which Library Associations sites and a number of other known sites are connected.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
hyperlink, web-site, university library, interlink, web graph, strongly connected component.
VESELOVSKIY P.V. Аннотация / Annotation:
The conducted research of interlinks of the Russian University libraries web-sites, realized by means of hyperlinks, show their low connection. It is shown that connection to a great extent increases by means of identified web-intermediaries, to which Library Associations sites and a number of other known sites are connected.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
hyperlink, web-site, university library, interlink, web graph, strongly connected component.
Veselovskiy P.V. – Student of Samara State Aerospace University in the name of S.P. Korolev
SULTANOV T.G. Sultanov T.G. – Postgarduate Student of Samara State Aerospace University in the name of S.P. Korolev
Measuring of Available Capacity of IPv6 Networks
Страницы / Pages: 25-35
Аннотация / Annotation:
Checking of a model of measuring of available capacity in IPv6 is conducted in the article. The experiment was conducted by using a measuring infrastructure RIPE Test Box providing sensitive precision of measurements. The experiment results show that in order to improve precision of measuring of a channel capacity it is necessary to level influence of a variable component of delay through increasing a number of conducted measurements. Computer simulation, which enables to set connection between imprecision of available capacity and a number of measurements, is conducted.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
IPv6 protocol, RIPE Test Box, available capacity, RIPE Atlas, a variable component of delay, SCO, a generating function, simulation.
Checking of a model of measuring of available capacity in IPv6 is conducted in the article. The experiment was conducted by using a measuring infrastructure RIPE Test Box providing sensitive precision of measurements. The experiment results show that in order to improve precision of measuring of a channel capacity it is necessary to level influence of a variable component of delay through increasing a number of conducted measurements. Computer simulation, which enables to set connection between imprecision of available capacity and a number of measurements, is conducted.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
IPv6 protocol, RIPE Test Box, available capacity, RIPE Atlas, a variable component of delay, SCO, a generating function, simulation.
Taganov A.I. – PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctor Degree Student of RGRTU
Multicriterion Choice in Conditions of Carelessness of System and Functional Building of Electronic Information and Educational Environment through IPI (CALS) Profile – Technologies
Страницы / Pages: 36-46
Аннотация / Annotation:
Formal setting and a method of solution in conditions of carelessness of a task of system and functional building and multicriterion choice of a basic platform for electronic information and educational environment through IPI (CALS) profile and CASE-technology are considered in the article.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
electronic information and educational environment, multicriterion choice of alternatives in conditions of carelessness, a careless relation.
PARAKHINA O.V. Аннотация / Annotation:
Formal setting and a method of solution in conditions of carelessness of a task of system and functional building and multicriterion choice of a basic platform for electronic information and educational environment through IPI (CALS) profile and CASE-technology are considered in the article.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
electronic information and educational environment, multicriterion choice of alternatives in conditions of carelessness, a careless relation.
Parakhina O.V. – Senior Teacher of the Department of Applied Mathematics, Moscow State Technological University ‘Stankin’
POLYAK YU.E. Polyak Yu.E. – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor. Senior Researcher, Central Economic and Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Partnership of Business and IT-Education
Страницы / Pages: 47-55
Аннотация / Annotation:
Reasons of a lack of staff of IT-companies are described, and this situation is followed by necessity of participation of business in specialist training; cases of successive interaction between firms and universities are represented; advantages and disadvantages of professional standards in a field of information technologies are discussed.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
specialist training, computer education, partnership of education and business, professional standards.
MUSATIVA T.A. Аннотация / Annotation:
Reasons of a lack of staff of IT-companies are described, and this situation is followed by necessity of participation of business in specialist training; cases of successive interaction between firms and universities are represented; advantages and disadvantages of professional standards in a field of information technologies are discussed.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
specialist training, computer education, partnership of education and business, professional standards.
Musativa T.A. – Student, the Institute for Economics, Management and Law, Kazan, Almetievsk Branch
Information Education and Modern Culture in Russia
Страницы / Pages: 56-64
Аннотация / Annotation:
Increasing a role of information culture in a behaviorial life of a person including getting and using information technologies in education is considered. The given material enables to improve a system of Russian continuous life-long education.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
an information society, information culture, innovative education, up-to-date technologies.
МЕТОДИКА И ОПЫТАннотация / Annotation:
Increasing a role of information culture in a behaviorial life of a person including getting and using information technologies in education is considered. The given material enables to improve a system of Russian continuous life-long education.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
an information society, information culture, innovative education, up-to-date technologies.
Fionova L.R. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Engineering, Penza State University
ZOLOTOVA T.A. Zolotova T.A. – Postgraduate Student of the Department of Information Support of Management and Production, Penza State University
Models and Algorythms for Creating Competence-Oriented Information Resources for Training and Retraining of Civil Officers
Страницы / Pages: 65-76
Аннотация / Annotation:
Specifics of modern educational process in organazing civil officer retraining are considered in the article. In order to effectively manage an educational process a graph model of student’s competences, a model of a training module and a training route were built and used. A competence classification is proposed; an algorythm of determination of a sequence of mastering of competences is built. This angorythm can be used for developing an adaptive program of corporate training and retraining of civil officers.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
educational process management, a competence approach, a model of a civil officer competences, an algorythm of developing of a learning model, components of information resources.
CHELYSHEVA I.V. Аннотация / Annotation:
Specifics of modern educational process in organazing civil officer retraining are considered in the article. In order to effectively manage an educational process a graph model of student’s competences, a model of a training module and a training route were built and used. A competence classification is proposed; an algorythm of determination of a sequence of mastering of competences is built. This angorythm can be used for developing an adaptive program of corporate training and retraining of civil officers.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
educational process management, a competence approach, a model of a civil officer competences, an algorythm of developing of a learning model, components of information resources.
Chelysheva I.V. – PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Media Reality of World View: Basic Stages of Development
Страницы / Pages: 77-87
Аннотация / Annotation:
Basic stages of development of reality, a role of a person in creating media images are considered in the article; processes of development of media reality, and its functioning in a society are analyzed. An author represents charecteristics of world view related to a phenomenon of reality, understanding and thinking of a place of a human being in a process of creating media images of reality.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
world view, civilization, media reality, media culture, media image, representation of media reality.
YUNOV S.V. Аннотация / Annotation:
Basic stages of development of reality, a role of a person in creating media images are considered in the article; processes of development of media reality, and its functioning in a society are analyzed. An author represents charecteristics of world view related to a phenomenon of reality, understanding and thinking of a place of a human being in a process of creating media images of reality.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
world view, civilization, media reality, media culture, media image, representation of media reality.
Yunov S.V. – PhD in Physics and Mathematics
ARKHIPOVA A.I. Arkhipova A.I. – Doctor of Pedagogy
GRUSHEVSKIY S.P. Grushevskiy S.P. – Doctor of Pedagogy
Information and Professional Training of University Students based of a Theory of Role Information Simulation
Страницы / Pages: 88-97
Аннотация / Annotation:
Basic statements of a theory of role information simulation in a system of higher professional education are given. This theory enables to develop intelligent, socially valuable and positive personal properties of students and it is proposed as an alternative for a traditional approach.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
higher professional education, role information simulation, development, pedagogic principles and settings.
CHEBOTAR’KOVA S.A. Аннотация / Annotation:
Basic statements of a theory of role information simulation in a system of higher professional education are given. This theory enables to develop intelligent, socially valuable and positive personal properties of students and it is proposed as an alternative for a traditional approach.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
higher professional education, role information simulation, development, pedagogic principles and settings.
Chebotar’kova S.A. – PhD in Medicine
Ecological Education of Future Engineers for Sustainable Development
Страницы / Pages: 98-101
Аннотация / Annotation:
Ecological education as one of important ways of fighting against ecological crisis and transfer of a society to a model of sustainable development, especially for students of technical universities, is considered in the article. Approaches and principles of ecological education for future engineers-chemists through showing of multimedia presentations during lecutures and conducting practical works by using program means, are proposed.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
ecological education, sustainable development, ecology, multimedia education.
Аннотация / Annotation:
Ecological education as one of important ways of fighting against ecological crisis and transfer of a society to a model of sustainable development, especially for students of technical universities, is considered in the article. Approaches and principles of ecological education for future engineers-chemists through showing of multimedia presentations during lecutures and conducting practical works by using program means, are proposed.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
ecological education, sustainable development, ecology, multimedia education.