Дистанционное и виртуальное обучение

№ 07 • 2014


Rybanov A.A. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Educational information quantization for improving content quality in learning management systems

Страницы / Pages: 4-21

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article offers the educational information quantization method for improving content quality in Learning Management Systems. The paper considers questions concerning analysis of quality of quantized presentation of educational information, based on quantitative text parameters: average frequencies of parts of speech, used in the text; formal text readability indexes; lexical and syntactic text variety factors. The process of obtaining quantitative parameter values is focused on use of the phpMorphy morphological analysis library.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
е-learning; distance learning; web-based e-learning system; educational text quantization; educational content; formal readability index; quantitative characteristics.

Bogun V.V. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences 

Application of object-oriented approach for the formation of practical thinking university students in the implementation of dynamic remote settlement projects

Страницы / Pages: 22-31

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article describes the object-oriented approach, yes in terms of its use in computer science and mathematics. Consider the basic features of the formation of practical thinking university students and demonstrates the use of the remote settlement of projects in mathematics through the prism forming the necessary skills of this kind of thinking. Also shows the use of object-oriented approach in the framework of the project for the students calculated arithmetic operations on matrices in terms of the development of the students practical thinking skills.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
object-oriented approach, information technology, matrix algebra, practical thinking, remote dynamic design projects.


Gadzhiyeva P.D. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Case-method – as a method of interactive training

Страницы / Pages: 32-39

Аннотация / Annotation:
Article is devoted to a problem of activation of cognitive activity of the modern educational technologies which were trained by means of use. In it opportunities “a case-method” in educational process are opened, the technique of the analysis of a concrete situation and the methodical recommendations is also given to the teacher necessary in the course of use of this technology.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
case-method, a situation, discussion, case-style, synergetic technology.

Kameneva N.A. – Candidate of Economical Sciences

Computer Translation as E-Learning Tool in Studying Foreign Languages

Страницы / Pages: 40-47

Аннотация / Annotation:
The paper intends to explore modern systems of computer or machine translation as an instrument of e-learning. Traditionally, translation programs are divided into two main types: ruled-based and example-based. The comparison of different computer translation systems is given. The problems, connected with the translation procedure from the Russian language into the English one are described. The importance of studying and using modern computer translation systems in educational process in stressed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
e-learning, computer translation, educational technologies, ruled-based approach, example-based approach, translation memory, online dictionaries, morphological analysis, semantic and syntactic analysis, foreign languages communicative competences.

Churilov I.A. – PhD in Physics

Web-site in a local area network of educational institution as means of improvement of quality of training

Страницы / Pages: 48-53

Аннотация / Annotation:
The simple technology of allocating a web-site in a local area network of educational institution is considered, the purposes of such allocation are specified, features of using a web-site in a local area network are pointed and the possibility to make it the factor of improvement of quality of training is proved.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
local area network, web-site, quality of training, information framework, educational environment, improvement of professional skill.

Kuprina O.G. – Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences

Using Virtual Learning Platform Moodle in Teaching Foreign Languages

Страницы / Pages: 54-60

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article examines the issue of using Moodle platform for distance teaching foreign languages to master’s degree students. The article covers the peculiarities of teaching foreign languages to master’s degree students using Moodle platform. There are provided various tasks for organizing self-study in distance teaching foreign languages to master’s degree students in Management speciality.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
distance learning, Master’s degree programme, non-linguistic university, foreign languages.


Baranov A.V. – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Teaching school students to computer modeling of physical processes in a context of the scientific method

Страницы / Pages: 61-69

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article considers the organization of integrated research projects of school students. The project combines a real physical experiment, a problem situation and computer modeling of the physical process in Mathcad. Such a combination allows teach computer modeling in the context of the scientific method.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
additional school education, teaching to computer modeling of physical processes, project method, project activities.


Vizer Yu.Yu.

Methodical recommendations in developing creative abilities of future teachers while learning information technologies.

Страницы / Pages: 70-81

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article covers the issue of developing creative abilities of future teachers (Bachelors of Education). The article includes the review of basic pedagogical conditions and factors promoting to forming creative abilities. We gave theoretical and practical aspects of using modern information technologies in education (e-learning, e-portfolio, multimedia, distant learning) and methodical recommendations of learning the discipline «Information technologies».

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
educational process, pedagogical conditions, information technologies, informatization, creative abilities, creativity, information educational media, e-learning, e-portfolio, multimedia, distant learning, self-education.



Letova L.V.
Maslak A.A. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Osipov S.A. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Investigation of influence of test items uneven distribution on different parts of scale on standard error of objects measurement

Страницы / Pages: 82-92

Аннотация / Annotation:
Rasch measurement is recognized in the international science community as a tool for objective estimation of latent variables. However, there is the controversial issue about influence of an uneven distribution of test items on the measurement precision of objects. This article explores the impact of the uneven distribution of test items on different parts of the scale on the standard error of measurement.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Rasch measurement, Rasch model, latent variables, test as the measurement tool, distribution of test items.


Yurova Yu.Yu.

The model of integrated media education by Yu.M. Rabinovich

Страницы / Pages: 93-100

Аннотация / Annotation:
The purpose of this article is to consider a model of Yu.M. Rabinovich (1918–1990), who integrated media education (on the basis of art filmmaking) in the lessons of literature in high school, to identify the major components of this model, to disclose its features, to describe the field of application and forms of implementation for this model.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
integrated media education at school in 1950-1960 years, media educational model, film education, media educator, cinema circle, film club.

Grebennikov A.O. – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor


Senichkina O.A.

Appling Latent Trait Analysis for the evaluation and monitoring of the English for Specific Purposes proficiency level of students at non-linguistic university departments

Страницы / Pages: 101-110

Аннотация / Annotation:
The potential of using Latent-Structural Analysis for the statistical processing of distant testing results is explored. The choice of Rash 1 parametric logistic latent trait model out of the family of one-, two – and three- parametric logistic latent trait models is proved to be optimal. The comparative analysis of test results processed both within the framework of traditional statistical analysis and by IRT methods is presented.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
test, item, distant testing, online testing, Item Response Theory (IRT), Latent Trait Analysis, 1 Parametric Logistic Latent Trait Model, Item Characteristics Curves, English for Specific Purposes.