Дистанционное и виртуальное обучение

№ 09 • 2014


Monahov D.N. – candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Multimodally Technologies in Mobile Learning Students

Страницы / Pages: 4-9

Аннотация / Annotation:
This article is devoted to questions of preparation of students for professional activity in the information space of the modern society. It examines the process of training the students using modern mobile communications and cloud services.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
multimodal technology, ICT, mobile communication means; clouds.


Pavlushina V.A.

Vizer Ju.Ju

Methodological and practical aspects of using e-learning technology on teaching of Bachelors of Education

Страницы / Pages: 10-23

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article shows the specificities of modern technology of e-learning in the context of information training of Bachelors of Education. The article concretizes basic concepts of e-learning technology: distance learning, wiki-media, podcasts, cloud technologies, blogging, social networks, educational networks for virtual learning, e-mail, mobile learning. Practical part of the item represents the model of distance learning realization in Ryazan State University n. a. S.A. Yesenin by means of virtual learning environment (Moodle).

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
e-learning, Internet, bachelor, information technology, information competence, educational standard, educational process, distance learning, cloud technologies, mobile learning, podcasts, blogging, social networks, wiki-media, model, learning management system, Moodle.


Sidorova S.N. – Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor


Samodanova A.S.

Lyubimova O.V.

Computer technologies in the educational process as a means of professional and creative development of students-architects

Страницы / Pages: 24-28

Аннотация / Annotation:
This article discusses the modern approaches to the development of the systems of engineers training in accordance with the requirements of the modern time. The article shows that professional and creative development of students-architects is connected with mastering of computer technologies, which are a means of creating their own creative ideas on the basis of technical and artistic and expressive means.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
engineering education, creativity, professional and creative development, architecture.


Makarov M.A.

Universal time-based criterion for performance estimation in cloud computing

Страницы / Pages: 29-36

Аннотация / Annotation:
In academia, industry and other fields that use information technology is increasingly being applied cloud computing and in particular virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). Despite the growing demand of VDI products still lack a simple and intuitive approach to evaluating the performance of VDI protocols. This paper describes a method to present components that affect the performance in a single measurement system and present their influence on each other in a single dimension of time, using a universal criterion.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Universal time-based criterion, VDI, VDI protocol, Vitrual Desktop Infrastructure, performance, VDtest.


Belozerov S.A.

Avatar-mediated activities and virtual worlds

Страницы / Pages: 37-52

Аннотация / Annotation:
This article examines the concepts and term related to virtual worlds and avatar-mediated activity as components of e-learning systems. We analyze the structures of virtual worlds and present a glossary of more than 70 terms used in this area of computer technology.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
e-Learning, avatar-mediated activity, virtual world, virtual reality, artificial reality, virtual entertainment, incarnation, present.


Danilov O.Ye. – Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor

An experimental study of a standing sound wave using computer technologies

Страницы / Pages: 53-58

Аннотация / Annotation:
The paper suggests an experimental method for research into sound wave interference as exemplified by a standing sound wave. Descriptions of the experimental computer installation and the conducted experiment results are provided. The suggested measurement technique can be used fort study of interference fields in physics teaching.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
virtual device, field computer scanning method, physical quantity distribution, standing sound wave, training computer measurement system, training physical experiment.

Zvonova E.V. – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor

The problems of Internet – group use in a cross-cultural experiment

Страницы / Pages: 59-65

Аннотация / Annotation:
The problems of Internet – group use in a cross-cultural experiment, those of the necessary sample volume, and the methods of analysis of the experimental data received are considered in this article. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
cross-cultural research, group of groups, respondent-driven sample – RDS, general population.


Letova L.V.

Optimization of the Test as Measuring Tools

Страницы / Pages: 66-74

Аннотация / Annotation:
In social systems latent parameters are estimated by means of tests. In the framework of modern test theory test is regarded as a measuring tool. Accurate measurement of the latent parameter is possible with a uniform distribution of difficulty of test items (indicators of latent parameter) in a wide range of variation. In practice, the window in the distribution of test items are inevitable, and therefore the metric properties of the dough may deteriorate. The article discusses the results of verification studies to identify critical windows in the distribution of test tasks carried out on the basis of simulation and testing of proposed recommendations to improve the quality of the test as a measuring tool.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Rasch model, measurement of latent variables, test as the measuring tool, distribution of test items.


Yurova Y.Y.

The analysis of pedagogical ideas and evalutionary ways’ detection of Y. M.  abinovich’s pedagogical concept development

Страницы / Pages: 75-84

Аннотация / Annotation:
The purpose of this article – to analyze the pedagogical heritage of Y.M. Rabinovich (1918–1990) and to characterize the main stages of his educational work, to formulate some prerequisites and basic events that had influenced the formation of author’s model of media education.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
integrated media education, media educational activity, educational concept, film club, aesthetic education.


Lavrentyev M.M. – doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor 

Bartosh V.S. – candidate of physical and mathematical sciences


Belago I.V.
Vasyuchkova T.S. – candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor

Gorodnyaya L.V. – candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor


Derzho M.A.

Ivancheva N.A.

Fedotova O.A.

On one experience of blended learning in IT teaching at Novosibirsk State University 

Страницы / Pages: 85-99

Аннотация / Annotation:
We address the concept of blended learning along with its effectiveness and relevance to teaching of IT subjects. We discuss how this approach could improve quality of instruction in Computer Science, ICT and other courses through virtual teaching methods.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
blended learning, IT-subjects.

Mirnova M.N. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

The Organization of Information Maintenance of Methodical Preparation of Students in Pedagogical Education

Страницы / Pages: 100-106

Аннотация / Annotation:
The present article considers the main approach to improvement methodological training of students under the conditions of informative and educational environment of the university. It covers objectives, tendencies and content of the information and methodological support of the biology students, also the system of distant support for the period of pedagogical practice is shown. It is stated that the result of the information and methodological support is providing qualified teacher’s activity in electronic education, which is conveyed in their professional and information competence.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
information maintenance, methodical preparation, pedagogical education, student of a magistracy, remote support, electronic methodical portfolio.


Soroka E.G.

Methodical Aspects of Forming the Value-Semantic Sphere of Personality Future IT-specialists in the Blended Learning

Страницы / Pages: 107-115

Аннотация / Annotation:
In article describes one of the urgent topics of modern pedagogical science: the formation of value-semantic sphere of personality future IT-specialists, the quality of the activities of which determines the quality of society Informatization. The analysis of the approaches of domestic and foreign scientists to this problem. Describes the experience and results of formation of value-semantic sphere future IT-specialists in the study subjects systems courses «Socio-economic aspects of management of quality in the field of information technologies».

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
value-semantic sphere of the personality, values, meanings, IT-specialist, quality.