Дистанционное и виртуальное обучение

№ 09 • 2016


Gerashchenko I.G. – Doctor of Philosophy Sciences, Professor

Theoretical Aspects of Distance Education

Страницы / Pages: 4-10

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article examines the next theoretical aspects of contemporary distance education: inconsistency of the distance teaching process; role of ideology within distance education; correlation of technocratism and humanitarianism; elitism and democratism within education; role of the problem method within distance education; issues of the TV-teaching; economic component of the distance education; role of the distance teaching in providing students with metaeducation and metaqualification.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
distance teaching, distance education, TV-teaching, metaeducation, metaqualification.

Kostyuk K.N. – Candidate of Political Sciences

Electornic-Library Systems Versus Learning Management Systems: Two Branches of the Online-Education

Страницы / Pages: 11-28

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article compare the difference between two most important elements of the information-educational environment of the high school in Russia – Electronic-library Systems and Learning management systems. Both systems deliver the digital and information support of the education. Despite of importance of interaction between them, it is still low. The article reflects the trend of moving content from publishing process to the network environment, from textbook to online course. It reveals the problems that arise to authors, teachers, publishers and aggregators about the challenges generated by the MOOC services.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
electronic library systems, online education, E-learning, LMS, a digital book publishing, books, e-books, e-courses, MOOC, massive open online course, the quality of education, educational publishing, authorship.

Govorkov A.S. – Candidate of Technical Sciences 


Zhilyaev A.S.

Kazakova A.G.

Tokarev D.O.

Establish a Distance Learning System for Foreign Students at the University

Страницы / Pages: 29-38

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article provides an analysis of distance learning system for foreign students in the Irkutsk National Research technical university (INRTU). The paper also deals with the theoretical foundations of distance learning at the university, as an effective and dynamic education system. And propose measures for the implementation of distance learning at the international preparatory faculty (IPF) of the University, which will provide high-quality educational services and satisfies the growing demands of today’s students.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
innovation, innovative activity, distance education, e-learning, educational technologies, foreign students, the learning process, Moodle.

Grevtseva G.Y. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Kurzaeva L.V. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Petelyak V.E. – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Chichilanova S.A. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Foreign Experience in the Implementation of Educational Program Using e-Learning and Distance Learning Technologies

Страницы / Pages: 39-47

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article presents the foreign experience the implementation of educational program using e-Learning and distance learning technologies in the Portuguese University Aberta and describes an example of an educational program in the context of a virtual educational model.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
e-learning, distance learning technologies, educational program.



Petrov E.A.
Rogov A.A. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Simulating Media Player Switching Between Bit Rates

Страницы / Pages: 48-56

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article presents a model that simulates media player switching between available bit rates of the media stream. The model thus allows simulating the behavior of the media player receiving media streams via different networks. It is important to identify the bit rates used by the media player for playing media streams at each given period of time. This can help determine media streams’ encoding bit rates which are best suitable for playing media without delays among the maximum number of users.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
network impairments, bit rate, multimedia stream, MPEG-DASH, Wi-Fi.

Zudilova T.V. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Melnikov A.B.

Osetrova I.S.

Research and development activities of the neurolinguistic programming center with using mobile application

Страницы / Pages: 57-61

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article describes the main issues of mobile applications in the organization of the neurolinguistic programming center, problem structuring and accessibility of information in mobile information system, architecture of mobile information systems and developing end user interfaces for mobile systems.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Mobile applications, neurolinguistic programming, availability of information.


Zhumagulova S.K.

Use of Modern Information Technologies of System in the Process of Educating

Страницы / Pages: 62-66

Аннотация / Annotation:
In the article the questions of application of information technologies are considered in an educational process, the analysis of the basic going is conducted near understanding of basic concepts of theme. Internet-technologies provide educational activity in an educational process, with the use of the applied and instrumental programmatic facilities. The most often used educational resources of network are presented the Internet.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Internet, global network, educational process, information environment, education, information technology.


Vatian A.S.
Gusarova N.F. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Dobrenko N.V.

An Ontology Approach to Storing Educational Information

Страницы / Pages: 67-81

Аннотация / Annotation:
The experimental results have shown that the ontological approach for storing the educational information tends to cover the needs of the teachers in universities.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
ontology, educational process, professional education, SCORM, wiki-engine, semantic web.

Danilov O.Y. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Interactivity in Teaching

Страницы / Pages: 82-89

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article suggests determining whether the educational system is interactive or not based on the analysis of direction of information flows from teacher and students. Examples of different interactive system types: Individual and team training, with or without technical aids, having vertical and horizontal interaction modes.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
interactivity, man-machine systems, technology, computer, teacher, teaching, trainee, student, distance learning, information exchange, feedforward, feedback.

Zvonova E.V. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor


Ngo Thi Nga

Possibilities to Use the Sample Internet at Studying Motivation of Migrants Labour

Страницы / Pages: 90-98

Аннотация / Annotation:
The results of pilot research of migrant labour motivation are described in this article. In a lot of scientific researches, the problem of labor migration comes forward as very actual one. Possibilities to include in the experimental sample the separate group created according to the principle of respondent-driven sample – RDS are considered. However, similar groups are not completely controlled by the researcher. This factor can exert a great influence on the received results. Therefore the groups created by the principle of RDS cannot be only in research. In the course of studying the single trend for all groups, the high level of tendency to risk which has formed a basis of a motivational profile of the specialist choosing place of employment abroad has been allocated; also tendencies of forming of a specific motivational profile at representatives of different cultures and professional groups have been revealed. The received results are considered as a basis for further studying of the delivered problem.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
migration, motivation of migrant labour, respondent-driven sample – RDS, motivational profile.


Baranov A.V. – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor


Goncharenko A.A.

Lebedeva E.M.

Pozdnyakova O.V.

The Project Development of the Virtual Lab «The Electron’s Movement in the Cathode Ray Tube»

Страницы / Pages: 99-108

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article discusses the students’ development of the virtual lab «The electron movement in the cathode ray tube». The development is made by students’ team in the framework of project activities organized during the general physics course at the Novosibirsk State Technical University. A distinctive feature of the virtual lab is a dynamic 3D visualization of the electron motion in the oscilloscope tube in the mode of superposition of mutually perpendicular harmonic oscillations. This allows students to understand the nature of the Lissajous figures observed on the screen of the real cathode ray oscilloscope.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
project activity, virtual experiment, computer simulation of charged particles’ motion.


Odinochkina S.V.
Osipov N.A. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Pavlycheva E.V.

Student Model Design for Adaptive Learning System

Страницы / Pages: 109-117

Аннотация / Annotation:
The paper describes a student model within the adaptive learning system, the main features of the model design and the basic principles of adaptive learning system. The goal of the student modeling is its implementation in the educational process.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
adaptive learning system, student model, the declarative model, procedural model, distributed model.