Экономика образования
№ 04 • 2012
Abdullina S.V. – Vice-Rector of Vyatka State University

Buyanov V.P. – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Rector of Moscow University of Economics and Law

Kirsanov K.A. – Doctor of Economics, Professor of the State University of Management

Страницы / Pages: 5-21
Аннотация / Annotation:
A model of risks related to problems of economic security arising in a case of development of textbooks and educational materials is proposed. Issues of development of textbooks and educational materials, and typical mistakes in scientific and methodical support are considered. Necessity of qualitative transformation of textbooks and educational materials is reasoned. The proposals are in according with 3G federal state standards.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
risks, economic security, competences, ecological management, typical mistakes, branches of knowledge, a science, a nature user.
FINANCING OF EDUCATIONАннотация / Annotation:
A model of risks related to problems of economic security arising in a case of development of textbooks and educational materials is proposed. Issues of development of textbooks and educational materials, and typical mistakes in scientific and methodical support are considered. Necessity of qualitative transformation of textbooks and educational materials is reasoned. The proposals are in according with 3G federal state standards.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
risks, economic security, competences, ecological management, typical mistakes, branches of knowledge, a science, a nature user.

Gadzhieva L.A. – PhD in Pedagogy, Director of the Department of Education of the Administration of Perm-city

Страницы / Pages: 22-32
Аннотация / Annotation:
Main results of transfer to per capita financing of municipal institutions by a standard of a service cost in a system of education in Perm-city are shown in the article. The fact that regulatory financing provides more independence of a director of an educational institution with increasing his/her liability for the made decisions is declared.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
regulatory per capita financing, a standard of an educational service cost, a municipal task, competitive environment in a field of education, quality of an educational service, effectiveness of budgetary funds utilization.
Аннотация / Annotation:
Main results of transfer to per capita financing of municipal institutions by a standard of a service cost in a system of education in Perm-city are shown in the article. The fact that regulatory financing provides more independence of a director of an educational institution with increasing his/her liability for the made decisions is declared.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
regulatory per capita financing, a standard of an educational service cost, a municipal task, competitive environment in a field of education, quality of an educational service, effectiveness of budgetary funds utilization.

Vasiltsov V.S – PhD in economics, associate professor, Economics department, Institute of engineering and economics, Cherepovets State University.

Levashov E.N. – post-graduate student, Economics department, Institute of engineering and economics, Cherepovets State University.

Страницы / Pages: 33-54
Аннотация / Annotation:
The features of educational credits system, government and private educational credits and its basic advantages and disadvantages are considered. The basic programs of educational credits in Russia (Sberbank’s program, «Kredo» program, educational credits with government subsidies) and the main reasons of low demand for such credits are analyzed. The introduction of educational credits system with the participation of insurance company is suggested as well as advantages and disadvantages of such credit scheme for each stakeholder are identified.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
educational credit, government, credit conditions, private educational credit, government educational credit, insurance company, bank, debtor.
The features of educational credits system, government and private educational credits and its basic advantages and disadvantages are considered. The basic programs of educational credits in Russia (Sberbank’s program, «Kredo» program, educational credits with government subsidies) and the main reasons of low demand for such credits are analyzed. The introduction of educational credits system with the participation of insurance company is suggested as well as advantages and disadvantages of such credit scheme for each stakeholder are identified.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
educational credit, government, credit conditions, private educational credit, government educational credit, insurance company, bank, debtor.

Tuguskina G.N. – Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor FGBOU VPO ‘Penza State University’

Страницы / Pages: 55-62
Аннотация / Annotation:
Issues of providing professional staff for small business, status of an educational level of staff on a small enterprise, and methods of solving problems in personnel manament are considered.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
professional education, small enterprises, an educational level, staff training.
Аннотация / Annotation:
Issues of providing professional staff for small business, status of an educational level of staff on a small enterprise, and methods of solving problems in personnel manament are considered.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
professional education, small enterprises, an educational level, staff training.

Arskaya L.P. – PhD in Economics. The Institute for Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Страницы / Pages: 63-74
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article covers problems of continuous education and its specifics in various stages of professional way of women in case of combination of labor with maternity needs and other life tasks.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
a life cycle, an educational process, organization of education.
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article covers problems of continuous education and its specifics in various stages of professional way of women in case of combination of labor with maternity needs and other life tasks.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
a life cycle, an educational process, organization of education.

Filimonenko I.V. – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Raznova N.V. – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk

Страницы / Pages: 75-87
Аннотация / Annotation:
A system of monitoring of employment of graduates from educational institutions including unified forms of initial data, collecting and processing methods, parameters for calculating and analyzing using which we can correct need in staff in economy of a region and control data for entrance to educational institutions, is developed. A system of parameters for calculating and analyzing effectiveness of specialists’ training by a regional system of professional education by levels of education, sets of disciplines, and specialities is represented.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
monitoring, graduates’ employment, effectiveness of specialists’ training, a forecast, need in staff in economy.
PROBLEMS IN THE THEORYАннотация / Annotation:
A system of monitoring of employment of graduates from educational institutions including unified forms of initial data, collecting and processing methods, parameters for calculating and analyzing using which we can correct need in staff in economy of a region and control data for entrance to educational institutions, is developed. A system of parameters for calculating and analyzing effectiveness of specialists’ training by a regional system of professional education by levels of education, sets of disciplines, and specialities is represented.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
monitoring, graduates’ employment, effectiveness of specialists’ training, a forecast, need in staff in economy.

Berezovsky V.A. – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Modern University for the Humanities

Semyonova T. J. – PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor, Modern University for the Humanities

Lukianova A.V. – PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Modern University for the Humanities

Страницы / Pages: 88-94
Аннотация / Annotation:
It is discussed approaches to the value estimation of objects of intellectual property and various modes of its calculation. Lacks of three basic approaches of definition of size of intellectual value most widely applied in today’s practice are analyzed: cost-based, profit-based able and market (comparative). It is offered to carry out the definition of a value estimation of objects of intellectual property on the basis of use of a functional matrix of production object.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
value, intellectual property, expenses, production object, functional matrix.
AN ECONOMIC SEMINARАннотация / Annotation:
It is discussed approaches to the value estimation of objects of intellectual property and various modes of its calculation. Lacks of three basic approaches of definition of size of intellectual value most widely applied in today’s practice are analyzed: cost-based, profit-based able and market (comparative). It is offered to carry out the definition of a value estimation of objects of intellectual property on the basis of use of a functional matrix of production object.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
value, intellectual property, expenses, production object, functional matrix.

Komarov V.V. – PhD in economics, professor, department of economics of Russian State Agrarian University Correspondence (Moscow region, Balashikha).

Страницы / Pages: 95-102
Аннотация / Annotation:
Russia’s WTO accession process, benefits and risks, challenges and problems of the economy in the global market are concerned.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
education, WTO, economy of Russia, an open economy, global market.
Аннотация / Annotation:
Russia’s WTO accession process, benefits and risks, challenges and problems of the economy in the global market are concerned.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
education, WTO, economy of Russia, an open economy, global market.

Likhonin D.E. – postgraduate student, Modern University for the Humanities.

Страницы / Pages: 103-113
Аннотация / Annotation:
Deals with the general provisions on the management of competitiveness of production enterprises. Describes the importance of factors influencing the competitiveness of enterprises.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
competitiveness, the factors of competitiveness of goods, quality products, quality control of production, market leadership.
Аннотация / Annotation:
Deals with the general provisions on the management of competitiveness of production enterprises. Describes the importance of factors influencing the competitiveness of enterprises.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
competitiveness, the factors of competitiveness of goods, quality products, quality control of production, market leadership.

Mizyurkina L.A. – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor. Penza State University

Safronova O.N. – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor. Penza Branch of Russian State University for Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship

Страницы / Pages: 114-122
Аннотация / Annotation:
Success of functioning of small and medium business depends on developing conditions for its good functioning and complex support of small business in various fields. Factors influencing on abilities of small and medium business in Russia have their disadvantages in the existing infrastructure of support and providing security for this sector of economy.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
small and medium business, a business, an infrastructure, support, security, legal regulations, threats, external environment, internal environment.
Аннотация / Annotation:
Success of functioning of small and medium business depends on developing conditions for its good functioning and complex support of small business in various fields. Factors influencing on abilities of small and medium business in Russia have their disadvantages in the existing infrastructure of support and providing security for this sector of economy.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
small and medium business, a business, an infrastructure, support, security, legal regulations, threats, external environment, internal environment.

Pavlova S.A. – PhD in Economics, professor of Modern Humanitarian Academy

Larionova Yu.V. – PhD in Economics, professor of Modern Humanitarian Academy

Страницы / Pages: 123-128
Аннотация / Annotation:
Are represented organizational measures for the creation of conditions for the accelerated modernization of those acting and the creation of new production capacities on the contemporary technological basis in the industrial-construction complex, that make it possible to increase the owner’s potential of its enterprises and organizations.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
industrial-construction complex, entrepreneurship.
Аннотация / Annotation:
Are represented organizational measures for the creation of conditions for the accelerated modernization of those acting and the creation of new production capacities on the contemporary technological basis in the industrial-construction complex, that make it possible to increase the owner’s potential of its enterprises and organizations.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
industrial-construction complex, entrepreneurship.

Larionova Yu.V. – Doctor of Economics, Professor. The Modern University for the Humanities

Pasyada V.I. – Postraduate Student of GOU VPO ‘Saint-Petersburg State Architecture and Construction Institute’

Страницы / Pages: 129-143
Аннотация / Annotation:
Problems of ecological house construction are shown; main statements of developing a system of technical regulation of construction of ecological housing in market economy are set.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
housing, construction materials, ecological housing, technical regulation, an economic system, standards, construction regulations, certification.
Аннотация / Annotation:
Problems of ecological house construction are shown; main statements of developing a system of technical regulation of construction of ecological housing in market economy are set.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
housing, construction materials, ecological housing, technical regulation, an economic system, standards, construction regulations, certification.