Экономика образования
№ 04 • 2020
Kumelashvili N.Z.
Kokurin D.I.
Страницы / Pages: 4-15
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article discusses the application of the assessment of educational organizations based on the concept of intellectual capital. An increase in the role of university-type organizations in the modern economy necessitates evaluating their performance by methods that allow interpreting results in the commercial sphere. Using techniques to evaluate the performance of commercial organizations is not possible. The Pulik assessment model allows for maximum convergence of assessment indicators.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
intellectual capital, A. Pulik’s model, reliability analysis, entrepreneurial University, «triple helix», «knowledge triangle».
YASHINA N.I. Аннотация / Annotation:
The article discusses the application of the assessment of educational organizations based on the concept of intellectual capital. An increase in the role of university-type organizations in the modern economy necessitates evaluating their performance by methods that allow interpreting results in the commercial sphere. Using techniques to evaluate the performance of commercial organizations is not possible. The Pulik assessment model allows for maximum convergence of assessment indicators.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
intellectual capital, A. Pulik’s model, reliability analysis, entrepreneurial University, «triple helix», «knowledge triangle».
Yashina N.I. – D. Sc.,Professor
GRISHUNINA I.A. Grishunina I.A. – Ph. D.
RUBTSOVA E.M. Rubtsova E.M. – Ph. D.
YASHIN S.N. Yashin S.N. – D. Sc.,Professor
Risk assessment methodological tools forstate programs financing for development knowledge economy
Страницы / Pages: 16-27
Аннотация / Annotation:
The work proposes a practical approach to assessing the risks of state programs financing in order to develop the knowledge economy based on regional target programs of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The performed research allow us to specify the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the government programs implementation and can be considered as a universal method of budget management, which allows us to assess the budget efficiency based on a risk-based approach.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
knowledge economy, risk assessment for state programs financing, budget management.
The work proposes a practical approach to assessing the risks of state programs financing in order to develop the knowledge economy based on regional target programs of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The performed research allow us to specify the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the government programs implementation and can be considered as a universal method of budget management, which allows us to assess the budget efficiency based on a risk-based approach.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
knowledge economy, risk assessment for state programs financing, budget management.
Tsyganov A.A. – doctor of economic Sciences, Professor
Maslennikov S.V.
The Organizational Strategy Contributing to a Successful Launch of Undergraduate Programs in Insurance in Europe and Russia
Страницы / Pages: 28-41
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article summarizes the European experience in successfully implementing bachelor’s degree programs in insurance. Herein, we show theconditions and strategiesfordeveloping promising national and international academic programs following the example of Germany and Malta. The article also gives practical recommendations for launching them successfully.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
insurance, undergraduate, postgraduate, University of Malta, educational programs.
The article summarizes the European experience in successfully implementing bachelor’s degree programs in insurance. Herein, we show theconditions and strategiesfordeveloping promising national and international academic programs following the example of Germany and Malta. The article also gives practical recommendations for launching them successfully.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
insurance, undergraduate, postgraduate, University of Malta, educational programs.
Chernova O.A. – Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor
Страницы / Pages: 42-50
Аннотация / Annotation:
The transition to distance learning has set universities the task of quickly changing the structure and technology of the educational process. The effectiveness of these transformations is determined by the level of readiness of individual components of the higher education system. The purpose of the article is to study these components. The analysis reveals the limiting factors of effective use of distance learning in higher education.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
higher education, digitalization, online learning, readiness for change.
Аннотация / Annotation:
The transition to distance learning has set universities the task of quickly changing the structure and technology of the educational process. The effectiveness of these transformations is determined by the level of readiness of individual components of the higher education system. The purpose of the article is to study these components. The analysis reveals the limiting factors of effective use of distance learning in higher education.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
higher education, digitalization, online learning, readiness for change.
SHIRINKINA E.V. Shirinkina E.V. – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Страницы / Pages: 51-59
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article analyzes the structure of corporate digital learning types. It was determined that the key vector in the development of educational technologies is determined by the need to supplement the existing formats of educational products for teaching digital skills with new approaches based on mobile learning and the use of artificial intelligence. A mixed model of digital learning in the concept of penetrating learning by Dan Pontfast is given.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
digital economy, education, competences, educational environment, training.
The article analyzes the structure of corporate digital learning types. It was determined that the key vector in the development of educational technologies is determined by the need to supplement the existing formats of educational products for teaching digital skills with new approaches based on mobile learning and the use of artificial intelligence. A mixed model of digital learning in the concept of penetrating learning by Dan Pontfast is given.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
digital economy, education, competences, educational environment, training.
Zakharova I.V. – PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor
Страницы / Pages: 60-69
Аннотация / Annotation:
The problem of risks of higher education institutions associated with the outflow of young people from the regions of Russia is raised. The demographic rating of the regions of the Volga Federal district is shown. The purpose of the research is to analyze the role of universities in curbing educational migration. The priority of socio-economic factors in choosing an educational strategy by high school students is justified. The reasons and ways of preventing educational migration from the region are identified.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
regional universities, competitiveness, educational migration, migration risks, interaction between universities and schools.
LOCHAN S.A. Аннотация / Annotation:
The problem of risks of higher education institutions associated with the outflow of young people from the regions of Russia is raised. The demographic rating of the regions of the Volga Federal district is shown. The purpose of the research is to analyze the role of universities in curbing educational migration. The priority of socio-economic factors in choosing an educational strategy by high school students is justified. The reasons and ways of preventing educational migration from the region are identified.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
regional universities, competitiveness, educational migration, migration risks, interaction between universities and schools.
Lochan S.A. – doctor of Economics, Professor
YANKOVSKAYA V.V. Yankovskaya V.V. – candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor
STOLIAROVA A.N. Stoliarova A.N. – doctor of Economics, associate Professor
LEONOVA J.K. Leonova J.K. – doctor of Economics, associate Professor
PETROSIAN D.S. Petrosian D.S. – doctor of Economics, Professor
Assessment of professional potential and labor results of teachers in the system of ensuring educational security
Страницы / Pages: 70-81
Аннотация / Annotation:
A model for evaluating the professional potential and performance of teaching staff as a fundamental element of ensuring educational security has been developed. A system of indicators for assessing the professional potential and labor results of teaching staff is proposed, which uses humanization factors to identify “bottlenecks” and labor reserves, as well as to ensure a balance of interests and educational security of participants in the educational process.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
pedagogical staff, professional capacity, work performance, evaluation, and educational security.
MARKETING IN EDUCATIONАннотация / Annotation:
A model for evaluating the professional potential and performance of teaching staff as a fundamental element of ensuring educational security has been developed. A system of indicators for assessing the professional potential and labor results of teaching staff is proposed, which uses humanization factors to identify “bottlenecks” and labor reserves, as well as to ensure a balance of interests and educational security of participants in the educational process.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
pedagogical staff, professional capacity, work performance, evaluation, and educational security.
Napso M.D. – doctor of social Sciences, Professor
The role of marketing in education
Страницы / Pages: 82-89
Аннотация / Annotation:
The clause is devoted the analysis of a role of marketing in educational institution functioning. The urgency of a problematics and necessity of rationally intelligent marketing policy is shown, the demand of principles of marketing in modern educational activity is considered. The concept of educational service, basic characteristics are researched, conformity to requirements of market relations.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
marketing, еducational service, competition, information marketing, consumer, demand, image.
AN ECONOMIC SEMINARАннотация / Annotation:
The clause is devoted the analysis of a role of marketing in educational institution functioning. The urgency of a problematics and necessity of rationally intelligent marketing policy is shown, the demand of principles of marketing in modern educational activity is considered. The concept of educational service, basic characteristics are researched, conformity to requirements of market relations.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
marketing, еducational service, competition, information marketing, consumer, demand, image.
Belyanina I.V. – candidate of economic sciences, associate professor
Redina S.V.
Страницы / Pages: 90-100
Аннотация / Annotation:
This article analyzes the existing mechanisms and technologies for developing strategies for making decisions in the face of uncertainty. The theoretical moments of decision making in an unstable situation are presented. It is concluded that despite the fact that there are no identical situations, and therefore the solutions are unique, it is possible and sometimes necessary to use the positive method and existing mechanisms and technologies for developing strategies when making decisions in the face of uncertainty.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
uncertainty, decision-making methods, risk analysis, decision tree, risks, sources.
POTEKHINA E.V. Аннотация / Annotation:
This article analyzes the existing mechanisms and technologies for developing strategies for making decisions in the face of uncertainty. The theoretical moments of decision making in an unstable situation are presented. It is concluded that despite the fact that there are no identical situations, and therefore the solutions are unique, it is possible and sometimes necessary to use the positive method and existing mechanisms and technologies for developing strategies when making decisions in the face of uncertainty.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
uncertainty, decision-making methods, risk analysis, decision tree, risks, sources.
Potekhina E.V. – doctor of Economics, associate Professor
Ovchinnikov I.D.
Formation of an optimal securities portfolio based on cluster analysis
Страницы / Pages: 101-115
Аннотация / Annotation:
In this article, the optimal portfolio of shares is formed. In the course of the work, a brief theoretical basis of key mathematical concepts and paradigms of the securities market is provided, clustering and modeling of selected quotations are performed, and the shares of issuers are selected based on the differential evolution method. As a result, a strategy is formed and its verification is performed by backtesting with the translation of the results into monetary equivalent.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
cluster analysis, differential evolution, securities portfolio, investment, stock.
Аннотация / Annotation:
In this article, the optimal portfolio of shares is formed. In the course of the work, a brief theoretical basis of key mathematical concepts and paradigms of the securities market is provided, clustering and modeling of selected quotations are performed, and the shares of issuers are selected based on the differential evolution method. As a result, a strategy is formed and its verification is performed by backtesting with the translation of the results into monetary equivalent.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
cluster analysis, differential evolution, securities portfolio, investment, stock.