Инновации в образовании

№ 05 • 2020


Leskova I.A. – Grand PhD in (Pedagogy), associate professor 

From translative to communicative structure of the content of higher education. The problem statement (Article 1)

Страницы / Pages: 5-17

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article poses the problem of updating the content of higher education as the problem of developing its new structure that meets the realities of mod ern life and has the potential to solve the problems facing higher education. The first part of the article discusses the translational nature of the structure of educational content in educational practice and its impact on solving the problem of updating educational content.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
content of education, translativity, reactive strategy, subject world.


Bulgakov V.V. – candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor

Project of a training ground simulator complex for training cadets of departmental educational institutions of the Ministry of emergency situations to perform emergency rescue operations

Страницы / Pages: 18-26

Аннотация / Annotation:
The project of a training ground simulator complex for training cadets to perform emergency rescue operations, which includes a wide list of training places that allow you to work out the issues of eliminating various emergencies, is presented. Its implementation will allow you to form a wide range of physical and psychological qualities, practical skills, including in the field of managerial decision-making and management of fire and rescue units.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
training ground training complex; emergency rescue operations; training of cadets of the Ministry of emergency situations.

Perevozny A.V. – PhD, Associate Professor 

The processes of differentiation at school education: essence, components, levels

Страницы / Pages: 27-36

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article considers the essential characteristics of the concept «process of differentiation» in relation to school education, presents the components of the process. Three levels of localization are distinguished: inter-institutional, intra-institutional, intra-class. The sequence of actions to be undertaken to achieve differentiation in each of the above-mentioned levels is described.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
school education, process of differentiation, components of the process of differentiation, levels of the process of differentiation, sequence of implementation of the process of differentiation, to be differentiated.

Taratuta G.A. – Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Theoretical aspects of the technology of forming professional competence

Страницы / Pages: 37-47

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to the study of the concept of “professional competence” and possible ways of its formation. The methodology of creating a pedagogical technology for the formation of professional competence in the educational process of a University and the development of means for its implementation is considered. The necessity of applying the technology of professional competence formation is justified, and some results of the experiment on testing this technology in the educational process are reflected.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
professional competence, methodology of creating the pedagogical technology, principles of system quantization, knowledge engineering, cognitive visualization, modularity and compactness in the technology of forming the professional competence of lawyers.


Elshansky S.P. – Doctor of psychological Sciences, Professor

Efimova O.S. – Candidate of psychological Sciences, Docent 

Syndrome analysis in the structure of diagnostic thinking of a teacher-psychologist

Страницы / Pages: 48-59

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article considers the possibilities of applying the ideas of syndrome analysis used in medical and neuropsychological diagnostics in the diagnostic activity of a teacher-psychologist, analyzes the possibility of considering this type of analysis as a necessary component of the diagnostic thinking of a teacher-psychologist. It is concluded that the formation and development of skills of syndrome analysis in the framework of diagnostic thinking of a teacher-psychologist is an important and extremely urgent task.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
syndrome analysis, educational psychologist, diagnostic thinking, diagnostic search, diagnostic algorithm.

Karina O.V. – candidate of psychological Sciences, associate Professor 

Research of the problem of students life orientations 
in the educational environment

Страницы / Pages: 60-68

Аннотация / Annotation:
Life-oriented orientations are an important component in the formation of the personal sphere of students. The further life planning of young people the personal and professional self-determination depend on them. The article discusses the specifies of the relationship of the prevailing values in adolescents and their expectations in relation to the time perspective, to personal potential  and to interaction with people around. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
life-meaning orientations, values, perceptions, students, educational process.

Petrov V.E. – candidate of psychological Sciences, associate Professor

Elbaev Yu.A. – candidate of psychological Sciences, associate Professor


Nazarova A.Yu.

Analysis of foreign research problems of psychology of financial literacy of the population

Страницы / Pages: 69-78

Аннотация / Annotation:
The analysis of foreign approaches to the problem of financial literacy of the population is carried out. Based on the analysis of 27 scientific publications, the psychological essence of financial behavior and its determination is clarified. Financial literacy is presented as a special psychological characteristic that manifests itself in the ability of a person to manage personal financial resources. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
financial literacy, psychology of financial literacy, financial literacy behavior, financial responsibility.


Maltseva S.M. – candidate of philosophy, associate Professor

On the role of teaching «philosophy» in a modern university

Страницы / Pages: 79-85

Аннотация / Annotation:
This article examines the influence of philosophy on the life of students, namely on the formation of their scientific Outlook, which should become the basis of their professional activities and life guidance. The authors ‘ task is also to describe the main problem – the low interest of students in its study, as well as an attempt to Express some suggestions for its solution. An important method of research is also a survey of students, during which data were obtained for analysis.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
philosophy, the scientific Outlook, the students of the University, the interest in interactive technologies.

Ivleva N.V. – candidate of pedagogical sciences

Cognitive-activity approach in teaching students the conceptual and terminological apparatus of medicine

Страницы / Pages: 86-93

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article discusses the main difficulties that students experience when working with medical information loaded with special vocabulary. The expediency of using the cognitive-activity approach for teaching medical terminology is proved, its aspects are considered and the methodological basis of the approach is described. Didactic methods aimed at teaching students the conceptual and terminological apparatus of medicine are disclosed. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
cognitive activity approach, lexical and semantic ties, conceptual and terminological apparatus of medicine, professionally oriented text, term element.


Gnatyshina E.A. – doctor of education

Leushkanova O.Yu. – candidate of pedagogical sciences

Some features of the virtual space of continuing teacher education

Страницы / Pages: 94-100

Аннотация / Annotation:
This article presents some of the features of developing a virtual space of continuing teacher education, namely: the relevance of the research problem, the technologies used in the process of organizing virtual education, the structure of virtual courses, the main characteristics of a virtual teaching room.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
virtual space, continuing education, teacher education, online.


Okolot D.Ya. 

Information security personality in the conditions of obtaining secondary professional education

Страницы / Pages: 101-107

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article discusses the problems of information security of the personality of students of secondary vocational education. The author noted the specific features of this age period of students, formulated the features of the secondary vocational education system and proposed specific measures for protecting the person.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
information security of the person, information security, secondary vocational education.

Yаkupov V.R. – Candidate of Juridical Sciences

Evplova E.V. – Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences

Demtsura S.S. – Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences

The evolution of Russian legislation in the field of e-learning, distance learning technologies in the implementation of educational programs

Страницы / Pages: 108-119

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article presents the evolution of Russian legislation in the field of e-learning and distance learning technologies in the implementation of educational programs of different levels of education, namely the relevance of the problem of implementing educational programs using distance educational technologies and e-learning, the analysis of regulatory documents on the research problem is carried out.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
distance educational technologies, e-education, educational programs, Russian legislation.