Инновации в образовании

№ 05 • 2023


Vitvar O.I. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

“Professionalitet”: on the Issue of Updating the College Management System

Страницы / Pages: 5-15

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article reveals the managerial aspects of the implementation of the new educational technology “Professionalitet” at the institutional level of secondary vocational education, reveals the modern essence and current management technologies in the context of the implementation of an experimental model of practice-oriented training of qualified personnel in an educational and industrial cluster.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
new educational technology in secondary vocational education, updating of the college management subsystem, management functions and technologies, risk management.

Ilyina I.Yu. – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor 

Marketing Approach to the Assessment of the Personnel Potential of Higher Education

Страницы / Pages: 16-24

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article substantiates the need to use a marketing approach to the management of the personnel sphere of higher education. The possibilities of using marketing technologies in the system of assessing the personnel potential of universities are analyzed, the directions of activities for stabilizing the situation on the intra-university labor market and increasing the attractiveness of universities as employers are highlighted. An assessment of the innovative nature and potential of using marketing strategies in higher school management is given.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
personnel potential of higher education, personnel marketing, marketing technologies in the personnel sphere, assessment of personnel potential, management of universities.

Ilyina N.F. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Correlation of Interests of Subjects of Interaction in Involvement of Practical Teachers in Training of Students of Pedagogical Universities

Страницы / Pages: 25-35

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article describes the interests of the administration of educational organizations, teachers, students, faculty of a pedagogical university in organizing practice-oriented training. An option is proposed to involve practical teachers in the training of studying pedagogical universities by creating and ensuring the functioning of vocational and educational platforms. The key interests of the parties to the interaction are correlated.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
practical-oriented training, practical teachers, subjects of interaction, vocational and educational platforms.

Moroz K.A. – Ph.D., Associate Professor

Alekseeva N.A. – Ph.D., Associate Professor


Grigorieva V.P.

Development and evaluation of the effectiveness of a device to control the location of the ischial spines

Страницы / Pages: 36-43

Аннотация / Annotation:
The use of modern simulators in some cases does not allow to fully master practical skills due to existing technical shortcomings. A team of authors has created a device that improves the quality of simulation training. To confirm the effectiveness of the development, a study was conducted, including a survey of satisfaction with the device among students.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
simulation equipment, simulation training, obstetrics, training, students, obstetric simulator.


Baeva I.V. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Verbal Digital Portfolio as a Foreign Language Communicative Competence Development Technology for Pedagogical Direction Students

Страницы / Pages: 44-50

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to the description of the innovative technology “verbal digital portfolio” in the development of foreign language communicative competence of students of the pedagogical direction of the language profile. The article introduces and describes the concept of “verbal digital portfolio” for the first time. The term of digital adaptation has been studied. The distance-oriented work of students within the framework of the discipline “Practical course of the main foreign language” is considered in detail.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
foreign language communicative competence, verbal digital portfolio, digital educational environment, digital adaptation, distance learning, higher pedagogical education, practical course of the main foreign language.

Sysoeva E.Yu. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Ways to Overcome Pedagogical Violence in Pedagogical Discourse

Страницы / Pages: 51-63

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article deals with the problem of the essence, causes, forms of manifestation and overcoming of pedagogical violence in pedagogical discourse. The forms and methods of overcoming pedagogical violence are described and substantiated: the use of non-violent communication technology, partnership style of interaction, assertiveness, the use of clear formulas of speech pedagogical etiquette, pedagogical tact, techniques of constructive criticism, and reduction of emotional stress.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
pedagogical violence, pedagogical discourse, non-violent pedagogical communication, partnership style of interaction, assertiveness.

Usova S.N. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Innovative Practice of Organizing Extracurricular Activity in Schools of Moscow Region

Страницы / Pages: 64-73

Аннотация / Annotation:
This paper deals with the innovative experience of organizing a single Moscow class hour within the framework of regional project «My Future». The presented pedagogical tools used by teachers-practitioners of Moscow region while conducting class hours in the space of extracurricular activities can be successfully applied by classroom teachers when they construct extracurricular activities within the framework of training course «Conversations about important things».

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
education, class teacher, educational potential.


Kochemasova L.A. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Process model of psychological and pedagogical support for forming a healthy lifestyle of youth students

Страницы / Pages: 74-84

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article presents the theoretical and methodological foundations that actualize the development of a process model of psychological and pedagogical support for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students. The article characterizes the interrelated target, methodological, content, methodological, evaluative and effective blocks of the author’s model. The analysis of scientific literature showed that the necessary psychological and pedagogical conditions for the successful implementation of the author’s process model are accessibility and complexity.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
psychological and pedagogical support, process model, student youth, healthy lifestyle.

Chukhlebova I.A. – Dr. Sci. (Pedagogics), Associate Professor

Sviridov V.A. – Dr. Sci. (Pedagogics), Professor

Features of teaching foreigners taking into account national specifics

Страницы / Pages: 85-95

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article examines the training of foreign specialists from the point of view of the national contingent of students coming to study at Russian, draws attention to the national psychological characteristics of students from Latin America, Asia. Vietnam and Arab countries, methodological recommendations are given to teachers working in such groups.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
foreign students; Russian universities; national peculiarities; international integration; adaptation; methodology.


Gerashchenko I.G. – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor

Gerashchenko N.V. – PhD of Pedagogical, Sciences, Assistant Professor

Features of Patriotic Education in the Information Society

Страницы / Pages: 96-103

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article considers the specifics of modern patriotic education in the conditions of the information society and the globalization challenge. The systemic nature of patriotic education is shown. It analyzes such aspects as military-patriotic, heroic-patriotic, spiritual-patriotic, ecological-patriotic, civil-patriotic, historical-local history and sports-patriotic education.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
patriotic education, information society, globalization, military-patriotic education, spiritual-patriotic education, civil-patriotic education.

Zhuravlyova O.P. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor 

Meta-Subject Orientation of Mentoring in Modern Pedagogical Education

Страницы / Pages: 104-111

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article examines the historical and semantic contexts of the concept of mentoring. The characteristic of the meta-subject of mentoring activity in the context of actualization of the personal potential and professionalism of the teacher is proposed. The organizational, substantive and methodological aspects of the meta-subject of mentoring in pedagogical education are substantiated.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
meta-subject in education, teacher, mentor, mentoring, meta-subject of mentoring, pedagogical education.


Kononykhina O.V.

Development of Socio-Civil Competences at Higher Educational Institution

Страницы / Pages: 112-123

Аннотация / Annotation:
The paper describes the relevance of developing socio-civil competences at higher educational institution in current situation. The priority of humanitarian disciplines and humanization of education is defined. Approaches are given for values formation in students: personally oriented, activity-based approaches and social partnership. The author underlines the relationship between socio-civil competency and professional competency. The role of information-educational environment in the institution is emphasized. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
socio-civil competency, personal value orientation, universal values.