Инновации в образовании

№ 05 • 2024


Miftakhova R.G. – PhD of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Continuing Education in Russia

Страницы / Pages: 4-11

Аннотация / Annotation:
Continuing education contributes to the development of human capital, innovative economy and the quality of the workforce. Taking into account the experience of foreign countries, it is necessary to reform the system of continuing education in our country, to ensure its accessibility not only for young people, but also for adults, of Science and Technology make it attractive for training and career growth taking into account both political and technological changes.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
continuing education, interdisciplinary paradigm, professional development, digital technologies.

Antonova N.A. –

The Model of the Organization of the Formation of Reader Literacy in Teaching Physics in the Conditions of Deferred Control

Страницы / Pages: 12-21

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of reading literacy of schoolchildren. The work on the formation of reader literacy in teaching physics is closely related to the task of mastering the ability of students to work with texts of physical content. A model of the organization of the formation of reader’s literacy in teaching physics in conditions of delayed control is presented.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
reading literacy, teaching physics, deferred control.

Samoylova T.A. –

Fundamentals of the Development of Pedagogical Tools for Foreign Language Training

Страницы / Pages: 22-30

Аннотация / Annotation:
The author of the article considers critical thinking as a targeted and informative component of foreign language training for professional activities. The analysis of problems of critical thinking development is presented. The differences of creative and critical types of thinking are revealed. The characteristics of critical thinking are described and the application of an algorithm of work with information is justified. In order to expand pedagogical tools variants of tasks, contributing to the development of the competence of critical thinking, are recommended.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
professional activity; competence of critical thinking; foreign language preparation; Migration Officer; professional education; hermeneutic, approach; humanitarian-anthropological approach.


Zautorova E.V. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Visual Activity as a Means of Developing Students’ Cognitive interest

Страницы / Pages: 31-37

Аннотация / Annotation:
The time of the development of cognitive activity of students is considered as one of the urgent problems of pedagogy, designed to educate a person capable of self-development and self-improvement. The article presents the experience of using visual arts classes to develop the cognitive interest of students in the artistic and aesthetic field.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
educational organizations, students, learning process, cognitive interest, visual activity, creative activity.

Karpova O. L. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Sports University Students’ Methodical Thinking Formation

Страницы / Pages: 38-46

Аннотация / Annotation:
Considering the problem of improving the quality of future coaches-teachers’ professional methodological training, the key factors of methodical thinking formation, as well as the criteria for that of a future coach-teacher’s formation are defined in the article. Such criteria are shown on the example of «Methodological support of the coach’s activity» discipline. Innovative methods aimed at activating the students’ mental activity are viewed in the article.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
methodical thinking, methodical competence, methodical culture, methodical tasks.

Khilyuk S.O. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences

Pedagogical Conditions for the Development of Psychological Readiness of Future Police Officers for Negotiations in Extreme Situations

Страницы / Pages: 47-56

Аннотация / Annotation:
In the article, the author analyzes scientific and periodical literature, as well as practical experience in negotiating in extreme situations; based on this analysis, the components of psychological readiness for negotiations in extreme situations are clarified, and pedagogical conditions for the development of such readiness are developed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
psychological readiness, police officers, pedagogical conditions, cases, negotiations, extreme situation.


Vasilieva E.Yu. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Tishkova S.P. –

Practice-oriented Way of Training Masters in Psychology to Teaching Activities

Страницы / Pages: 57-66

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article actualizes the problem of searching for innovative forms and methods of teaching masters in psychology. A method of practice-oriented preparation of undergraduates for teaching activities is described and the results of its testing are presented, which actually reflect the level of readiness and ability of students to design curricula and interactive teaching methods.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
master’s degree, pedagogical activity, preparation of master’s degrees in psychology, practice-oriented method, educational and research assignments, expert assessment, self-assessment, test.


Valkova Yu. E. – PhD of Philological Sciences

Organisation of Foreign Language Classes Using VR at Higher Education Institutions

Страницы / Pages: 67-78

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article presents a brief overview of advantages and disadvantages of virtual immersive environment for seminars on foreign language in higher education, VR-scenarios for foreign (predominantly English) language classes in Russian universities. The author’s practical experience of ESL classes. Methodical recommendations are provided for the organisation of the work in accordance with the rules of application of digital resources.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
innovation, education, university, higher education, digital resources, VR, virtual environment, foreign language, Cyberhub.

Pigarev A.Yu. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Creation of Computer Trainers in Mathematics Based on Technical and Didactical Requirements

Страницы / Pages: 79-90

Аннотация / Annotation:
The problem of low efficiency of introducing computer technologies into the educational process in mathematics is identified. The technical and didactic requirements for computer trainers in mathematics are substantiated. The author’s system of simulators aimed at developing key computing skills is presented. Conclusions are drawn based on the analysis of empirical data on significant differences among students in mastering mathematics and the need for an individual approach to their learning.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
teaching mathematics, working memory, computer simulator, mental arithmetic, artificial intelligence.


Ershova O.V. – PhD of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor

Upbringing for Life Management: The Organizer, Leader, Creator of a Personal Brand

Страницы / Pages: 91-97

Аннотация / Annotation:
The purpose of the contents and adequate organization of educational activities at the university should be the effective training not only of a specialist in a certain area, but also of a person with qualities in demand in all spheres of life. The author’s approach “upbringing for life management” suggests educating the individual managerial qualities, focusing on three types of social interaction: the organizer, the leader and the creator of a personal brand.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
upbringing for life management, the organizer, the leader, the creator of a personal brand.

Plekhanova O.E. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Pakhtusova A.A. –

Pedagogical Support of Elderly People in Cultural Institutions

Страницы / Pages: 98-104

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article discusses the issues of pedagogical support of elderly people by means of musical activity in the conditions of a cultural institution. In this vein, the possibilities of cultural and leisure activities for the creative self-realization of elderly people are investigated. The practical experience of the implementation of pedagogical support on the example of the vocal group is described.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
pedagogical support, elderly people, self-realization, cultural institutions, cultural and leisure activities, vocal group.