Инновации в образовании
№ 08 • 2014
Vasilieva E.Y. – Doctor of pedagogical science, Head of pedagogy and psychology of the Northern State Medical University
FEDOTOVA E.V. Fedotova E.V. – Candidate of Medical Science, Assistant professor of hospital surgery of the Northern State Medical University, Head of the surgery department MHI «Arkhangelsk city hospital № 7»
GAIKINA M.Y. Gaikina M.Y. – Teacher of public health and social work department of the Northern State Medical University
Business game in studying surgical disciplines : fashion or perceived need ?
Страницы / Pages: 5-13
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article substantiates the necessity of inclusion in the educational process of active and interactive teaching methods studying surgical disciplines in a medical university. A specific example of the business game “ Immersion into the history “ reveals its method of preparation and implementation, provides guidance on the organization of games and criteria for evaluating participants.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
active and interactive teaching methods, business game, student, surgery, professional competence, general cultural competence.
GLIKMAN I.Z. Аннотация / Annotation:
The article substantiates the necessity of inclusion in the educational process of active and interactive teaching methods studying surgical disciplines in a medical university. A specific example of the business game “ Immersion into the history “ reveals its method of preparation and implementation, provides guidance on the organization of games and criteria for evaluating participants.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
active and interactive teaching methods, business game, student, surgery, professional competence, general cultural competence.
Glikman I.Z. – candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor
Clarification of basic concepts of pedagogy in the light of pedagogical ideas A.S. Makarenko
Страницы / Pages: 14-24
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to the necessity of specifying the main pedagogical concepts, caused by fundamental scientific discoveries A.S. Makarenko in the theory of education. Justified and provides sophisticated ideas about the nature of the major pedagogical Sciences, pedagogy, didactics, vospitatika – and more reasonable definition of education, training and upbringing.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
the most important concepts, terms and categories of pedagogy, education, training, education, educational process, pedagogy, didactics, vospitatika, culture, the basic nature of man, attitudes and behavioural the basis of personality, the effectiveness of school education.
L’VOV L.V. Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to the necessity of specifying the main pedagogical concepts, caused by fundamental scientific discoveries A.S. Makarenko in the theory of education. Justified and provides sophisticated ideas about the nature of the major pedagogical Sciences, pedagogy, didactics, vospitatika – and more reasonable definition of education, training and upbringing.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
the most important concepts, terms and categories of pedagogy, education, training, education, educational process, pedagogy, didactics, vospitatika, culture, the basic nature of man, attitudes and behavioural the basis of personality, the effectiveness of school education.
L’vov L.V. – Ph.D., Associate Professor professor of Modern Humanitarian Academy (branch Chelyabinsk), e-mail: l.lvov@bk.ru
BASHARINA O.V. Basharina O.V. – competitor of ChGAA, Head of the Laboratory of Information Professional Educationof the Chelyabinsk institute of development of professional education (CHIRPO) Chelyabinsk, e-mail: basholgachel@mail.ru
Страницы / Pages: 25-40
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article deals with individual educational trajectory as a pedagogical conditions is informative and educational environment of the educational process of the distributed multi-institution.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
educational process of the distributed multi-institution of vocational education, model of the educational process of the distributed multi-institution of vocational education, informational and educational environment, pedagogical conditions, individual educational trajectory, the modality of perception, need-motivational sphere.
MISHCHENKO N.YU. Аннотация / Annotation:
The article deals with individual educational trajectory as a pedagogical conditions is informative and educational environment of the educational process of the distributed multi-institution.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
educational process of the distributed multi-institution of vocational education, model of the educational process of the distributed multi-institution of vocational education, informational and educational environment, pedagogical conditions, individual educational trajectory, the modality of perception, need-motivational sphere.
Mishchenko N.Yu. – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor
Страницы / Pages: 41-51
Аннотация / Annotation:
Annotation. In the article the problem of formation of professional competence of future specialists in physical culture in the Islamic period of pedagogical practice in before-school educational institution. The model of professional training of future specialists in physical culture in the process of pedagogical practice in the DOU. Disclosed system tasks and certain conditions where every future specialist physical education can grow personally and professionally.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
physical education, pedagogical practice, professional competence, a specialist in physical culture, early childhood education, personality-oriented approach, the training model.
OSHCHEPKOVA N.G. Аннотация / Annotation:
Annotation. In the article the problem of formation of professional competence of future specialists in physical culture in the Islamic period of pedagogical practice in before-school educational institution. The model of professional training of future specialists in physical culture in the process of pedagogical practice in the DOU. Disclosed system tasks and certain conditions where every future specialist physical education can grow personally and professionally.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
physical education, pedagogical practice, professional competence, a specialist in physical culture, early childhood education, personality-oriented approach, the training model.
Oshchepkova N.G. – Ph.D., the head of the «Business Incubator of Students’ Innovative Projects», “ASAE”, Associate Professor of the Theory and Methods of Vocational and Pedagogical Education Department, “The Shukshin Altai State Academy of Education”
Страницы / Pages: 52-58
Аннотация / Annotation:
Today in Russia in the business infrastructure, there can be found effectively functioning business incubators and technology parks, being a key element of the national innovation system aimed at support and commercialization of scientific and technological activities. One of the relatively new types of business incubators in Russia are the university business incubators made, on the one hand, to expand the students’ horizons, to give them specific knowledge, skills, involve them in students’ entrepreneurship; on the other hand, to promote the development of small business in the cities, the territories, the regions. This article presents the initial experience of the establishment and functioning of students’ business incubator – a business incubator of innovative students’ projects of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of the Higher Vocational Education “Altay State Academy of Education named after V.M. Shukshin” (Biysk, Altay region, Russia).
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
business incubator, innovative project, innovative economy, students’ entrepreneurship.
SHABANOV A.G. Аннотация / Annotation:
Today in Russia in the business infrastructure, there can be found effectively functioning business incubators and technology parks, being a key element of the national innovation system aimed at support and commercialization of scientific and technological activities. One of the relatively new types of business incubators in Russia are the university business incubators made, on the one hand, to expand the students’ horizons, to give them specific knowledge, skills, involve them in students’ entrepreneurship; on the other hand, to promote the development of small business in the cities, the territories, the regions. This article presents the initial experience of the establishment and functioning of students’ business incubator – a business incubator of innovative students’ projects of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of the Higher Vocational Education “Altay State Academy of Education named after V.M. Shukshin” (Biysk, Altay region, Russia).
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
business incubator, innovative project, innovative economy, students’ entrepreneurship.
Shabanov A.G. – director of the Novosibirsk branch of Modern University for the Humanities, Doctor of Education
Psychological preparation of the participants in the educational process to the new types of training sessions in a virtual environment
Страницы / Pages: 59-66
Аннотация / Annotation:
Article is devoted to the problems of psycho-pedagogical compatibility of all participants in the educational process, organized by the network technologies. Presents an analysis of modern teaching facilities.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
distance learning, educational technology, communication, pedagogical communication, pedagogical process.
AN OPEN LESSONАннотация / Annotation:
Article is devoted to the problems of psycho-pedagogical compatibility of all participants in the educational process, organized by the network technologies. Presents an analysis of modern teaching facilities.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
distance learning, educational technology, communication, pedagogical communication, pedagogical process.
Kremlev A.S. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate professor
SHCHUKIN A.N. Shchukin A.N. – Student (bachelor)
Active learning method to studying of educational material on direction 220100 “Systems Analysis and Control”
Страницы / Pages: 67-72
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article suggests the use of active learning method in the development of the discipline “Integrated Design and Control” for the preparation of masters “Systems Analysis and Control.” The method is based on the call of interest in the acquisition of new knowledge in the learning process, finding the optimal solutions using practical activities.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
active learning method, laboratory stand, competencies, interactive learning.
The article suggests the use of active learning method in the development of the discipline “Integrated Design and Control” for the preparation of masters “Systems Analysis and Control.” The method is based on the call of interest in the acquisition of new knowledge in the learning process, finding the optimal solutions using practical activities.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
active learning method, laboratory stand, competencies, interactive learning.
Gurov V.N. – Ph.D., Professor, laureate of the Russian Government in the field of education
DAYNOVA G. Z. Daynova G. Z. – Ph.D., Associate Professor
Healthy life personaliti in the context of the formation of its competitiveness
Страницы / Pages: 73-85
Аннотация / Annotation:
Abstract: This article discusses a healthy life personality and its impact on competitiveness. An analysis of the psychological and educational literature on the issue, considered the notion of a healthy lifestyle, inner picture of health in collaboration with the competitiveness of the individual.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
healthy livelihoods, competitive, healthy lifestyle, inner picture of health.
LYSSAKOVA A.N. Аннотация / Annotation:
Abstract: This article discusses a healthy life personality and its impact on competitiveness. An analysis of the psychological and educational literature on the issue, considered the notion of a healthy lifestyle, inner picture of health in collaboration with the competitiveness of the individual.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
healthy livelihoods, competitive, healthy lifestyle, inner picture of health.
Lyssakova A.N. – postgraduate student of the Department of General psychology of Modern Humanitarian Academy
Psychological conditions of development of individuality in dancing sports of the highest achievements
Страницы / Pages: 86-92
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article deals with the psychological aspects of dancing sports of the highest achievements associated with the study of identity, which is understood as the personal characteristics of sportsmen, developed in the course of formation of the sport dance couples and influencing productivity of its competitive activity. Psychological conditions of development of individuality – specially-organized and adapted to conduct in the dyad consulting and training correction anxiety, development of self-esteem, self-control in communication, goal setting.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
sports psychology, psychology of personality, individuality, sport dance activities, psychological training
MISHCHENKO I.N. Аннотация / Annotation:
The article deals with the psychological aspects of dancing sports of the highest achievements associated with the study of identity, which is understood as the personal characteristics of sportsmen, developed in the course of formation of the sport dance couples and influencing productivity of its competitive activity. Psychological conditions of development of individuality – specially-organized and adapted to conduct in the dyad consulting and training correction anxiety, development of self-esteem, self-control in communication, goal setting.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
sports psychology, psychology of personality, individuality, sport dance activities, psychological training
Mishchenko I.N. – PhD of pedagogical science
The basic directions of perfection of preparation of the modern psychologist
Страницы / Pages: 93-97
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article reveals the features of the modern psychologist. It defines the basic directions of perfection of preparation of a psychologist with regard to the requirements of professional activity.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
psychological work, psychological training, psychological assistance in emergency situations, formation of modern psychologist, improving the system of training of modern psychologist.
NOSS I.N. Аннотация / Annotation:
The article reveals the features of the modern psychologist. It defines the basic directions of perfection of preparation of a psychologist with regard to the requirements of professional activity.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
psychological work, psychological training, psychological assistance in emergency situations, formation of modern psychologist, improving the system of training of modern psychologist.
Noss I.N. – Moscow State Regional University
“Image of the professional of” psychology students
Страницы / Pages: 98-108
Аннотация / Annotation:
Abstract. The article focuses on the problem of the formation of an adequate image in professional graduate students. Professiografichesky analyzed material obtained by interviewing students about the repose of professionally important qualities of HR-managers. A hypothesis about the influence of the dynamics of the professional image of the students on the assimilation of information and creation of educational competencies. The reasons of the fluctuations of the image in the minds of professional students. The question about the need to stabilize the image specialist irrespective of social and educational change. Determined structure of the image of a professional and informative content it professionally important features.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
professional competence, the image of the profession, professional image, professiografiya, psychogram dynamics professional image, the image of a professional structure, the basic elements of the structure of the image specialist, professional-quality meaningful, intelligent, communicative, emotional and volitional, motivational, moral and ethical way of signs professional.
FEDOTOV A.YU. Аннотация / Annotation:
Abstract. The article focuses on the problem of the formation of an adequate image in professional graduate students. Professiografichesky analyzed material obtained by interviewing students about the repose of professionally important qualities of HR-managers. A hypothesis about the influence of the dynamics of the professional image of the students on the assimilation of information and creation of educational competencies. The reasons of the fluctuations of the image in the minds of professional students. The question about the need to stabilize the image specialist irrespective of social and educational change. Determined structure of the image of a professional and informative content it professionally important features.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
professional competence, the image of the profession, professional image, professiografiya, psychogram dynamics professional image, the image of a professional structure, the basic elements of the structure of the image specialist, professional-quality meaningful, intelligent, communicative, emotional and volitional, motivational, moral and ethical way of signs professional.
Fedotov A.Yu. – candidate of psychological Sciences, associate Professor
MEDVEDEV I.N. Medvedev I.N. – candidate of psychological Sciences
Using system-situational approach in the research of professional activity of specialists of hazardous occupations
Страницы / Pages: 109-121
Аннотация / Annotation:
One of the ways to enhance the effectiveness of professional activities the specialists of hazardous occupations, could be the application of scientific methods in qualitative analysis of successful and unsuccessful actions in different situations, characteristic for such activities. Modern methods of research activities and the development of the Professional involve the creation of specialized databases of these situations and their further analysis for practical advice in selecting, training, equipping their most rational examples of equipment and technology. This article presents some aspects of the study of situations methods of practical psychology and opportunities of application of a method of sequential dynamic assessment.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
specialists of dangerous professions, the method of successive dynamic assessment (MPDO), form EDO.
One of the ways to enhance the effectiveness of professional activities the specialists of hazardous occupations, could be the application of scientific methods in qualitative analysis of successful and unsuccessful actions in different situations, characteristic for such activities. Modern methods of research activities and the development of the Professional involve the creation of specialized databases of these situations and their further analysis for practical advice in selecting, training, equipping their most rational examples of equipment and technology. This article presents some aspects of the study of situations methods of practical psychology and opportunities of application of a method of sequential dynamic assessment.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
specialists of dangerous professions, the method of successive dynamic assessment (MPDO), form EDO.
Grigorev O.V. – professor of Novosibirsk branch of the Modern Humanitarian Academy, PhD, professor at the Academy of Military Sciences
LYKOV A.N. Lykov A.N. – senior assistant to the chief of the Training Division of the Novosibirsk Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Novosibirsk Military Institute Associate of Interior Ministry of Interior of Russia
Essence and structural components of the legal culture of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Страницы / Pages: 122-129
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article focuses on the formation of the legal culture of servicemen of the Interior Troops of Russia. The essence of the legal culture of internal troops, presented its structural components and disclosed their content.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
legal culture, law, law enforcement, professional activity, legal practice.
The article focuses on the formation of the legal culture of servicemen of the Interior Troops of Russia. The essence of the legal culture of internal troops, presented its structural components and disclosed their content.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
legal culture, law, law enforcement, professional activity, legal practice.
Biletska G.A. – PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Khmelnitskyi National University
Diagnostics of results of natural-scientific preparation of future ecologists with the use of teaching sphere of Moodle
Страницы / Pages: 130-139
Аннотация / Annotation:
The possibilities of teaching sphere of Moodle in the diagnosticians of educational achievements of students-ecologists are examined in the article. Grounded, that the teaching sphere of Moodle contains resources, that allow defining formed of natural-scientific competence of future ecologists. The tests are the most effective among that.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
diagnostics of educational achievements, an informative educational sphere of Moodle, a test, a natural-scientific preparation.
IVANOVA L.A. Аннотация / Annotation:
The possibilities of teaching sphere of Moodle in the diagnosticians of educational achievements of students-ecologists are examined in the article. Grounded, that the teaching sphere of Moodle contains resources, that allow defining formed of natural-scientific competence of future ecologists. The tests are the most effective among that.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
diagnostics of educational achievements, an informative educational sphere of Moodle, a test, a natural-scientific preparation.
Ivanova L.A. – Ph.D. in Technology, Senior Lecturer
GOLUBEVA N.S. Golubeva N.S. – Senior Lecturer
Activization of unsupervised students’ work with the usage of didactic capabilities of communcation technologies
Страницы / Pages: 140-149
Аннотация / Annotation:
New theoretical and practical communication technologies which are used in self-study course of Analytical Chemistry, have been introduced in the article.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
analytical chemistry, multimedia technologies, virtual laboratory works, computerized education systems, presentation of lectures, testing.
Аннотация / Annotation:
New theoretical and practical communication technologies which are used in self-study course of Analytical Chemistry, have been introduced in the article.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
analytical chemistry, multimedia technologies, virtual laboratory works, computerized education systems, presentation of lectures, testing.