Инновации в образовании

№ 08 • 2023


Masyagin V.P. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Gushchina G.A. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Ivanova A.A. – PhD of Juridical Sciences

Inclusive Culture of a Modern University: Meaning, Problems and Ways of Formation

Страницы / Pages: 4-13

Аннотация / Annotation:
In the article, based on the results of the study, the main problems of the formation of an inclusive culture of the university in the context of improving the quality of the educational process and the implementation of key educational priorities are identified; substantiated the general importance of inclusive culture in the structure of the educational environment and formulated the key activities of the university in the formation of an inclusive culture of participants in the educational process.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
humanistic guidelines, disability, inclusive culture, educational environment, educational process, limited health opportunities, subjects of educational relations.


Makhno V.V. 

Traditional and Innovative Forms and Directions of Career Guidance

Страницы / Pages: 14-22

Аннотация / Annotation:
The relevance of career guidance work in secondary vocational education is emphasized. Traditional and innovative forms and directions of vocational guidance are considered. The experience of career guidance work is presented. An important role is given to the implementation of career guidance networking – the current direction in the development of career guidance at the present stage.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
education, career guidance, applicants, networking.

Pegov V.A. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Matveeva A.V. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences

«Adaptation» against «Development»

Страницы / Pages: 23-34

Аннотация / Annotation:
The historical and pedagogical prerequisites for the emergence of the concept of «adaptation» in the educational space, the essential inconsistency of the use of the concept of «adaptation» in modern education are shown. The evolutionary relevance of this concept in the context of traditional society is argued, and at the same time its anachronism and opposition to the concept of «development» in modern society, creating inconsistency of the adaptive approach in education.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
adaptation, history, education, pedagogy, development.


Konstantinova E.A. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences

Pedagogical Modeling in Teaching of Preschool Age Children

Страницы / Pages: 35-42

Аннотация / Annotation:
The paper deals with pedagogical modeling in teaching. The author points out the advantages of the modeling method in working with preschool age children. The paper substantiates the using of modeling in teaching of senior preschool age children to perform movement actions. The teacher using the modeling method in teaching of senior preschool age children to perform movement actions creates the reference basis of movement, stimulates the images of the movements to be studied, thereby forming movement experience of children.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
method of modeling, pedagogical modeling, preschool age children, teaching of children, teaching to perform movement actions, communicative situation.

Makarova K.V. – Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor


Umkhazhieva H.T.

To the Definition of the Concept of «Arbitrariness»

Страницы / Pages: 43-49

Аннотация / Annotation:
The author conducts a theoretical analysis of the problem of the formation of arbitrary behavior from the point of view of the psychological aspect. The fundamental role of arbitrariness in motivating an individual’s behavior at any age is noted, but the importance of a sufficient degree of its development in younger schoolchildren is emphasized. Based on the analysis of the works of foreign and domestic scientific schools, the main conceptual approaches to the concept of arbitrary regulation, the genesis of its occurrence, and the problems of correlation between the categories “arbitrariness” and “will” are revealed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
arbitrary behavior, arbitrary movement, self-regulation, awareness, motivation, purpose of activity, volitional qualities.

Mishenko I.N. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Kotlyar N.P. – PhD of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor

Psychological and Pedagogical Provision of Student Project Groups of Technical Specialties 

Страницы / Pages: 50-63

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article deals with the issues of psychological and pedagogical provision of psychological safety of student engineering project groups. The relevance of the topic is due to the tasks of effective education and upbringing of engineers. Support for the psychological safety of project groups is due to the role complexity of their internal interaction and potential conflict. The formation of professional identity in the process of engineering education faces barriers, the detection and overcoming of which is the task of psychological and pedagogical support services.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
project-based training; psychological safety; professional identity; psychological and pedagogical support of the learning process and education.

Stolyarova I.N. – PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor 

Choice of Bachelor Thesis Topics by Foreign Language Teachers-To-Be through the Lens of Competence Approach 

Страницы / Pages: 64-78

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article presents an analysis of the situation of choosing the topic of the final qualification work by students of a language pedagogical university from the standpoint of the implementation of subjectivity in the context of a competency-based approach. Based on the questioning of students, the mechanism for choosing the topic of the final qualification work is described, an attempt is made to identify the degree of awareness and purposefulness of the choice, which allows us to put forward assumptions about the implementation of the FQW potential as a means of developing professional competencies.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
bachelor thesis, pedagogical education, foreign language teacher training, competence approach, English language teacher education.


Guz N.A. – PhD of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

The Digital Transformation of Higher Education: Global Trends and Anti-Trends

Страницы / Pages: 79-88

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article analyzes the impact of digitalization on the technology and management of the educational process. Pedagogical priorities of digitalization of education are identified, such as combining the efforts of scientists and practitioners for interdisciplinary solution of current problems of digital educational space. The purpose of the study is not so much to identify existing trends in higher education in terms of digitalization, but also to anticipate the likelihood of formation of anti- or counter-trends.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
higher education, blockchain, digitalization, customization, data engineering, “digital footprint”.

Mayer R.V. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Application of the harmonic analysis and synthesis method for the calculation of electrical circuits in the Mathcad system

Страницы / Pages: 89-103

Аннотация / Annotation:
The problem of using the Mathcad system for calculating electrical circuits containing sources of periodic inharmonious EMF and spectral analysis of signals in electrical engineering and electronics classes is considered. Students create mcd documents that carry out: Fourier decomposition of various pulses with subsequent recovery; spectral analysis of periodic inharmonic voltages; calculation of circuits containing resistor, capacitor and inductor coil connected mixed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
harmonic analysis, Fourier method, teaching methodology, spectrum, electrical engineering, Mathcad.


Filatova E.V. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor 

Organization of Moral Education: Review of Domestic and Foreign Studies

Страницы / Pages: 104-113

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article presents an overview of the approaches and opinions of foreign and Russian researchers on the effectiveness of moral education. The goals of moral education are discussed. The idea of organizing ethics lessons in schools is discussed. Seven roles of teachers in the implementation of moral education, methods of its implementation are identified, as well as problems related to the organization of moral education are disclosed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
moral norms, values, educational goals, roles of educators, difficulties of upbringing.


Shumaeva E.A.

Educational Co-creation as a Factor in the Socialization of Young Adolescents

Страницы / Pages: 114-122

Аннотация / Annotation:
Issues of adolescents’ socialization in educational activities are emphasized. The features of educational activity, psychological changes as well as the needs of adolescents are considered. The conclusion about the eligibility of a co-creation approach implementation in the educational space for the effective socialization of adolescents is made. The socializing potential of organizing tourism and local history activities on the basis of co-creativity of the subjects of the educational process was revealed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
socialization of adolescents, educational co-creation, peculiarities of adolescents’ educational activity, reflection, experience of relationships, tourist and local history activities.