Инновации в образовании

№ 10 • 2023


Askhadullina N.N. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Ledeneva A.V. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Possibilities of Additional Education in the Formation of Research Skills of a High School Student

Страницы / Pages: 5-17

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article provides a systematization of scientific information on the problem of the formation of research skills of a high school student. The authors reveal the possibilities of additional education in the formation of research skills of high school students: planning and prognostic, motivational and target, evaluative and corrective, educational and developing, information and analytical.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
research activity, additional education, research skills, high school student.

Krivulya N.G. – Doctor of Art History, Professor

The Place of Animation in the Educational Process in the Context of the Visual Turn and the Fourth Technological Revolution

Страницы / Pages: 18-31

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article reveals the relevance of the use of educational materials created with the use of animation, AR- and VR- technologies in the educational process, including remote forms, and determines their effectiveness for different age groups and academic disciplines. The classification of animated content based on the nature of use is proposed. The advantages of using interactive animation content in full-time and distance learning are considered.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
animated educational content, animation, VR, AR, spherical cinema, education, integrated media education, immersiveness.

Muslova L.A. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences

Formation of Communicative Competence in a Non-Language Higher Education Institution in the Framework of Extracurricular Work on Foreign Languages in Conditions of Modern Education

Страницы / Pages: 32-41

Аннотация / Annotation:
This article discusses the issue of implementing a competency-based approach and the formation of communicative competence through extracurricular work in foreign languages in a non-linguistic university using the example of the university of the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation. Also the author focuses on the need to use both traditional and innovative forms of extracurricular work in order to improve the quality of foreign language training of students and the formation of highly qualified specialists.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
extracurricular work, competence-based approach, communicative competence, non-linguistic university.


Vinokurova M.A. – PhD of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor
Tatarkina A.R. – PhD of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

Visualization as an Effective Method for Teaching History and Law Disciplines in Higher Education Institutions

Страницы / Pages: 43-52

Аннотация / Annotation:
In the article the relevance of visualization in modern education, its popularization and universality. Using particular examples some methods and technologies of visual approach are shown when studying theoretical material on history and law, as well as visualization possibilities when solving the tasks of law. The authors point out that the application of visual methods leads to «inventory» of the educational material, which thereafter contributes to the formation of the systematization of the obtained knowledge.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
«visual turn», visualization, flowchart, infographics, informatization of society, algorithm, system, process.

Krasnov S.I. – Ph.D of Pedagogical Sciences
Yakovleva I.V. –

Boundaries of Teacher Development Management in Design

Страницы / Pages: 53-64

Аннотация / Annotation:
How to start the process of self-development of teachers at school? There are the following groups of teachers in the teaching staff: initiative teachers; teachers who adhere to once mastered technology; teachers who do not participate anywhere and do not want to; young professionals. Teachers are included in the design for the following reasons: Identification and support of teachers who have the value of education.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
interest, pedagogical design, informal community, support, teacher as a subject of managing his own professional activity.inclusion in the mainstream, social benefit, pedagogical activity as a vocation.

Burganova I.N. – PhD of Political Science, Associate Professor
Farus O.A. – PhD of Chemical Science, Associate Professor

Implementation of the «Inverted Classroom» Model Based on the Flask Training Cycle

Страницы / Pages: 64-70

Аннотация / Annotation:
In this paper, the authors consider the actual problem of introducing the «Inverted Class» model into the system of modern education. The article discusses the concept of learning based on the application of the Flask cycle. In the article, the authors carried out the selection of methods and forms of training for each stage of the implementation of the «Inverted Class» model according to the Flask cycle and described the features of their practical implementation.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
“inverted class” model, mixed learning, Flask cycle.

Shchukina G.O. – PhD of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

The Changing of Mise-En-Scènes and Drama Activities in the EFL Classroom as the Key Component of Integration and Interaction

Страницы / Pages: 71-81

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article discusses the interrelation of movement and cognitive activity and their impact on the developing of various foreign language skills in different learners. The described forms of cooperation reinforce the interactive part of traditional tasks aimed at improving receptive and productive linguistic abilities as well as the accompanying elements of speaking. The simultaneous work on different language skills through various types of the arts reinforces the integrated nature of the classes.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
the changing of mise-en-scènes, moving in the classroom, foreign language, interaction, receptive skills, productive abilities, grammar skills, vocabulary skills, pronunciation.


Maloletkova A.V. – PhD of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor
Filipenko E.V. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Zagidullin A.R. –

The Formation of Value and Semantic Attitudes on the Health of Adolescent Students Prone to Deviant Behavior in the Process of Art Therapeutic Support

Страницы / Pages: 82-94

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article examines the postgraduate student, head of interrelationships of value and life-meaning orientations in the process of forming behavioral strategies and activities related to the health of adolescent students prone to deviant behavior. The training program tested in the educational process of the school is presented, aimed at the formation of a value-semantic attitude to the health of students in the process of art-therapeutic support, the main stages of formation and results are described.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
value and life-meaning attitudes, deviant behavior of adolescents, health care, art-therapeutic support, training programs.


Sedykh I.Yu. – PhD of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

Artificial Intelligence in Education

Страницы / Pages: 95-103

Аннотация / Annotation:
The paper discusses the problems of using artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of education. The advantages of such an implementation and examples of its successful work are given. The disadvantages that may arise are listed. The example of Chat GTA-4 as the most modern neural network and its capabilities is analyzed. The moral and ethical aspect of the use of AI in educational projects is noted and the prospects of application in the field of modern education are outlined.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
artificial intelligence, neural network, trained neural network, education, educational process, types of AI, ChatGTP.

Chernyshenko O.V. – PhD of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Vlasova V.N. – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Neural Networks as a Tool for Digitalization of the Educational Environment

Страницы / Pages: 104-110

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article considers the key role of artificial intelligence in general and neural networks in particular as part of the digital educational environment. The authors emphasize that neural networks have a huge didactic potential. Special attention is paid to the potential tasks and capabilities of neural networks. The article concluded that with the help of neural networks it is possible to build an individual educational route and make the learning process more efficient and effective.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
artificial intelligence, individual educational trajectory, individual educational route, neural network, digitalization, digital educational environment.


Krapivin B.D. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences

School Environmental Team’s Functioning Model

Страницы / Pages: 111-120

Аннотация / Annotation:
The main aim of the school environmental team’s functioning model the formation of which is considered in this article is the development of environmental culture among members of the environmental team through increasing the level of readiness for ecological research activities. The author describes the main features and content of each block of the model. The block structure of the model makes it possible to visualize the process of functioning of the school environmental team.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
model, environmental protection activity, environmental team, ecological education, environmental research activity.