Инновации в образовании

№ 11 • 2022


Napso M.D. – Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor

Innovations in Education: Some Aspects

Страницы / Pages: 4-10

Аннотация / Annotation:
In article some aspects of innovative development of an education system are investigated. The questions connected with necessity of transformation of traditional education. The phenomenon of digitalization educations is investigated, the demand online- and offline-training is shown, necessity of application of testing as one of modern and interactive methods of training is underlined. The analysis of the objective and subjective factors promoting innovative development of educational sphere is given.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
innovation; digitalization of education; computer technologies; remote learning; testing; competence; creativity.


Zhanburbaeva A.M.

The Formation of Educational and Research Activities of Students (Results of Experimental Testing)

Страницы / Pages: 11-21

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article presents the results of a study devoted to the problem of the formation of educational and research activities of students. In the course of the study, the essence of the concept of “the formation of teaching and research activities” in the context of innovative education was determined, the structural components, the levels of their development were identified, the stages and pedagogical conditions for the formation of teaching and research activities of students were identified, and their effectiveness was confirmed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
teaching and research activities, innovative education, critical thinking, teaching and research skills, independence.


Lukin Y.A. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

The World History as a Source of Problem Situations in Education

Страницы / Pages: 22-30

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article demonstrates the main features of the search, development and implementation of a problem situation, the source of which was a specific episode of World War II: the need to clearly formulate the problem and identify its cognitive contradiction; use of TRIZ recommendations and brainstorming; synergy of analytical (uncreative) and synthetic (creative) types of thinking; the process of solving the problem is carried out as a consistent reformulation of its conditions.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
the world history, problem-based learning, thinking, TIPS (the theory of inventive problem solving), brainstorm, torpedo.


Azarova O.A. PhD of Philological Sciences – Associate Professor

Development of Intellectual Abilities of Undergraduates as a Fasilitator in Training a Foreign Language for Professional Purposes

Страницы / Pages: 31-39

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article discusses some constructs of the intelligence with educatees, which are in demand in the course of foreign language training. The connection between the study of a foreign language and the development of the intellectual abilities of undergraduates is shown. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
intelligence, abilities, memory, attention, thinking, foreign language, students.


Zagoskina I.V.
Korotenko T.N. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

The Causes of Demotivation among Students in the PROCESS of Learning English as a Foreign Language

Страницы / Pages: 40-47

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article examines the concept of demotivation and the reasons for its occurrence among schoolchildren and students studying English as a foreign language. In this paper, demotivation to learn a foreign language is revealed as a set of external and internal factors that can lead to a decrease in motivation and, accordingly, the interest in learning foreign languages. The data of studies conducted on this issue in various countries of the world are presented.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
motivation, demotivation, foreign language, types of demotivating factors, self-esteem, teaching methods.

Zautorova E.V. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Sobolev N.G. – PhD of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor

Forms and Methods of Development of Gifted Children in the Conditions of an Educational Organization

Страницы / Pages: 48-54

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article actualizes the problem of upbringing and education of gifted children, which is currently an extremely important issue. The problem of the organization of psychological and pedagogical work on the identification and development of gifted children is considered. The methods of identifying gifted children, as well as various forms, directions and methodological recommendations of pedagogical support of children of this category in the conditions of an educational organization are presented.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
giftedness, diagnostic techniques, gifted children, educational process, educational organization, forms and methods of work.


Mayer R.V. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

About Computer Modeling of Control Systems when Studying Cybernetics at a Pedagogical University

Страницы / Pages: 55-65

Аннотация / Annotation:
The didactic conditions for the effective use of computer models for study of control systems in the pedagogical university are analyzed. Two programs in ABCPascal are presented, which: simulate the discrete liquid level controller, plot its dependence on time, calculate the average value and standard deviation; calculate the transmission coefficient of an L-shaped resonant filter, build its amplitude-phase frequency characteristic. Training tasks are proposed, solutions are discussed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
didactics, cybernetics, methodology, programming, resonant filter, control.

Muller O.Yu. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Efficiency of Information and Communication Technologies in the Conditions of Inclusive Education

Страницы / Pages: 66-74

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article deals with aspects of the theory of inclusive education related to learning with the use of information and communication technologies. In order to determine the effectiveness of the use of these technologies in the context of inclusive education, an experiment was conducted, the results of which indicate the prospects for the use of information and communication technologies in solving important problems in inclusive education.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
inclusive education, limited health opportunities, information and communication technologies.


Bauer E.A. – PhD of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor


Kislitsyna N.G.

Organization and Development Model Consultation Point in a Preschool Educational Organization

Страницы / Pages: 75-82

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to the search for new forms of organization of interaction to establish partnerships between an educational organization and parents. The relevance of the research is due to modern requirements on the need to provide psychological and pedagogical support to the family, consolidate the efforts of the family, society and the state. The author’s model of the advisory point consists of targeted, substantive-procedural, evaluative-effective blocks.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
management of the education system, counseling center, preschool educational organization, participants in educational relations.

Klementyev A.A. – PhD of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor

On the Role of Socio-Humanitarian Knowledge in Legal Education

Страницы / Pages: 83-94

Аннотация / Annotation:
The paper conducts a study of the educational potential of social and humanitarian knowledge based on the study of the specific characteristics of the sciences of man and society and the features of socio-humanitarian knowledge, which are considered through the prism of the planned learning outcomes for educational programs of higher legal education. The conclusion about the personal and professional significance of socio-humanitarian training of lawyers is substantiated, as well as the need to use social and humanitarian knowledge as an information and value resource. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
humanitarian culture, socio-humanitarian sciences, world-outlook, values, competencies, fundamental legal education.

Filipenko E.V. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor 

Nimirovskaya Yu.K. – PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

The Use of Modern Pedagogical Technologies in the Prevention of Deviant Behavior of Minors

Страницы / Pages: 95-106

Аннотация / Annotation:
The effectiveness of prevention of deviant behavior of minors largely depends on the use of pedagogical technologies in the educational process. The authors pay special attention to personality-oriented, health-creating and gaming technologies as the most productive in the organization and implementation of educational and preventive work among children and adolescents. The article also reveals the essence of the concept of “technology of education” and structural components.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
 technology of education, prevention of deviant behavior of minors, educational work.