Психология обучения

№ 01 • 2020


Doroshenko O.M. – candidate of legal Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of state and legal disciplines of the SSU, Moscow

Theorizing about the problems of the emotional impact of cybermapping on the young person in terms of lipofuscin population

Страницы / Pages: 5-10

Аннотация / Annotation:
The process of psychological impact of Internet trolling, or so-called cyber-terror, on a young person is the object of research of many psychologists, teachers, doctors, etc. and the General scientific goal is to identify positive and negative factors of influence of such cyber threats as Internet trolling, as well as consideration of the causes of such a predisposition in a child to trolling on the Internet.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
information society, social communication, personality, image, phenomenon, behavior, information.

Kazakova L.P. – Ph. D. in Psychology, associate Professor of the Psychology Department of the Military University of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Radke D.I.

Features of the time perspective and its relationship with the status of ego-identity and meaningfulness of life of cadets at different stages of training in a military university

Страницы / Pages: 11-23

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article contains the results of an empirical study of the time perspective of military university cadets. The connection of indicators of time perspective with meaningfulness of life and ideological ego-identity of cadets is shown. The specificity of the time perspective, semantic formations and identity features of freshmen and fifth-year students is detected. The conclusion is made about the necessity of purposeful work on the harmonization of the time perspective and the formation of temporary competence of cadets.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
time perspective, meaningfulness of life, ego identity, cadet.

Kashkevich E.I. – Ph. D., associate Professor of Biology and ecology Department of Krasnoyarsk state medical University named after Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky
Berezhnaya O.V. – senior lecturer, Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical University. V.P. Astafieva

Features of cognitive motivation of senior pupils depending on long-term goals of professional self-determination

Страницы / Pages: 24-36

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article analyses the peculiarities of cognitive motivation of senior pupils in different age groups depending on long-term goals of professional self-determination, the dependence of the orientation of values and key components that determine the level of cognitive activity and emotional attitude to learning: personal meaning of learning, goal setting, commitment to the success and implementation of educational motives in their own behavior.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
motivational sphere, value attitudes, cognitive activity, goal-setting, internal motives of activity.

Uvarova G.N. – Сandidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology of the B.M. Kalmyk State University Gorodovikova, Elista
Shevkieva N.B. – Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Head. Department of «Psycholog» of the faculty of teacher education and biology of Kalmyk State University named after BB Gorodovikova, Elista

The psychological structure of protective-coping behavior of high school students with different levels of volitional self-regulation

Страницы / Pages: 37-46

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to the study of the structure of protective-coping behavior of high school students with different levels of development of volitional self-regulation according to such properties as perseverance and self-control. The hypothesis of a high degree of integration of psychological defense mechanisms and coping strategies among high school students with a low level of volitional self-regulation has been confirmed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
psychological defense, coping strategies, volitional self-regulation, perseverance, self-control, structural organization, structural organization indices.


Pishchik V.I. – doctor of psychology, associate Professor, Professor of the Department of educational Psychology and organizational psychology, faculty of Psychology, pedagogy and defectology, don state technical University, Rostov-on-don

The innovative potential of teachers belonging to the «transitional» and «informational» generations

Страницы / Pages: 47-56

Аннотация / Annotation:
The generational approach to pedagogical activity is analyzed. The obtained results demonstrate that in the group of teachers of the «transitional» generation X the readiness factors, attitudes toward retraining and innovation activity are most pronounced, among the teachers of the «informational» generation Y there are expressed the orientation toward retraining, willingness to make suggestions. In both groups, motivation to avoid failure prevails. A high level of formation of pedagogical reflection is defined in groups with a predominance of «information» generation Y among teachers.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
innovative potential, teachers, generation X, generation Y, X, achievement motivation, pedagogical reflection.


Yelshansky S.P. – doctor of psychology, Professor, Moscow state Pedagogical University, Professor of the Department of labor psychology and psychological counseling, Moscow
Anufriev A.F. – doctor of psychology, Professor, Moscow state Pedagogical University, Professor of the Department of labor psychology and psychological counseling, Moscow
Chmel V. I. – post-graduate student of the Department of labor psychology and psychological counseling of the Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow

The use of automated psychodiagnostic case-studies for evaluation and development of diagnostic competences of psychologists

Страницы / Pages: 57-67

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article discusses the possibility of using automated psychodiagnostic case-studies to assess and form the diagnostic competence of psychologists, summarizes the experience of developing computer programs for such cases (in the format of diagnostic tasks developed on the material of real-life situations), discusses the prospects of the presented approach, the difficulties encountered in the development of such programs.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
educational technologies in psychology, case-studies, case-technologies, diagnostic tasks, automation of learning processes, psychodiagnostics, computer technologies in education, expert systems in education, diagnostic competence of a psychologist.

Kotova E.V. – PhD in psychology, Associate Professor Department of «Psychology and Pedagogy», Federal State Educational Establishment inclusive higher education «Moscow State Humanities and Economics University», Moscow

Technologies of professional advice of disabled people and persons with reduced health opportunities

Страницы / Pages: 68-77

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to the issues of professional counseling of disabled people and persons with disabilities. Traditional and new technologies of clients’ support in choosing a profession, changing professional activity and employment are presented. Special attention is paid to the technological procedures of psychological assistance to the individual.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
disabled persons, persons with disabilities, technology, professional counseling, psychological problems, employment.


Pugachevsky O.O. – candidate of psychological Sciences, associate Professor, associate Professor of the Department of psychology of the Rostov Institute of advanced training and professional retraining of education workers (SBU DPO RO ripk and PPRO), Rostov-on-don

Organizational model of socio-psychological training of parents in the system of prevention of deviant behavior in minors

Страницы / Pages: 78-86

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article reveals the organizational and methodological foundations of socio-psychological training of parents as a form of psychoprophylactic work in an educational institution aimed at overcoming the risk of deviant behavior in minors due to the lack of understanding, social and psychological support in the family. Recommendations for the implementation of competence-oriented training of parents are given. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
parental comprehensive education, active social and psychological training, psychological competence, prevention of deviant behavior.


Vartanova E.G. – candidate of psychological sciences, chair of age-related psychology by L.F. Obukhova, faculty of educational psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow

Algorithm of psychological work with a teenager with pedagogical neglect

Страницы / Pages: 87-95

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article provides information about the symptoms and factors of pedagogical neglect, describes the directions of American and Russian studies of pedagogical neglect and the possibilities for overcoming it. The author describes an algorithm for overcoming pedagogical neglect among adolescent students. Concrete techniques at and recommendations aimed overcoming the negative characteristics of educational activities in pedagogically neglected adolescents are given.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
pedagogical neglect, low academic performance, pedagogical neglected schoolchild, academic involvement, school knowledge, overcoming pedagogical neglect, adolescent.

Mikhno O.S. – Ph.D in Psychology, Senior Lecturer of the Military University of the Ministry of Defence, Moscow
Chmykhova E.V. – Ph.D in Sociology, Vice Rector, Open University for the Humanities and Economics, Moscow

A conceptual model of psychological and pedagogical support for students in the e-learning system

Страницы / Pages: 96-104

Аннотация / Annotation:
This article proposes a conceptual model of psychological and pedagogical support for students in electronic education. The model includes diagnostic methods aimed at studying different areas of personality of students taking into account their age characteristics, and methods of correction of the identified problems. The main goal of the work is to create a program of psychological support adapted for the purposes of e-learning.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
e-learning, psychological and pedagogical support, diagnosis, correction.

Pashentseva K.D. – adjunct of the Department of psychology of the UNK PSD, Moscow University of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia. V.Ya. Kikotya, Moscow

Optimal mental States in the professional activity of police patrol officers

Страницы / Pages: 105-111

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article deals with the features of the professional activity of the patrol service of the police, which affect the formation of mental states in situations of activity, from the point of view of their optimality. There are revealed the main criteria of optimality of mental states, techniques and methods of their optimization in frames of professional psychological training.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
mental state, optimality, optimal mental state, non-optimal mental state, optimization.