Психология обучения

№ 04 • 2020


Polyakova I.V. – Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor of the Department of General psychology, Smolensk state University, Smolensk

Perception accuracy and spontaneous self-regulation of younger schoolchildren: psychological features of interrelation

Страницы / Pages: 4-14

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article presents the results of a study whose purpose was to establish the psychological characteristics of the relationship between the accuracy of perception and self-regulation of younger students. The study involved 31 first graders. The hypothesis that the accuracy of perception and arbitrary self-regulation of younger students are interrelated, has been confirmed. A high inverse correlation was established, the significance level was 0.75 (Spearman coefficient) between the level of self-regulation and perception error.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
perception accuracy, perception modality, voluntary self-regulation, personal and cognitive self-regulation, self-awareness, level of development, sample reproduction, tensometric measurements.


Tushnova Y.A. – PhD candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Psychology of Education and Organizational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Pedagogy and Defectology, Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don

Features of the self-concept of teenagers with different levels of propensity for internet-dependent behavior

Страницы / Pages: 15-25

Аннотация / Annotation:
Consideration of the phenomenon of Internet addiction in adolescents is due to the needs of modern society. At the same time, the understanding of Internet addiction as an independent nosological unit, due to the mutual pathogenic influence of characterological traits and the Internet environment, justifies the relevance of the study of the features of the Self-concept of adolescents with different levels of propensity to Internet-dependent behavior. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Self-concept, Internet addiction, propensity for Internet-dependent behavior, adolescence.

Dautov D.F. – candidate of psychological Sciences, associate Professor of psychology, Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don

Differences in cognitive styles among representatives of generation Y with different involvement in computer games

Страницы / Pages: 26-32

Аннотация / Annotation:
The study solves the problems of analyzing the main approaches to studying the dependence on computer games, examines the connections of this phenomenon with the cognitive styles of players of generation Y. As a result of an empirical study, an assessment is made of the degree of involvement of representatives of generation Y in computer games; the existence of differences in cognitive styles among representatives of generation Y with varying degrees of involvement in computer games is established.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
generations Y, computer games, game addiction, cognitive styles, flexible/rigid cognitive control, impulsiveness/reflectivity.


Korablev S.E. – candidate of psychological Sciences, associate Professor, Deputy head of the Department of social and humanitarian disciplines of the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, police Colonel
Talynev V.E. – Doctor of Social Sciences, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor, Voronezh Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry

Professional-psychological approach to understanding the essence and structure of confidence of the police officer

Страницы / Pages: 33-47

Аннотация / Annotation:
The components of confidence of an internal Affairs officer that can serve as guidelines for socio-psychological training in the educational system of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia are identified.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
confidence, confident behavior, professionally significant quality, structure of confidence, self-esteem, optimism.

Lomova N.V. – candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of educational Psychology and organizational psychology Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don
Ezhak E.V. – Doctor of Psychology, Professor the Department of Management of the tourism industry Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), Rostov-on-Don

Meaning-making as an attribute of teacher’s professionalism

Страницы / Pages: 48-55

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article considers the content and significance of individual system-forming factors of professional success of a teacher. The author analyzes the criteria of teacher’s personality maturity as determinants of professional success. The author proves the need to develop the semantic and value spheres of the teacher’s consciousness that ensure the acceptance and understanding of the essence of innovative pedagogical activity, the teacher’s understanding of the personal mission in the profession, and the formation of the personal meaning of activity.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
teacher, subject of activity, professional development of the teacher, value-semantic sphere of the person, meaning formation, professional success.


Rakitskaya H.V. – candidate of psychological Sciences? Dean of the Faculty Psychology, Grodno State University named Yanka Kupala

Existential performance and resilience of teachers

Страницы / Pages: 56-66

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article presents the results an empirical study the relationship between existential performance and vitality among teachers. The study revealed that assuming responsibility for one’s own choice, for one’s own life and the accompanying experience freedom can help a teacher as an individual contribute to the acquisition and development vitality as the ability to maintain their physical, psychological and social health.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
existential fulfillment, vitality, involvement, control.

Samsonenko L.S. – candidate of psychological sciences, the associate professor, associate Professor of the Department of age and educational psychology of the Orenburg state pedagogical University.

Ideas about the psychological safety of schools for teachers with different versions of self-perception

Страницы / Pages: 67-77

Аннотация / Annotation:
The results of the research are presented, revealing the characteristics of the ideas about the psychological safety of schools among teachers with different self-perceptions. Recommendations are offered for teachers on the development of positive self-perception and positive experiences of psychological security of the educational environment, as well as for psychologists on working with teachers.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
psychological security, educational environment, school, teacher, security, violence, self-perception, self-esteem, pedagogical activity, self-regulation.

Efremova O.I. – Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Socio-cultural Development of Personality of the Taganrog Institute of A.P. Chekhov (Branch) of Rostov State University of Economics

Motivational-senses aspects of mastering distance learning by teachers

Страницы / Pages: 78-90

Аннотация / Annotation:
The motives and senses of the mastering of distance learning by teachers are considered in the article when comparing the comments of teachers with the types of situational psychological centrations (A.B. Orlov) and the types of information culture of teachers, which were identified on motivational-senses grounds. A typology of teachers was carried out according to the criterion of their attitude to distance learning by means of the using of the technique of repertory grids as a tool to deepen theoretical reflection.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
motives, senses, psychological centrations, informational culture, distance learning.


Semenova V.G. – doctor of philosophy, candidate of Philology, associate Professor, chief research officer of the scientific IT consulting Department of the Research center Of the private institution library of information and educational resources “UMNEY”
Elamik A.Yu. – teacher-speech therapist in the Municipal budget educational institution Secondary school № 38 of Shakhty

Сorrectional speech therapy work on the formation of psychomotor skills in preschool children with dysarthria

Страницы / Pages: 91-106

Аннотация / Annotation:
Motor activity is one of the main indicators of normal physical and mental development of a child, a necessary condition for the formation of his coherent speech and further education in school. Dysarthria is a violation of all components of speech due to insufficient innervation of the muscles of the speech apparatus. This article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the development of psychomotor skills in preschool children with dysarthria for the correction of their psychomotor sphere.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
development of the psychomotor sphere, motor disorders, speech development, dysarthria, preschool children, psychological and pedagogical experiment, correctional and speech therapy assistance.