Психология обучения

№ 05 • 2016


Slavgorodskaya E.L. – assistant professor of psychology of personality development MGOU, Ph.D., senior researcher at the Institute of Control Sciences, lab.17

Psychology of learning management through information technology education

Страницы / Pages: 4-13

Аннотация / Annotation:
Directions of educational process control come to light through information educational technologies in education. The positive and negative developing effect of information educational technologies is analysed. Psychological problems and requirements are selected to competent development and use of information technologies in every direction of educational process control. Experience of application of virtual educational environment is shown on psychology and analysed problems of his creation

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
information educational technology, independent, adaptive learning, developmental effect of educational technologies, psychological problems in the use and creation, electronic visibility, organization of independent work with educational technologies, computer tests, communication training participants process, electronic databases, virtual learning environment.

Malinowski E.L. – Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology of Education, Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, Minsk, Belarus

Teopsychology of love in a singular education of student

Страницы / Pages: 14-28

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article carries statement of the problem and verification of the method of armament of students with knowledge of love as «summation of perfection» in the triangulation of implicit narrative inclinations of science, art and religion. Psychological discourse organizes abduction of the text that reveals the name of the Father as a unit of event for the objectification of consciousness and the establishment of interpersonal relations between the trainer and the trainee.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
teopsychological discourse, frame, text, narration, abduction, triangulation, oedipal desire, embedment, singularity, onomastics, love.


Kodzhaspirov A.Yu. – candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Kupriyanova E.R. – Undergraduate 2 courses faculty Extreme psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

An integrated approach to psychological support fifth graders in conditions of adaptation to high school

Страницы / Pages: 29-39

Аннотация / Annotation:
In this article the problem of adaptation of fifth-graders is considered upon transition to training at high school. Transition to high school is complicated by a significant amount of external and internal factors: from change of all situation of social development around the school student before transition to a new stage of age development – to teenage age. The younger teenager faces a large number of the difficulties capable negatively to influence adaptation in the fifth class. For achievement of successful adaptation often happens implementation of competent comprehensive psychological maintenance at which all aspects of successful adaptation are affected is necessary, and also there is an attraction to work of teachers and parents of school students.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
adaptation, high school, psychological maintenance, teenage age, psychological readiness, communicative skills, personal readiness, intellectual readiness, motivation, personality.


Pesotskiy Yu.S. – doctor of pedagogical Sciences, professor


Grigorieva M.V.

The formation of personality in the educational process

Страницы / Pages: 40-46

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article highlights the problems of personality development in the educational process. The importance of the research of age peculiarities of children and the impact of these characteristics on the processes of upbringing in the educational process. Proposed measures to improve the process of education with the help of innovative technologies.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
personality psychology, personality development, personality self-realization, the process of development, self-education, education, culture.

Kofeynikova Yu.L. – psychology PhD, associate professor, Moscow State Pedagogical University

Personal context of educational activity as the factor of overcoming the alienation of the individual from the student’s own education

Страницы / Pages: 47-54

Аннотация / Annotation:
The problem of alienation of the personality of the student from their own education actual for modern higher education is considered. The mechanisms of alienation of the identity of the student from their own education, factors of a personal inclusiveness in educational cognitive activity are analyzed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
alienation of the personality of the student from their own education, finding of meanings in educational process, contextual approach in education, personal, subject and social context of educational activity, factors of a personal inclusiveness in educational cognitive activity, methods of development of semantic reflexivity of the personality of the student.

Stanibula S.A. – Assistant Professor of Psychology, Establishment of Education «Francis Skorina Gomel State University»

The conception of crises of students being orphand children

Страницы / Pages: 55-61

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article reveals ideas of the crisis, the number of students from de – children – orphans and children left without parental care. In the study of crisis events, we were characterized them as a set of interrelated units categorical determine not only the cause-effect relationship, but also basic personal phenomenology overcome those or other crisis events

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
crisis, students, orphans, social and psychological adaptation.


Korneeva S.A. – candidate of psychological Sciences, associate professor of the Department of psychology Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Belgorod State National Research University»
Lokteva A.V. – candidate of psychological Sciences, associate professor of the Department of general and clinical psychology Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Belgorod State National Research University»

Dynamics of the professional orientation of medical students

Страницы / Pages: 62-71

Аннотация / Annotation:
This article examines the characteristics of a professional orientation of students of medical faculty. Analyzed the characteristics of a professional orientation of students – physicians. A brief overview of the approaches to the study of the psychological image of the modern professional are given. The results of the conducted research allow to draw a conclusion on need of timely diagnostics of formation of a professional orientation of students and granting by him in necessary cases of psychological support.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
student’s age, professional orientation, professional self-determination, relation to a profession, the locus of control.


Bogdanova T.V. PhD in Philology – Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology Smolensk State University

Structural components of professional identity of teachers in higher education: interaction with colleagues, behavior of social inclusion, adaptability, tolerance

Страницы / Pages: 72-84

Аннотация / Annotation:
The results of the international (Russian-Latvian) study of professional identity of the modern high school teacher for several structural components: interaction with colleagues, behavior of social inclusion, adaptability, tolerance. The author analyzed the data obtained from the Russian sample. The article revealed the severity of these components and their characteristics and correlation. The researchers made an attempt to identify the most problematic areas, and negative trends.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
professional identity, behavior of social inclusion, adaptability, interaction with colleagues, tolerance.


Rozenova M.I. – doctor of psychology, professor of psychology of work and 
psychological counseling Moscow pedagogical state University (MPSU)

Life in the megalopolis: training spatial behavior, as a means of mastering sociocultural norms of interaction

Страницы / Pages: 85-93

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article discusses the relevance and sources of spatial features of human interaction in the social and physical environment on the example of the metropolis. There is a supposition about the role of space and spatial interaction as a context factor and the result of socialization, and as a factor of effective management of the behaviour and interaction of people in a big city. Research offers extraordinary perspectives of the study of the problem and shows the practical applicability of the proposed subjects.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
space, orientation, spatial behavior, observation, research, application of results, social formation and correction.

Elizarov A.N. – Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Docent of the Psychology of Labour and Psychological Counseling Department, Moscow State Pedagogical University (MSPU), Moscow

To the problem of citizenship education in the family

Страницы / Pages: 94-101

Аннотация / Annotation:
Citizenship is defined as a psychological personality trait – the ability to be a citizen. The author proposes the concept of citizenship as a system of personal and social values: 1) statehood; 2) humanism; 3) family values; 4) spirituality; 5) dialogism. The author examines: 1) family values and sense of dignity as the basis of citizenship; 2) spirituality as high degree of two needs: cognition (to learn new things) and altruism (to live and act for others).

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
education, value, system, citizenship, patriotism, spirituality, government, dialogue, humanism, family, sense of dignity.


Pishchik V.I – doctor of psychological Sciences, head of the Department of psychology and personnel management, Southern University (Institute of Management, Business and Law)
Chirva E.A. – bachelor in Psychology

Development new educational technologies of parents of children focused on IT

Страницы / Pages: 102-111

Аннотация / Annotation:
The subject of this study is the socio-psychological characteristics of relations between parents and their teenage children focused on IT. The results of the comparative study are shown in three areas: parental views and the actual teenage activity on the Internet, parental views and ways of teenage self-realization on the Internet, parental concerns about these processes and the frankness of statement them. Proposed an online program of development new educational technologies of parents of children focused on IT.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
adolescence, self-presentation on the Internet, self-realization on the Internet, identity on the Internet, teenage self-realization, teenage identity, Internet and fears, teenagers’ online activities, performances about teenagers’ online activities.