Психология обучения

№ 06 • 2017


Semenova V.V. – Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of Preschool Education, FGBOU VO VGSPU
Moistus I.A. – faculty of preschool and primary education, FGBOU VO VGSPU

Tutor support of preschool children in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard new generation

Страницы / Pages: 6-12

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article considers the history of the formation of tutorship support, both in Russia and abroad, the content of the teacher-tutor activity in the pre-school educational organization is revealed through its main functions.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
tutor support, tutor, tut, pre-school child, principle of individualization.


Koteneva A.V. – Doctor of Psychology, Assistant Professor Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

Features of psychological health of students with different levels of religiosity

Страницы / Pages: 13-26

Аннотация / Annotation:
The results of empirical studies of the relationship of religion, values and mental health among students presented in the article. High levels of religiosity is the basis of spiritual development of man, family, creativity, helping behavior, values of love, forgiveness, altruism and compassion. Students with low levels of religiosity relied more on their own resources in achieving the goals than students with average and high levels of religiosity. All students characterizes the desire to build interpersonal relationships based on social norms and the interest in the development his intellect.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
spirituality, sincerity, personal values, mental health, psychological health, religiosity, physicality.

Orlova E.A. – doctor of Psychology, Professor of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Esterbrook S.A. – candidate of Psychology, Deputy head for international relations of the Association “Global behavioral solutions”

Karpekova T.A. – senior lecturer in the psychology Department of the Mogilev state University by A. Kuleshov

Diagnostics and psycho-correction of problem behaviours in children with autism spectrum disorders in the process of inclusive education in the context of the behavioral approach

Страницы / Pages: 27-36

Аннотация / Annotation:
In this article, the authors are describing types and functions of problem behavior, and the common factors determining negative forms of behavior for children with autism spectrum disorders. Based on applied behavior analysis principles, the researchers are presenting the main steps for the functional assessment of problem behaviors of children with autism with the purpose of developing and implementing individual programs of “positive behavioral support” in order to effectively work with problem behaviors by replacing its negative forms for positive, socially adequate forms. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
autism spectrum disorders; inclusive education; applied behavior analysis; problem behavior; types of problem behavior; functional assessment; functional analysis of behavior; reasons or functions of problem behavior for children with ASD; negative and positive forms of behavior; aggressive and disruptive forms of behavior; socially acceptable behaviors; reinforcers; antecedents of behavior; consequences of behavior; positive behavior support program; positive reinforcement; model of alternative(adequate) behavior; generalization of positive behaviors .


Chmykhova E.V. – Cand. nauk.(Sociol.) Head of the Department Science and Innovation, Modern University for the Humanities Moscow, Russia
Davydov D.G. – Cand. nauk. (Psy.), Head of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Modern University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia
Shevel P.P. – Cand. nauk.(Sociol.), Senior research fellow, Army Scientific Research Center, Moscow, Russia

Indicators and dynamics of cognitive abilities of university students at distance education

Страницы / Pages: 37-47

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article presents the results of a study of cognitive abilities of e-learning university students. The types of learning ability of students were estimated. The tests norms for rate of knowledge assimilation and rate of classification were establish. On the basis of longitudinal comparisons the influence of age to the students’ cognitive abilities was determined. Obtained data confirm that a university education compensates for age-related decline in memory and intellection. It was confirm the greatest increase is inherent in students with initially low levels of cognitive abilities. Most sensitive to the impact of training on the rate of memorization is the age from 21 to 40 years, and on the rate intellection – under the age of 30 years. The study results allow improving individual educational trajectory in order to enhance the effectiveness of education.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
students, Distance education, Lifelong learning, Cognitive abilities, Rate of knowledge assimilation, Rate of classification, Longitudinal study, Memory, Intellection.


Vereshchaka О.P. – Post-graduate student of the Department of Economic Psychology and Labor Psychology, NANO V IMTS, a lecturer at NOU IN RosNOU., Moscow
Gnezdilov G.V. – Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of General Psychology of the SGA, Professor of the Department of Economic Psychology and Labor Psychology, NANO VIC “IMTS”, Moscow
Koshkina V.K. – Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Psychology and Labor Psychology, NANO V IMTS, Moscow

The idea of studying the professional adaptation of foreign students during their studies at Russian universities (on the example of students in the economic field)

Страницы / Pages: 48-57

Аннотация / Annotation:
This article presents the results of a study of the level of professional adaptation of foreign students studying in higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation (on the example of students in the economic field). The article describes the results of the ascertaining and forming experiment. The effectiveness of the ascertaining experiment was verified with the help of mathematical data processing methods, in particular, the Wilcoxon test was applied.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
professional adaptation, foreign students, students-economists, choice of profession, motivation for success, motivation to avoid failures, interest in the profession, influence on the choice of the profession, satisfaction with the level of adaptation to training, the ability to combine work and study, the level of adaptation to vocabulary Russian language, correction of educational motivation and atypical changes in motivational indicators.

Blinova M.L. – the candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, Vice-rector for research work, ANO IN “interregional open social Institute”, Professor of Department of theoretical bases of physical education of the “Mari state University”
Zagainov I.A. – the candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, rector, ANO IN “interregional open social Institute”, Professor of the Department of special pedagogy and psychology, FGBOU VO “Mari state University”
Avdoshina A.V. – senior lecturer of the Department of psychological support of professional education, specialist of scientific-methodical work, IN ANO “interregional open social Institute”

About students’ professionally important and personal qualities in the context of psycho-educational support in a higher education institution

Страницы / Pages: 58-65

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article analyses the scientists’ points of view on psycho-educational support in an educational establishment. One marks out the peculiarities of influence of psycho-educational support on the formation process of students’ professional and personal qualities during their study in a higher education institution.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
psycho-educational support, professionally important qualities, personal qualities, a student.

Avakyan I.B. – candidate of psychological Sciences, VUNTS Force “VVA” in Syzran

The urgency of the problem of military-professional orientation of cadets of the military aviation University

Страницы / Pages: 66-74

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article contains the results of research on the actual problem of development of military-professional orientation of cadets of military schools, the conditions of its formation. The article presents a comparative analysis of the development of military-vocational orientation of students, flight universities, developed a model for the development of this orientation, recommendations for improving the military-professional orientation of students. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
military-vocational orientation, the students, need, interests, motives, beliefs, biases.

Ratanova T.A. – Honored scientist of Russia, doctor of psychological Science, Professor, Professor Departament of economic psychology and psychology of labor

The peculiarities of cognitive differentiation and structure of intelligence full-time students and distance learning

Страницы / Pages: 75-85

Аннотация / Annotation:
Comparative analysis of empirical data from younger teenagers with detainees and normal mental development (2 cl) revealed: relationship intelligence and learning with time differencirovok objects; the backlog of children with CRA on indicators of intelligence, achievement, learning, learning motivation, time differencirovok; globality (nerasčlenennost) their cognitive structures; the dominance of nonverbal intelligence over verbal.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
children with mental retardation, intelligence, cognitive structure, learning, time differentsirovki, cognitive differentiation – global, verbal and nonverbal intelligence.


Sechko A.V. – Ph.D., assistant professor of scientific bases of extreme psychology of the Moscow State University of Psychology & Education

Psychological model of professional burnout of teaching staff

Страницы / Pages: 86-96

Аннотация / Annotation:
The structure, functions, consequences of the burnout syndrome are described. The logic of using the term “professional burnout” in the scientific community is justified. The signs that allow us to consider professional burnout as a mental state are described. In the graphic and textual presentation, the original model of professional burnout is presented, explaining the uniqueness, essential differences of burnout from other mental manifestations in the teaching staff.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Pedagogical composition. Mental condition. Professional burnout. Professional involvement. Emotional exhaustion. Professional cynicism. Reduction of professional achievements. Needs. Motivational model.

Bogdanova T.V. – PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology Smolensk State University

Professional roles and professionally looking attitude to work in the university teachers professional identity model (a comparative analysis on materials of Smolensk and Riga samples)

Страницы / Pages: 97-116

Аннотация / Annotation:
The results of empirical study of two structural components of professional identity model (PI) of the teacher – “professional roles” and “professional attitude to work.” Comparative analysis of the content and the components of correlations in the general model of PI made on the material of the two samples: the teachers of Smolensk and Riga high schools (198 teachers). The findings argue in favor of the hypothesis of the model PI teacher relate similar and different elements in the UI of the two samples indicates its problem areas.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
professional identity, structural components, professional roles, professional attitude to work.


Sakhanskiy N.B. – Professor, doctor of pedagogical Sciences. N., Professor, Department of pedagogy and psychology, Academy of qualification improvement and professional retraining of education workers, Moscow
Ratanova T.A. – Doctor of Psychology, professor, Honored scientist of the Russian Federation, professor of the Department of Economic Psychology and Labor Psychology in the Institute of world civilizations, Moscow, Email:

Vintaev D.V. – postgraduate student of the Department of Economic Psychology and Labor Psychology in the Institute of world civilization. Email:

Academic advising as a means of supporting student learning in a modern educational institution

Страницы / Pages: 117-124

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article describes the main innovative technology consulting activities, the benefits and features of their application. Defines the role of the consultant in the use of innovative technologies and consulting activities in education. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
educational consulting, principal, educational consulting, academic advising, the types of innovative technology consulting activities, the major functions performed by academic advisors in the consulting process at the University.


Dzhioeva A.A. – doctor of philological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the UNESCO Department for the study of global issues faculty of global processes of Moscow state University. M.V. Lomonosov

Psycholinguistic aspects of English nominatively

Страницы / Pages: 125-132

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article deals with psycholinguistic aspects of nominality and its speech coorelative – noun syntactization. The nominal component is treated as one of the alternative elements of speech production at the earliest stages of forming communicative speech abilities of children – those of verbal and nominal ones. The analysis of the latter, alike with the whole phenomenon of nominality, is directly related to teaching foreign languages, as it allows to adequately develop communicative potentials of the learner, coordinated with their psycholinguistic characteristics. Moreover that, basic fundamental knowledge of psycholinguistics allows to guarantee adequate delivery of the material during the process of teaching. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
nominality, syntactization, noun, psycholinguistics, noun liability, verbal liability, teaching English.

Bazylev V.N. – Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department of General Linguistics, Modern University for the Humanities

Popular scientific text: from understanding to creation

Страницы / Pages: 133-142

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article deals with the problem of creating the popular scientific text as an element of modern cultural and educational environment of Russian schools and universities. The results of studying this sort of texts are discussed as well from the perspective of the recipient as from the perspective of the addresser. Also, several principles of popular scientific text creation for senior classes of secondary school and first year University students are presented.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
popular scientific text, psychological literary studies, the communicative properties of the training text, communicative personality, the structure of the popular scientific text.

Berezina T.N. – Doctor of Science (Psychology), Professor, Department of General Psychology, Modern Humanitarian Academy, professor of department of psychology of work and psychological consultation of Moscow State University of education

Healthy lifestyle as factor of individual life expectancy

Страницы / Pages: 143-155

Аннотация / Annotation:
In article influence of a healthy lifestyle on individual life expectancy in our country in 20 and the beginning is theoretically and empirically studied 21 centuries. Research is executed by a twin method on selection of 100 couples monogerminal twins. Reliable reduction of individual life expectancy under the influence of a factor “drug addiction” and “total quantity of addictions” in relation to average on selection is shown. Factors “alcoholism” authentically reduce life expectancy at the twin in couple, but not in relation to an average on selection. Influence of the “tobacco smoking” and “overeating” variables is leveled by action of other negative factors, however in process of growth of average life expectancy in Russia, they can act as a resource, increasing the term of productive life. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
individual life expectancy, twin method, health, healthy lifestyle, addictions, alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacco smoking.

Gnezdilov G.V. – Ph.D. in Psychology, professor, professor of the Department of Economic Psychology and Labor Psychology in the Institute of world civilizations, head of the Department of General Psychology in the Modern University for the Humanities, Moscow
Koshkina V.K. – Ph.D. in Psychology, associate professor of the Department of Economic Psychology and Labor Psychology in the Institute of world civilizations, Moscow
Kiselev V.V. – Ph.D. in Psychology, senior lecturer of the Department of World Civilizations and World Politics in the Institute of world civilizations, Moscow
Gnezdilova M.G. – art historian, expert in cultural values of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Moscow

The features of psychological counseling of a modern director 

Страницы / Pages: 156-165

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the features of psychological counseling of a modern director. The specific of the emotional background and the main positions of the interaction between a counselor psychologist and a client are revealed. The managerial function of a psychologist in managerial psychological counseling is grounded. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
a counseling psychologist, a client, managerial psychological counseling, a director, the system for evaluation labor results, assessment, attestation, mentoring, a company.