Психология обучения

№ 10 • 2011


Chernov D.N. – PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher of Scientific and Research Laboratory of Development of Technologies for Diagnostics of Development of Personality of the Russian National and Research Medical University in the name of N.I.Pirogov (Moscow)

Psychological and anthropological approach to analysis of social and cultural situation of development of a child

Страницы / Pages: 4-19

Аннотация / Annotation:
Sources of a concept of social situation of development, its further development are discussed; psychological and anthropological fundamentals of its transformation into a concept of social and cultural situation of development of a child are represented, and it enables to set tasks of modernization of Russian system of education as a whole. Principles of building of potential social and cultural situation of development of a child based on his/her higher anthropological image as a subject of life cycle are reasoned; its structural and dynamic units are analyzed; public tasks of building of anthropological orientirs in education and training are set.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
a zone of proximal development, a psychological and anthropological approach, social and cultural situation of development of a child, a subject and activity approach.

Shchukina M.A. – PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Differential Psychology of Saint-Petersburg State Institute for Psychology and Social Work

Anthropologism in scientific creativity of P.F.Kapterev (135th anniversary of first publishing the magazine ‘Pedagogicheskaya psikhologiya’)

Страницы / Pages: 20-31

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article covers the anniversary of first publishing of the magazine ‘Pedagogicheskaya Psikhlogiya’ by P.F.Kapterev; development of contents and author’s opinion in its three publications are analyzed. Views of P.F.Kapterev on interdisciplinarity, opennesss, evolutionism, anthropologism, that are actual for modern postclassical psychology, are discussed. Great attention is paid to development of an anthropological principle; its methodical axiological and theoretical value in works of P.F.Kapterev is represented.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Peter F. Kapterev, pedagogic psychology, postclassical psychology, anthropologism (an anthropological principle), self-actualization.


Teslenko V.I. – Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of Methods of Physics Teaching, GOU VPO ‘Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogic University in the name of V.P. Astafiev’
Latyntsev S.V. – PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of Physycs Teaching, GOU VPO ‘Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogic University in the name of V.P. Astafiev’

Criteria and levels of development of students’ commmunicative competences

Страницы / Pages: 32-43

Аннотация / Annotation:
Levels of demonstration of communicative competences in educational and cognitive activity are considered. Directions of communicative activity of students, influencing on specifics of a system of lessons, are set. A structure of a generalized communicative competence is based on development of this competence. Assessing and diagnostic cards for setting a diagnosis of levels of development of a generalized communicative competences of students in their professional and educational activity are represented. Special features of a targeted activity of a teacher in development of a communicative competence of students are shown.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
a generalized communicative competence, criteria and levels of a communicative competence, communicative activity, assessing cards, communicative experience, communicative competence of a teacher, a verbal competence, a written competence.

Pervushina O.N. – PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of Novosibirsk State University
Privodnova E.Yu. – Postgraduate Student, Researcher of the Institute of Physiology of SO of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Individual specifics of tolerance to uncertainty

Страницы / Pages: 44-55

Аннотация / Annotation:
Data of connection of tolerance to uncertainty to a locus of control of orientation to future are given in the article. An attempt to set a portrait of a person, who is tolerant to uncertainty, is made. Various cases of tolerance to uncertainty are described.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
tolerance to uncertainty, variations of tolerance to uncertainty, a locus of control, orientation to future.


Mishchenko L.V. – PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of General Psychology, a Correspondent Memeber of the International Academy of Sceinces of Pedagogic Education, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Director of the Center for System Researches of Human Individuality of GOU VPO PGLU (Pyatigorsk-city)

Development of integrative psychology of gender development of human individuality

Страницы / Pages: 56-68

Аннотация / Annotation:
New thoeretical and practical approaches to consideration of integrative development of a human being from the position of sex and gender are proposed in the article. A concept gender development of an integral individuality. Methodological and theoretical fundamentals for creation of a new interdisciplinary scientific direction within the system of psychological knowledge as integrative psychology of gender development of human individuality, are represented in the article. A subject, basic directions and tasks of a research of integrative psychology of gender development of human individuality are set.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
integrative developmental psychology, a theory of integral individuality, psychology of sex differences, gender psychology, gender development of human individuality.

Ustinova N.A. – PhD in Psychology, Senior Teacher of the Department of Psychology of Personality of the Institute of Psychology of Ural State Pedagogic University (Yekaterinburg-city)

Expression of personal features of a mother in children’s care and education

Страницы / Pages: 69-76

Аннотация / Annotation:
A problem of relation of a mother to a child is considered. A research of mother’s position based on interaction between personal features of mothers and their settings in relation to their children is conducted; and it enables to build work in frameworks of developmental and psychological consulting and make modern correction of mothers’ behavior.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
mothers’ position, personal settings of a mother, setting of relation to a child.


Ignatieva G.A. – Doctor of Pedagogy, Honoured Teacher of Higher School of Russia, Head of the Department for Pedagogy and Andragogy GOU DPO ‘Nizhegorodskiy Institute of Development of Education’
Starodubtseva E.V. – Senior Teacher of the Department of Theory and Methods of Pre-School Education, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Pedagogy and Andragogy of GOU DPO ‘Nizhegorodskiy Institute of Development of Education’

Procedural and activity model of development of the position of a teacher-consultant- expert within a system of post-diploma education

Страницы / Pages: 77-87

Аннотация / Annotation:
Authors’ view of solving a problem of development of the position teacher-consultant-expert in conditions of post-diploma education is considered. Necessity of task forms of organization of consulting support of professional activity of teachers is reasoned. Activity contents, regulations, mechanisms, stages, and effectiveness of the developed technology of consulting support of professional development of teachers, which is made for building a new functional position, are shown.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
a technology of consulting support, activity norms of professional development, task forms of organization of activity, effects of professional development, reflective management of positions, active support.

Razina T.V. – PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology Syktyvkar State University

Factor structure of motivation of scientific activity of students

Страницы / Pages: 88-99

Аннотация / Annotation:
Authors’ concept of types of motivation of scientific activity concerning university students is represented. The results of experimental research of types of motivation of scientific activity of university students by authors’ questionnaire methods are represented. Using a procedure of factor analysis of a structure of types of motives of scientific activity, a fact of its changing and moments of its stabilization are set. A series of offers in development of a structure of motives, which is able to support effective creative scientific activity of students, is developed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
motivation, scientific activity, types of motives such as situational, formal and symbolic, glory, service, valueable, indentification; a factor structre.


Petrosyants V.R. – Senior Teacher of the Department of Psychology of Development of GOU VPO ‘Komi State Pedagogic Institute’

Structural organization of survival in high school for pupils participants of a bulling in an educational environment

Страницы / Pages: 100-109

Аннотация / Annotation:
The results of theoretical and experimental research of survival in high school for pupils participants of a bulling in an educational environment are represented. A procedure of research of survival and its components is shown. Differences in structural organization of survival (integrity and differentiation of a structure) for pupils of high school are represented. A contribution of psychological charecteristics of pupils participants of a bulling to a stucture of their survival is expressed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
survival, involvement, control, risk adoption, violation, a bulling, ‘a victim’, ‘a violator’, integrity, differentiation.

Chernyshov R.A. – Teacher-Psychologist MOU SOSH No.80, Postgraduate Student of the Department of General and Social Psychology of Yaroslavl State Pedagogic University in the name of K.D. Ushinskiy

Interpersonal interaction as a factor of development of psychological states of children in primary school

Страницы / Pages: 110-117

Аннотация / Annotation:
Interaction between development of psychological states of children in primary school, based on various forms of interpersonal interaction, is considered. The given analysis of a problem enables to get valuable results not only for theoretical but also for practical usage in educational environment.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
interpersonal interaction, primary school age, an educational environment, psychological states, types of interaction.


Mond O.L. – PhD in Pedagogy, Teacher of the Department of Musical Theater of New-York Cinema Academy

Psychological and acmeological aspects of training of a musical singers: setting a task

Страницы / Pages: 118-124

Аннотация / Annotation:
Psychological and acmeological aspects of training in higher professional educational institutions of musical singers are considered; also differences in understanding of ways to successful achievments in this field of musical and drama art by students and professional musicals’ singers are analyzed. Differences between general and special acmeological invariants are considered on the case of leading and non-leading musicals’ singers.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
acmeological charecteristics, acmeology of performing art creativity, conditions of achievment of ACME, professional skills, creative self-actualization.