Психология обучения
№ 12 • 2011
Avdulova T.P. – PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department for Developmental Psychology of MGPU

Страницы / Pages: 4-16
Аннотация / Annotation:
Influence of a family through a style of education and emotional affection on cognitive development of children in primary school is considered. Experimental data of influence of children-parent relations on development of mediate memory, logic thinking, attention and speech are given; interaction between children and parent relations, cognitive development and progress in studies are analyzed.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
a family a style of education, emotional affection, thinking, memory, attention, speech, cognitive development, children-parent relations.
Influence of a family through a style of education and emotional affection on cognitive development of children in primary school is considered. Experimental data of influence of children-parent relations on development of mediate memory, logic thinking, attention and speech are given; interaction between children and parent relations, cognitive development and progress in studies are analyzed.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
a family a style of education, emotional affection, thinking, memory, attention, speech, cognitive development, children-parent relations.

Pavlova E.V. – Assistant of the Department of Psychology of Volgograd State Social and Pedagogic University

Страницы / Pages: 17-25
Аннотация / Annotation:
Typical portraits of intelligent emotions of children in primary school are represented. A generalized characteristic of each portrait with specifications is given. Specifics of emotions of children depending on conditions of education (special schools, colleges, schools) are shown. Differentiated recommendations for a psychologist concerning specifics of each portrait are proposed.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
intelligent emotions, typical portraits, differentiated recommendations.
Typical portraits of intelligent emotions of children in primary school are represented. A generalized characteristic of each portrait with specifications is given. Specifics of emotions of children depending on conditions of education (special schools, colleges, schools) are shown. Differentiated recommendations for a psychologist concerning specifics of each portrait are proposed.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
intelligent emotions, typical portraits, differentiated recommendations.

Klagina I.Yu. – PhD in Psychology, Senior Researcher, Dean of the Faculty for Training and Retraining of Moscow urban Psychological and Pedagogic University

Metelina A.A. – Postgraduate Student of Moscow Urban Psychological and Pedagogic University

Страницы / Pages: 26-36
Аннотация / Annotation:
Views of to levels of motivation a level of activity and over-situation level are considered. The data of development of motivation of educational activity and over-situation level and temporal affections of pupils of military schools are given. Dynamics of development of motivation from a teen age (5th and 6th grades) to senior school age (10th grade) is shown. Motivation parameters of pupils are compared with progress of pupils in usual schools.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
educational motivation, motivation of over-situation level (dominating motivation), temporal affections, a teenage, senior school age, a closed educational institution.
Аннотация / Annotation:
Views of to levels of motivation a level of activity and over-situation level are considered. The data of development of motivation of educational activity and over-situation level and temporal affections of pupils of military schools are given. Dynamics of development of motivation from a teen age (5th and 6th grades) to senior school age (10th grade) is shown. Motivation parameters of pupils are compared with progress of pupils in usual schools.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
educational motivation, motivation of over-situation level (dominating motivation), temporal affections, a teenage, senior school age, a closed educational institution.

Ryaguzova E.V. – PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Social Psychology of Saratov State University in the name of N.G.Chernyshevskiy

Страницы / Pages: 37-47
Аннотация / Annotation:
The results of an experimental research of subjective views of a hero of modern teenagers, that create a typology of a hero as personalization of life mission, hero as a defender, a hero as an assistant, a hero as a public person. Classification criteria of setting various types of a hero are proposed and content specifics of each type is shown. Connection between a type of hero and character of subjective relation and specifics of self-actualization is set.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
a teenager, a role of Another, a subjective image of a hero, polysemic image, a typology of a hero.
The results of an experimental research of subjective views of a hero of modern teenagers, that create a typology of a hero as personalization of life mission, hero as a defender, a hero as an assistant, a hero as a public person. Classification criteria of setting various types of a hero are proposed and content specifics of each type is shown. Connection between a type of hero and character of subjective relation and specifics of self-actualization is set.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
a teenager, a role of Another, a subjective image of a hero, polysemic image, a typology of a hero.

Krylova M.A. – PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Primary Education of Tver State University

Страницы / Pages: 48-59
Аннотация / Annotation:
Issues of psychological readiness to professional activity of future teachers of primary schools are discussed on the basis of a technology of development of content generalizations (a concept of educational activity by D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov). A variant of application of the given technology within the frameworks of study of psychological pedagogy and experimental psychology (education of students of a psychological faculty in Tver State University) is proposed.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
education, an educational task, a practical task, educational actions, generalized methods of actions.
Аннотация / Annotation:
Issues of psychological readiness to professional activity of future teachers of primary schools are discussed on the basis of a technology of development of content generalizations (a concept of educational activity by D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov). A variant of application of the given technology within the frameworks of study of psychological pedagogy and experimental psychology (education of students of a psychological faculty in Tver State University) is proposed.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
education, an educational task, a practical task, educational actions, generalized methods of actions.

Afanasenkova E.L. – PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of General Pedagogy and Psychology of the Institute of Pedagogy of Sakhalin State University

Страницы / Pages: 60-75
Аннотация / Annotation:
The results of a comparative analysis of a research of motivation to study for university students are represented. It is stated in a research that dynamics of motivation to study during education increases. Specifics of hierarchy of motives related to professional specialization are determined; a relation between a degree of satisfaction and motivation is set; general rules of availability of motives in a structure of motivation are given.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
a motive, motivation, motivation sphere, motivation to study, types of motives, professional and cognitive social, and special personal motives, (a prestige motive, pragmatic motive), negative motives, internal and external motives.
The results of a comparative analysis of a research of motivation to study for university students are represented. It is stated in a research that dynamics of motivation to study during education increases. Specifics of hierarchy of motives related to professional specialization are determined; a relation between a degree of satisfaction and motivation is set; general rules of availability of motives in a structure of motivation are given.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
a motive, motivation, motivation sphere, motivation to study, types of motives, professional and cognitive social, and special personal motives, (a prestige motive, pragmatic motive), negative motives, internal and external motives.

Shingaev S.M. – PhD in Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology, Saint-Petersburg Academy of Post-Diploma Pedagogic Education

Страницы / Pages: 76-86
Аннотация / Annotation:
Psychological aspects of professional health of teachers and managers are considered; the results of psychological researches of a stress and professional burning in professional activity of teachers and managers are discussed; a comparative analysis is made.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
professional health, professional burning, a stress, a teacher, a manager, a system of values, copying strategies.
Аннотация / Annotation:
Psychological aspects of professional health of teachers and managers are considered; the results of psychological researches of a stress and professional burning in professional activity of teachers and managers are discussed; a comparative analysis is made.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
professional health, professional burning, a stress, a teacher, a manager, a system of values, copying strategies.

Grebneva V.V. – PhD in Psychology, Associate Professorof the Department of Psychology of Belgorod National Scientific and Research University

Страницы / Pages: 87-95
Аннотация / Annotation:
The results of an experimental research of specifics of energy and information exchange in multi-level system ‘human-being to environment’ are represented in the article. The author pays attention to specifics of mutual influence between psychological properties and states of teachers and values of university organizational culture as the most important factors of full functioning and development of a human being in labor.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
energy and information exchange, interaction, congruence of a human being and environment, mental health, psychological security, satisfaction of environment conditions.
The results of an experimental research of specifics of energy and information exchange in multi-level system ‘human-being to environment’ are represented in the article. The author pays attention to specifics of mutual influence between psychological properties and states of teachers and values of university organizational culture as the most important factors of full functioning and development of a human being in labor.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
energy and information exchange, interaction, congruence of a human being and environment, mental health, psychological security, satisfaction of environment conditions.

Semenova T.S. – PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of Penza State Pedagogic University

Страницы / Pages: 96-102
Аннотация / Annotation:
A ratio between initial readiness to study and further adaptation of children to 1st grade in school is considered. A conclusion of reasons of uneasiness is not in dynamics of progress in studies, but in individual traits of a child providing this dynamics and in relations of a child with other participants of a process, is made.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
psychological readiness to study, adaptation to school, difficulties of adaptation.
Аннотация / Annotation:
A ratio between initial readiness to study and further adaptation of children to 1st grade in school is considered. A conclusion of reasons of uneasiness is not in dynamics of progress in studies, but in individual traits of a child providing this dynamics and in relations of a child with other participants of a process, is made.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
psychological readiness to study, adaptation to school, difficulties of adaptation.

Kovalenko E.S. – Postgraduate Student of the Sector of Psychology of Developing Education of the Scientific and Methodical Institution ‘National Institute for Education’ of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Страницы / Pages: 103-110
Аннотация / Annotation:
A problem of reproductive settings of modern girls, not having experience of birth and educating children, is considered in the article. An analysis of thoughts of schoolgirls and students of wished number of children in a future family, an age, which is optimal for maternity, positive and negative events related to reproduction, is given. An experimental research shows specifics of reproductive settings of girls from two and sole parent families.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
parenthood, maternity, settings, reproductive settings, sole and two parent families.
A problem of reproductive settings of modern girls, not having experience of birth and educating children, is considered in the article. An analysis of thoughts of schoolgirls and students of wished number of children in a future family, an age, which is optimal for maternity, positive and negative events related to reproduction, is given. An experimental research shows specifics of reproductive settings of girls from two and sole parent families.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
parenthood, maternity, settings, reproductive settings, sole and two parent families.

Bashkatova Yu.A. – Postgraduate Student of the Department of General and Social Psychology of Yaroslavl State Pedagogic University in the name of K.D.Ushinskiy, Teacher-Psychologist MOU SSOSH No.25, Yaroslavl-city

Страницы / Pages: 111-118
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article covers issues of organization of correction and development work for developing niversal communicative skills of children in primary school, who have various level of probability of appearence of aggression in behavior in a process of their psychological and pedagogic support. The accent is made on consideration of reasons of conducting this work on 2nd and 3rd grades of primary school and mental specifics of this age, to which a correction program with definite criteria of effectiveness accords.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
communicative universal skills, aggression, education, mental specifics of children in primary school.
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article covers issues of organization of correction and development work for developing niversal communicative skills of children in primary school, who have various level of probability of appearence of aggression in behavior in a process of their psychological and pedagogic support. The accent is made on consideration of reasons of conducting this work on 2nd and 3rd grades of primary school and mental specifics of this age, to which a correction program with definite criteria of effectiveness accords.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
communicative universal skills, aggression, education, mental specifics of children in primary school.