Право и образование

№ 01 • 2024


Berliavsky L.G. – Doctor of Science (History), Candidate of Science (Law)

Typology of sources of law

Страницы / Pages: 4-12

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article examines the main difficulties in studying the typology of sources of law. Two main directions of scientific search are identified: analytical and synthetic. The independent groups of sources allocated within the framework of the traditional analytical approach to the typology of sources of law are considered. The author’s criteria for classifying types of sources of law are summarized.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
typology of sources of law, universal sources, formal sources, spiritual and moral values.


Skripova N.E. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Gordeeva D.S. – Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor

Principles of continuous environmental education in the context of sustainable development

Страницы / Pages: 13-21

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article focuses on the fact that a set of pedagogical principles, characterized by creative search, a tendency to the comprehensive development of the personality, software products that correspond to the purpose of the study, should awaken and activate the internal processes of development and self-development of the student in the process of environmental education. The specificity of pedagogical principles in the process of continuous ecological.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
environmental education, continuity, patterns and principles of environmental education.

Cherepanov V.D. – PhD, associate professor
Cherepanova N.V. – PhD, associate professor
Shirokova M.O. –

Actual problems of teaching philosophy in the higher school

Страницы / Pages: 22-28

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article deals with the actual problems of teaching philosophy in the higher school. The ways of formation of universal competence discuss in the course of training. The concept of teaching a philosophy course at the university is considered. A theoretical analysis of possible methods of studying the discipline and evaluating the acquired knowledge is carried out.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
philosophy, competence, higher school, educational process, student.

Efremov I.A. – PhD in Law, Associate Professor

Technical and forensic activities, education for its implementation: from the experience of 50 years in the profession

Страницы / Pages: 29-37

Аннотация / Annotation:
The author used his half a century of experience to consider some types of technical and forensic activities. He also highlighted certain forms of education for its implementation. Knowledge and skills for such activities are currently in demand not only in the field of detection, investigation of crimes and legal proceedings. According to the author, there is a need to train specialists in the profession of «criminalist», where it is in demand, and for new practices.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
technical and expert forensic activities, technical and expert forensic education, criminologist, forensic expert, forensic expert, forensic expertise.


Dorofeev I.N. – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor
Sotnikova E.D. – Candidate of Sociological Sciences
Davitadze M.D. – Doctor of Law, Professor

Topical issues of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the sphere of forest management: legal and pedagogical aspect

Страницы / Pages: 38-46

Аннотация / Annotation:
The Russian Federation has unique forest resources. However, the uncontrolled use of the country’s forest fund can lead to its depletion and environmental degradation. The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation considers the rational use of natural resources and careful attitude to its natural reserves to be a strategic national priority and in the long term considers its natural resource potential as a national asset.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
national Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, environmental protection, rational use of forest resources, criminal law measures, decriminalization of forest management, organized criminal groups and communities in the sphere of timber trafficking.

Talynev V.E. – doctor of sociology, associate professor

Moral and moral foundations of the professional activity of a PD employee in modern conditions of juvenile delinquency

Страницы / Pages: 47-58

Аннотация / Annotation:
Based on the research conducted at the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the article presents the main conditions and factors determining the dominant of juvenile delinquency, generalized images are constructed-portraits of a teenager prone to offenses, as well as an inspector for juvenile affairs with a detailed description of the necessary moral and moral professional qualities.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:

Filipenko E.V. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Prevention of neglect of minors: practice-oriented approach

Страницы / Pages: 59-68

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article examines the problem of juvenile neglect in modern society and substantiates the importance of using a practice-oriented approach to its prevention. The factors contributing to the development of neglect are analyzed, attention is drawn to social risks, practical approaches and measures aimed at preventing neglect and creating conditions for the versatile development of adolescents are proposed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
neglect of minors, deviant behavior, preventive work, family education.

Eremenko A.S. – Doctor of Juridical Science, PhD, Professor

1 for the price of 365: The UN Global Seminar on National Human Rights Mechanisms

Страницы / Pages: 69-78

Аннотация / Annotation:
The author summarizes opinions of participants in the methodological seminar to share experiences to improve national mechanisms for implementation, reporting and follow-up (NMIRFs), held at the 53rd session of the UN Human Rights Council. The expert review of legal solutions in relation to the NMIRFs is proposed. The leading educational and enlightening role of the Seminar in the work of the global human rights mechanism is highlighted.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
human rights, UN, UN Human Rights Council, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, national mechanisms for implementation, reporting and follow-up, NMIRFs, national coordinators, judicial system, parliament, application of law, legal education.


Kiselev A.S. – Candidate of Legal Sciences
Gorbunova K.A. –

Approaches to the interpretation and content of the category of “crimes in the field of computer information” in criminology and its significance for the investigation

Страницы / Pages: 79-89

Аннотация / Annotation:
The work is devoted to the analysis of the category of “crimes in the field of computer information”. The specifics of these crimes are related to the use of computers and other technical devices. In practice, difficulties often arise in the qualification of criminal acts, many “classic” crimes are committed today using modern information technologies. That is why today the relevance of studying the essence and interpretations of crimes in the field of computer information is high.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
computer information, criminalistics, crimes in the field of computer information, cybercrime, cybercrime.

Zautorova E.V. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

The program of psychological and pedagogical influence on convicts with religious extremist beliefs

Страницы / Pages: 90-95

Аннотация / Annotation:
Currently, there is an increase in manifestations of extremism and nationalism, xenophobic tendencies in society, a number of religious organizations whose activities are clearly antisocial are dangerous. This article presents the program, its content, forms and methods of psychological and pedagogical influence on convicts who support extremist ideology.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
extremist beliefs of individuals, convicts, places of imprisonment, psychological and pedagogical impact, educational work, correctional activities.

Konovalchuk M.V. – Candidate of Legal Sciences

On the issue of the procedure for making wills of persons in places of deprivation of liberty

Страницы / Pages: 96-102

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to the issues of drawing up and certifying wills of persons in places of deprivation of liberty. Based on the analysis of the current civil and penal enforcement legislation, the author suggests considering this process as a strictly regulated procedure that guarantees the observance of the rights and legitimate interests of both the convicts themselves and the administration of correctional institutions in case of unfounded complaints from the latter.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
head of correctional institution, notary, persons sentenced to imprisonment, will, secret of the will.


Solovyev A.A. – doctor of science (Law)

Procedural Order of Approval of Medical Intervention with Regards to Certain Categories of Persons: The Experience of Some European Countries

Страницы / Pages: 103-108

Аннотация / Annotation:
A study of foreign experience in the normative consolidation of the procedural procedure for authorizing medical intervention in relation to certain categories of persons is presented. The article considers the legislative approaches of individual European states to ensuring the protection in a judicial (quasi-judicial) manner of the interests of a minor or a person recognized as legally incompetent in the event of the refusal of a legal representative from medical intervention necessary to save life, or the absence of his consent.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
administrative legal proceeding, medical intervention, minors, incapable persons, lifesaving, legal action, judicial process, quasi-judicial process, international experience, European countries.


Suetin I.N. – doctor of historical sciences, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor

Vectors of development of domestic musical and educational traditions abroad in the 20th century (on the example of China)

Страницы / Pages: 109-118

Аннотация / Annotation:
This study made it possible to identify the main vectors of development of Russian (Soviet) musical and educational traditions in China in the 20th century: the preservation and dissemination of the practice of Russian (Russian) church singing education; development of Russian (Soviet) traditions of general musical upbringing and education; the practice of training professional musicians on the basis of specialized educational institutions.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
musical and educational traditions of Russia (USSR), educational institutions of the musical profile, personnel migration, China.