Право и образование

№ 01 • 2025


Kirillovykh A.A. – candidate of law, associate Professor

Digitalization of administrative procedures for the implementation of public services and functions in the field of education

Страницы / Pages: 4-10

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article examines the modern directions of the state educational policy aimed at digitalization of administrative procedures implemented by authorized bodies of public administration in the field of education. The legal foundations, practice and main trends of the introduction of digital services into the activities of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Education and Science, which increase the level of technologicality of state functions and services in this area of public relations, are disclosed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
digitalization of management, public authority, administrative procedure, educational policy, educational law.

Sultanova V.R. – сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Analysis of the positions of a sports university in national and subject aggregated rankings

Страницы / Pages: 11-23

Аннотация / Annotation:
The National Consolidated Rating is a comprehensive system for evaluating higher education institutions in the country, taking into account various parameters and criteria to determine their level and quality of educational services. A consolidated subject rating is a rating that evaluates higher education institutions in accordance with specific educational programs or areas of study. The article examines the analysis of sports universities in national and aggregated universities.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
sports universities, national summary rating, subject summary rating, action plan to improve the university’s position in the rankings.


Zautorova E.V. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

A model of the process of professional training of citizens who were recruited for the first time to the penal enforcement system

Страницы / Pages: 24-33

Аннотация / Annotation:
Currently, the issues of optimizing the professional training of employees of the penal enforcement system are of particular importance. This article presents a model of the professional training process for citizens who first joined the penal enforcement system. It consists of three main blocks: conceptually-targeted, organizational-meaningful and performance-evaluative.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
the penal enforcement system, vocational training, first-time employees, students, departmental educational organizations, the educational process.

Shashkova V.N. – candidate of sciences (Philology), associate professor

Content of foreign language training of adjunct officers of educational organizations of the Ministry of internal affairs of Russia

Страницы / Pages: 34-40

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article proposes an option for meaningfully filling the requirements for foreign language training of adjuncts of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for all types of speech activity, taking into account the specifics of the lexical and grammatical component of speech design, determined by the discursive characteristics of the text.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
postgraduate education, adjuncts, professional foreign language communicative competence, types of speech activity, cognitive-discursive paradigm, text activity.

Yakushev V.A. – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor

Typical and atypical mistakes made by police officers in gun training classes as elements of a negative culture when handling weapons

Страницы / Pages: 41-48

Аннотация / Annotation:
Gun training is a priority type of professional service and physical training of police officers, which forms the professorial and teaching staff in fire training classes the skill of firing weapons. When training to fire a weapon, an employee makes many mistakes that act as elements of a negative culture, which must be eliminated in a timely manner so that they do not lead to non-fulfillment of the task facing the police officer in the future.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
gun and professional training, police officer, shooting mistakes as elements of subculture.


Yakovleva-Chernysheva A.Y. – Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

On the discussion issues of legal regulation of commercial relations in Russia

Страницы / Pages: 49-55

Аннотация / Annotation:
This article is devoted to the discussion of issues of legal regulation of commercial relations in Russia, which are caused by ambiguity of concepts enshrined in normative legal acts, remaining gaps in legislation, the absence of a generally accepted doctrinal approach to the definition of the essence and place of commercial law in the Russian legal system.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
commercial law, trade law, business law, subjects of trade, trade agreements.

Khilyuk S.O. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Preparedness of the leadership of auxiliary bodies for the prevention of juvenile delinquency

Страницы / Pages: 56-64

Аннотация / Annotation:
In this article, the author provides an analysis of modern problems associated with juvenile crime and provides current forms of manifestation of deviant behavior. In addition, the author presents the results of a study of the readiness of police officers to organize the prevention of teenage offenses and draws general conclusions.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
readiness, deviant behavior, tort, minors, police officers.

Emelina L.A. – Candidate of Legal Sciences.
Yavorsky S.A. –

Problems of creating personal roperty in marriage

Страницы / Pages: 65-70

Аннотация / Annotation:
The paper raises the problem of the relationship of property in its division between spouses to personal and jointly acquired property. When providing evidence to the court about personal property, the interested spouse may resort to various kinds of tricks and abuses in order to lose it as little as possible in a divorce. The article shows the vulnerabilities of prenuptial agreements and the lack of adequate protection of personal property in foreclosure by a creditor for the debts of a debtor spouse.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
prenuptial agreement, property division, creditor, personal property.


Gorbunov V.Yu. – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor
Sitkina M.N. – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor

On clarifying certain provisions of draft law № 452647-8 «On Amending the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation»

Страницы / Pages: 71-76

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article analyzes the draft federal law «On Amendments to the Code of Merchant Shipping of the Russian Federation», the purpose of which is to create a mechanism to protect the interests of Russian cargo owners and ship owners by creating conditions for priority export of cargoes, by vessels flying the flag of the Russian Federation. The author formulates conclusions and proposals to clarify the functions of seaport captains, as well as the carrier’s right to refuse to fulfill the contract of maritime transportation of cargo, with compensation for losses incurred.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Code of Merchant Shipping of the Russian Federation; draft federal law; sea vessels flying the flag of the Russian Federation; export of cargoes from the ports of the Russian Federation; seaport captain; cargo owner; ship owner; state port control.

Pozdyshev R.S. – Candidate of law science
Denisov L.V. – Candidate of law science

The reasons for the acquittal and termination of criminal cases on economic embezzlement on rehabilitative grounds

Страницы / Pages: 77-85

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article examines the reasons for the acquittal and termination of criminal cases on economic embezzlement on rehabilitative grounds. Based on the analysis of legal practice, the most problematic issues in this area are highlighted. The materials of criminal cases, as well as the final procedural documents, are considered, the actual and legal circumstances of making procedural decisions are disclosed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
embezzlement of an economic nature, acquittal, termination of a criminal case on rehabilitative grounds.

Shumskiy V.V. –
Tkachenko V.V. – candidate of Economics
Kolenichenko V.V. –

On the issue of the Concept of development of the service of district police commissioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (on the example of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Belgorod region)

Страницы / Pages: 86-91

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article deals with problematic issues arising in the activities of district police officers. In most territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, there are the same problems that negatively affect the operational and official activities of district police officers. These include a shortage of personnel of district police officers, which significantly increases the overall workload of employees, inadequate logistical support for the service.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
educational process, priority training profile, distance learning, administrative area, district police commissioner, preventive work, shortage of personnel, logistical support of the service, preventive rounds, detection of offenses and crimes.


Ponkin I.V. – doctor of science (Law), State professor

Mass claims in arbitration proceedings: the US Supreme Court’s decision of 21.05.2018 in «Epic Systems v. Lewis» as an attraction centre of discussion

Страницы / Pages: 92-100

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to the problem of mass arbitration – this is when a significant number of similar individual claims are filed by different plaintiffs against one defendant. The author shows the significance of the US Supreme Court’s decision of 21.05.2018 in case «Epic Systems v. Lewis» in the problem of filing collective (class) actions, and how it provoked an intensive growth of mass actions (another type of lawsuits).

Ключевые слова / Keywords:

Solovyev A.A. – doctor of science (Law)

Judicial Council of the Republic of Ghana: fundamentals of legal status

Страницы / Pages: 101-106

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to the issues of organization and functioning of the Judicial Council of the Republic of Ghana. The author gives a general characteristic of the state-legal system of Ghana, considers the constitutional-legal status of the Judicial Council, its composition, formation procedure and main powers.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
international experience, Republic of Ghana, judicial power, bodies of the judicial community, Judicial Council.


Gavrishchuk V.V. – doctor of historical sciences, professor

Western views and assessments of the Dnieper airborne operation conducted in september - november 1943: on the 80th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic war of 1941-1945

Страницы / Pages: 107-115

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article analyzes the opinions of german commanders of the Great Patriotic war period on the Dnieper airborne operation conducted by the Voronezh front in the autumn of 1943 on the basis of captured official documents and memoir literature. In addition, it evaluates the views of modern western historians on its preparation and conduct.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
3 and 5 guards airborne brigades (GVDBR), Dnieper airborne assault, Bukrinsky bridgehead, Voronezh front, airborne operation, western historiography.


Akhmirova E.R. – graduate student

Mentoring is a productive way of building a pedagogical process with teenagers

Страницы / Pages: 116-121

Аннотация / Annotation:
Mentoring is a productive way to build a pedagogical process with teenagers. The article includes research and analysis of the pedagogical process, reveals modern approaches to working with adolescents, and also includes results proving the productivity of mentoring. The paper considers the important and key points inherent in the way of building the pedagogical process.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
mentoring, pedagogical process, teenagers.