Право и образование

№ 02 • 2025


Vetoshkin S.A. – Doctor of Pedagogy

Formation of law-abiding behavior as a common task of pedagogy and jurisprudence

Страницы / Pages: 3-10

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article substantiates the pedagogical and legal essence of the formation of a law-abiding personality and law-abiding behavior, the relationship of pedagogy with jurisprudence, their importance for crime prevention. This is due to the use of knowledge in legal education and the application of normative legal acts as pedagogical tools, and pedagogical methods in jurisprudence as tools that have a common goal with legal regulation that forms a social personality.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
pedagogy, jurisprudence, legal education, legal upbringing, moral upbringing, legal regulation, law-abiding behavior, crime prevention.

Parygina N.N. – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor

Categories of Conscientiousness and Contradictory Behavior in the Scope of Defamation Cases

Страницы / Pages: 11-17

Аннотация / Annotation:
Over the past two decades significance of the philosophic categories in Russian Law has substantially increased. Civil jurisprudence researches at the interface of defamation law and ethical constructs which became legal terms are almost absent. In the article for the first time ever consequence of the estimation of disseminator conscientiousness is analyzed, as well as interrelationship of conscientiousness and contradictory behavior legal phenomena is established.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
conscientiousness, contradictory behavior, defamation, honor, dignity, business reputation, freedom of discussion.


Mingazova Z.R. – Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor
Valieva G.R. – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Improving Curatorial Activities in Higher Education Institutions

Страницы / Pages: 18-25

Аннотация / Annotation:
In this article examines the issues of organizing curatorial activities in universities. The curator of an academic group is a mentor who should not only facilitate the successful adaptation of students to a educational process, but also help in the formation and development of the student’s personality. The absence of a unified approach to the status of the curator leads to “inconsistency” in securing this position, his functional responsibilities, introduces inequality in the remuneration of persons carrying out this activity.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
curator of an academic group, curatorial activities, educational process, students.

Klochkova A.V. – PhD in Sociology

The demand for graduates in the labor market as a criterion for assessing the quality of education at a law school

Страницы / Pages: 26-36

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article presents the results of empirical studies of the employment of law graduates, conducted in order to analyze their competitiveness in the labor market. The possibilities of sociological research for identifying the level and improving the quality of education at the university are shown. It is substantiated that independent employment and high chances for successful career growth of a graduate are the main criterion for assessing the quality of education at a university.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
employment, graduate, demand for lawyers, career trajectories, professional knowledge and skills, work in the specialty.

Kuzin N.N. – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Rashidova A.I. –
Shubnikov Yu.B. – Doctor of Law, Professor

Features of legal regulation of functional content some educational organizations specifics of the legal regulation of the functional content of some educational organizations

Страницы / Pages: 37-44

Аннотация / Annotation:
Various aspects of the legal regulation of the functional content of some educational organizations are considered in terms of the formation and implementation of the activities of centers, training centers (by departments), branches, as well as structural divisions (faculties, departments) of the higher education system. It is proposed to define regulatory control and auditing activities in relation to educational organizations as the main one with a gradual departure from auditing.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
local act, legal regulation, structural unit, financing, responsibility, faculty, center, laboratory, department, institute, training ground, legal nature.


Vasilenko A.A. – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor.

About some facts of legal significance

Страницы / Pages: 45-51

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to some facts of legal significance. Such as birth registration and marriage. The article used the practice of restoring civil status records (registration of birth and marriage). As a result of the analysis, the forms of some procedural documents were made.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
a legal fact, an act of civil status, birth registration and marriage.

Gerasimova I.A. сandidate of Psychological Sciences – associate Professor
Manukovskaya A.N. candidate of legal Sciences – associate Professor

Legal regulation of the sustainable development of traditional values as a condition of sovereignty in the digital space

Страницы / Pages: 52-58

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article reveals the importance of traditional values in the politics of the Russian Federation, as well as the improvement of the legal framework for the organization of the digital space. The analysis of a number of normative legal acts that make up the legal aspect of protecting, strengthening and preserving traditional values is carried out. The importance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws ensuring the safety of society and the development of traditional values in various spheres is revealed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
law, traditional values, development, sovereignty, digital space.


Priamitzyn V.N. – doctor of historical sciences

Legal regulation of the activities of public authorities to ensure hydrometeorological safety

Страницы / Pages: 59-65

Аннотация / Annotation:
Legal regulation covers all areas of activity of public authorities, including ensuring hydrometeorological safety. This article examines the current state of the regulatory framework on this issue.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Legal regulation, legislation, hydrometeorological safety, strategy, doctrine, federal law.

Vasilchenko A.A. – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor

On the question of the criteria of insignificance of the act

Страницы / Pages: 66-75

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article analyzes current problems of termination of criminal prosecution in connection with the establishment of the insignificance of the act. Specific proposals for improving administrative, criminal and criminal procedural legislation, as well as promising areas for further scientific research in this area are formulated.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
insignificance, insignificance of the act, criteria for insignificance of the act, insignificance of the theft, insignificance of the act (part 2 of article 14 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), petty theft.

Trofimchuk N.V. – candidate of juridical science, assistant professor

On the issue of payment for negative environmental impact

Страницы / Pages: 76-85

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article analyzes the issues of economic stimulation of economic entities in the direction of resource-saving implementation of industrial and other economic activities, an attempt is made to assess the effectiveness of charging for negative environmental impact. In this aspect, the problems of charging fees for negative environmental impacts in cases of unauthorized disposal of production and consumption waste are outlined.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
environment, negative impact on the environment, payment for negative impact on the environment, environmental harm, production and consumption waste.


Berlov A.V. – doctor of historical sciences, associate professor

Russian Scientific Emigration in Europe in the first third of the 20th Century: history and significance for the Future of Russia

Страницы / Pages: 86-94

Аннотация / Annotation:
The paper analyzes the process of formation of the first wave of Russian emigration. Attention is paid to the first third of the XX century, when a galaxy of outstanding representatives of the intelligentsia of the Russian diaspora of the first wave continued to create and create, offering many unique ideas and discoveries in all fields of science. Russian scientists emigrated after the revolutionary upheavals in Russia led to the flourishing of science abroad, forming large institutions of Russian thought and serious scientific communities in a number of European countries.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
emigration, Russian diaspora, emigrant scientists, conciliar type of behavior, institutions of scientific thought, scientific schools in emigration, Russian scientific centers, cooperation.

Konov A.A. – Doctor of historical sciences, Docent
Verbitskaia T.V. – PhD of Political Science
Verbitskaia N.O. – doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor

Historical and legal ways of formation and education of economic patriotism in Russia

Страницы / Pages: 95-105

Аннотация / Annotation:
The work is devoted to the peculiarities of the formation in society of a respectful attitude towards industrial heritage as a key tool for maintaining law and order, the readiness of society to implement decisions made by the authorities based on an awareness of the common historical past. The author determine concept and signs of economic patriotism and the role of economic patriotism as a value element of the security system.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
industrial wealth, cultural value, achievement of the people, social cohesion, protection from threats.


Nesterov Yu.S. –

Socio-political life in the Simbirsk province in the spring of 1917

Страницы / Pages: 106-113

Аннотация / Annotation:
The author of the article attempts to consider the alignment of the political forces of the Simbirsk province, primarily local branches of political parties, after the collapse of the old state government in February 1917. It is concluded that the Simbirsk province actually bloodlessly parted with the previous regime and actively joined the reforms that followed the February Revolution of 1917. The dual power that was established in Simbirsk at the initial stage did not interfere with the reforms of the Provisional Government.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
February Revolution, Volga region, overthrow of autocracy, dual power, Simbirsk province, counties, revolutionary events, soldiers, intelligentsia, cadets, socialist revolutionaries, Mensheviks, Simbirsk garrison.