Право и образование

№ 05 • 2024


Savotchenko S.E. – Doctor of physics and mathematics science
Akap’ev V.L. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Organizational and legal problems of organizing e-learning in the process of developing professional competencies

Страницы / Pages: 4-14

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article discusses the organizational, legal, pedagogical and personnel aspects of the implementation of e-education as an element of a practice-oriented approach to the training of modern specialists using the example of the university system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is shown that with proper organization through e-learning, various types of optimal interaction between subjects of the educational process can be implemented within the framework of advanced training and professional training without interrupting the solution of official tasks.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
education, e-learning, distance learning, educational technologies, digitalization, digital educational resources.

Sidorova M.V. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor

Disciplinary responsibility of students of educational organizations of the ministry of internal affairs of Russia, the effectiveness of the application

Страницы / Pages: 15-21

Аннотация / Annotation:
This article provides an analysis of the state of disciplinary practice in the educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia implemented in relation to cadets, trainees; identifies problematic aspects of the application of certain types of disciplinary penalties to this category of employees, their effectiveness, educational potential, identifies possible ways to improve the disciplinary arsenal applied to students of departmental higher education

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
disciplinary punishment, student, internal affairs bodies, disciplinary practice, effectiveness, application, educational organization.


Kovalev O.G. – doctor of law, candidate of psychological sciences, professor

Modern problems of the use of digital technologies and innovations in providing penitential security

Страницы / Pages: 22-28

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article examines organizational and legal problems based on theoretical and empirical research, and suggests ways to improve penitentiary security through the widespread introduction of modern technical means, digital technologies and innovations into the activities of institutions of the Russian penal system.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
digital technologies, innovations, digital transformation, penitentiary security, penal institutions, suspects, accused, convicts.

Sapogov V.M. – candidate of law, associate professor
Smorodina V.A. – candidate of Law

Features of the content and placement of information for citizens by internal affairs bodies in the context of digitalization of public relations

Страницы / Pages: 29-37

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article considers certain aspects of the performance of state functions by the internal affairs bodies in the context of the digitalization of public relations, ensuring the access of citizens and organizations to information about their activities by creating publicly available information resources. The regulatory regulation for ensuring access to open data of the internal affairs bodies was analyzed. The main requirements for posting and updating information by the ATS departments are defined.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
digitalization, legal information, internal affairs bodies, right to access information, criteria for information openness of internal affairs bodies.

Melnichuk V.A. – candidate of military sciences

Problematic issues and features of the organization of the preparation of consolidated detachments to perform tasks in the area of the special military operation

Страницы / Pages: 38-42

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article presents the peculiarities of training consolidated detachments of internal affairs bodies to perform operational and official tasks in areas of martial law, and also reflects problematic issues on the organization of educational activities in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in general, and in the training of consolidated detachments of internal affairs bodies in particular.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
consolidated detachments, service and combat tasks, special military operation, tactical and special training, professional competencies, internal affairs bodies, practical actions.


Chervyakovsky A.V. – candidate of Laws, docent

Principles of the Law of Ronald Dvorkin in the Interpretation of Russian Schoolchildren

Страницы / Pages: 43-50

Аннотация / Annotation:
Is drawn to R. Dvorkin’s understanding of the principles of law, their relation with the norms of law and legal strategies. The reader is offered the materials of a legal experiment, in which Russian schoolchildren were asked to analyze the stories of the court cases given in the works of the American researcher and to make a reasoned decision as a judge. The results of the study allow us to highlight certain aspects of the legal culture of the younger generation, concerning the difference in understanding the priorities and values of legal regulation.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
principles of law, Ronald Dvorkin, legal culture, legal experiment, complex court cases.

Lukashin M.V. – candidate of Legal Sciences
Kisliy O.A. – candidate of pedagogical sciences
Isaeva M.A. –

Executive proceedings as an aspect of civil procedure

Страницы / Pages: 51-57

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article examines the problematic aspects of enforcement proceedings in civil proceedings. Since most scientists consider it as the final stage of the civil process, the completeness and timeliness of the execution of judicial acts depends on the quality of its implementation. Thus, the authors analyze the legal framework, decisions of the courts of the Russian Federation, as well as the points of view of domestic scientists regarding the specifics of enforcement proceedings.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
enforcement proceedings, civil process, court, judicial practice.

Voynov A.S. – Candidate of Political Sciences

Legal regulation of mining in Russia

Страницы / Pages: 58-63

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article analyzes the legal regulation of public relations related to cryptocurrency mining. The author comes to the conclusion that mining refers to entrepreneurial activity, as it meets all the signs of such activity. The issue of the need to regulate public relations related to the “extraction” of cryptocurrency in Russia is being updated. Attention is focused on the fact that the result of mining – the creation of cryptocurrency, leads to the emergence of an object of taxation.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
mining, cryptocurrency, digital financial assets entrepreneurial activity, taxation.


Alyoshina A.V. –

On the criminological characteristics of the stalker’s personality

Страницы / Pages: 64-71

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article examines the criminological characteristics of the personality of the persecutor in the Russian Federation. The classification and typology of the pursuer’s personality is given. Specific measures have been proposed to ensure the protection of persons subject to persecution.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
harassment, victim, deviant behavior, offense, criminalization, public danger.

Tsareva E.A. – candidate of Legal Sciences
Obernikhina O.V. –

Current issues in the prevention of «disorder of sexual preference» and «paedophilia»

Страницы / Pages: 72-77

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article reflects the trends in the growth of juvenile delinquency rates, and suggests ways to solve them. The author denies the synonymy of the concepts of «sexual preference disorder» and «pedophilia», which are currently legally equalized. The author substantiates disagreement with the policy of foreign countries on lobbying for the repeal of laws setting the age of sexual consent for the freedom of sexual expression of young people and children.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
pedophilia, disorder of sexual preference, constitutional and legal status of a minor, childhood safety, minors, sexual orientation.

Pozdyshev R.S. – Candidate of law science

Forensically significant features of the functioning of cellular communications and IP telephony

Страницы / Pages: 78-84

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article discusses the development of cellular communication and IP telephony technologies. The features of the functioning of these information and telecommunication technologies and their value for the criminal world are revealed. The evolution of domestic legislation in the field of combating crimes committed using IP telephony is analyzed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
cellular communications, IP telephony, spoofed number, remote fraud.


Gavrishchuk V.V. – doctor of historical sciences, professor
Konnov V.V. – candidate of psychological sciences

Vorobyov Mihail Petrovich – deputy people’s commissar of defense (1942–1943)

Страницы / Pages: 85-91

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article, based on archival materials, for the first time in Russian historiography, reveals the main activities of the first Marshal of the engineering troops of the Red army, M.P. Vorobyov, during his duties as deputy people’s commissar of defense of the USSR.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
marshal of the engineering troops, M.P. Vorobyov, the Great Patriotic war, deputy people’s commissar of defense, orders of the NGO for engineering troops.

Evseev E.A. –

History of activity development of operational komsomol teams of the Kemerovsk region in the 1980 s

Страницы / Pages: 92-97

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to the development of the activities of operational Komsomol detachments of vigilantes in the Kemerovo region in the 1980s. The evolution of methods of preventive work of social activists among minors and youth who violated law and order is considered in public places. The role of the communist youth union in the process of collapse of public law enforcement structures is shown.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
All-Union Leninist Communist Youth League, operational Komsomol vigilante groups, Kemerovo region, maintaining public order.


Lavshuk M.A. –

Efficiency of legal activities

Страницы / Pages: 98-105

Аннотация / Annotation:
This article examines legal activity from the point of view of its effectiveness. The author considers different points of view on the concept of the term “legal activity”, distinguishes between the criteria and qualities of legal activity, analyzes the impact of the effectiveness of legal activity on the mechanism for protecting the rights and legitimate interests of subjects of law. Approaches to determining criteria for the effectiveness of legal activity, as well as conditions for determining the degree of effectiveness of legal activity, are analyzed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
legal activity, legal activity, effectiveness of legal activity, conditions for the effectiveness of legal activity, criteria for the effectiveness of legal activity, law enforcement activity, effectiveness of law enforcement activity, law-making activity, effectiveness of law-making activity.

Mironenko N.S. –

Features of mental violence in criminal law

Страницы / Pages: 106-113

Аннотация / Annotation:
The question of the content of the concept of mental violence from the point of view of criminology and criminal law is considered. The characteristic of mental violence in criminal law is given.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
mental violence, threat, harm to health, a criminal offense.

Nekrasov I.S. –

Fighting fraud in places of prisonance

Страницы / Pages: 114-119

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article formulates promising directions of development in the field of scientific and practical support in the fight against fraud. Recommendations and an algorithm have been formulated that will allow operational units to promptly detect fraud in places of detention.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
fraud, correctional institution, penal system, crime, operational investigative activity, remote fraud.