Право и образование

№ 11 • 2018


Kurov S.V. – PhD in law, Associate, professor

Gavrнshchuk V.V. – doctor of history, professor

International educational integration and security

Страницы / Pages: 4-14

Аннотация / Annotation:
The disturb of international relations makes serious negative influence on international educational integration and can be considered as a threat of educational security.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
educational security; international educational integration; threats to educational security.

Vetoshkin S.A. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor 

Problems of improving the quality of higher education: legal and pedagogical aspects

Страницы / Pages: 15-24

Аннотация / Annotation:
In the article the legal and pedagogical aspects of the problem of improving the quality of higher education are studied on the basis of improving the quality of training of pedagogical workers in higher education. Measures have been determined to provide legal support for standardization and unification of additional vocational education for pedagogical staff of higher education institutions. A set of curricula for the basic course of additional professional education programs is proposed.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
problems, quality, higher education, additional vocational education, pedagogical worker, university, etc.

Berliavsky L.G. – Doctor of Science (History), Candidate of Science (Law)

Legal education: axiological approach

Страницы / Pages: 25-31

Аннотация / Annotation:
In article axiological approach is applied to the analysis of modern juridical legal education. Problems of Russian legal education involve in themselves steadfast public interest, they became a subject of discussion in scholarly, teaching and expert communities. Models of a lawyer discussed in scholarly literature, two-level education system, problem of academic degrees are analyzed. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
axiological approach, legal education, models of the lawyer, two-level education system.

Ivanova Z.B. – candidate of law

Semenova S.Yu. – candidate of law

Pedagogical conditions of increase of efficiency of scientific activities of law students

Страницы / Pages: 32-38

Аннотация / Annotation:
In conclusion, the conclusion that current students have the scientific potential which should be developed, as modern students is the innovative future of Russia. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
research activity, students essay writing, consumer protection.

Shulga V.V. – PhD in psychology, associate professor


Batanina L.A. 

Kortyak D.G. 

Priorities for improving education in the high school

Страницы / Pages: 39-50

Аннотация / Annotation:
The results of the questionnaire conducted among the students of higher school are analyzed in the article. A questionnaire is sent to the exposure of basic priority directions of perfection higher learning. Resulted opinions over of Magister on questions of improvement quality the educational services given by the Donbas legal academy. It is noted that quality education must answer many important criteria.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
education, higher education, quality of education, problems of the university.


Semenova V.G. – Doctor of Philosophy, candidate of philological Sciences, associate Professor

Use of innovative technologies and teaching methods in higher education.

Страницы / Pages: 51-59

Аннотация / Annotation:
At the present stage of the development of education, it is important to search for the finding of such technologies and teaching methods in higher education that would develop the students’ general cultural and professional competencies, develop critical and creative thinking, stimulate cognitive activity and independence, create conditions for student initiative, free exchange of opinions, opportunities establish themselves, interact with both the teacher and with each other. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
innovative technologies, interactive methods, education, higher education.

Zautorova E.V. – doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor 

The organization of educational activity of students and departmental institutions in the context of lifelong learning

Страницы / Pages: 60-64

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to the problem of organization of educational activity of cadets studying in departmental higher educational institutions in the context of continuing education. An important condition of this approach to training cadet is the formation of its subjective position, focused on achieving personal results of education. The formation of the subjectivity of the future employee will help the widespread use of interactive technologies in the learning process.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
learning process, cadets of departmental universities, educational activities, continuing education, subject position, interactive technologies.

Safiullina L.Kh. – Candidate of Technical Sciences

Starshinova T.A. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Implementation of an integrative approach to the design of the course “Computer science and programming” in the MOODLE environment

Страницы / Pages: 65-70

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article presents the experience of designing the course “Computer Science and Programming” on the basis of an integrative approach using the electronic educational environment e-learning Moodle. The electronic course takes into account interdisciplinary links with other subjects studied according to the curriculum.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
integrative approach; e-learning; higher school pedagogy.

Shevchuk M.V. – Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor

Shevchenko V.G. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


Lunina G.A.

On the application of cloud platforms and virtual systems in training information technologies

Страницы / Pages: 71-76

Аннотация / Annotation:
This article discusses the educational possibilities of using virtual machines on the Microsoft Azure platform for learning the basics of working with system and application software; analyzes the organization and conduct of training sessions on the basis of cloud models with the use of network services and web applications provided by cloud platforms.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
software, virtual machine, cloud platform, Microsoft Azure, cloud services models, firmware, network services.


Ermilov A.V.

Formation of professionally significant qualitys of the bachelor of emercom of Russia based on the risk factor

Страницы / Pages: 77-85

Аннотация / Annotation:
The model of professional situation is offered. The main block of the model is the risk factor of the situation. Changing the content of the risk factor allows you to create different levels of complexity of bachelor. The model was used in practical classes with bachelors on the basis of the practice of the university of EMERCOM of Russia. The results showed that training in an environment with a changing risk factor can have a targeted impact on the formation of certain professionally significant qualities.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
professional situation, risk factor, bachelor, professional development, professional education, professionally significant qualities, practice.



Dementiev A.N.

Problems of formation of the principles of economical and legal examination in the sphere of realization of industrial policy

Страницы / Pages: 86-96

Аннотация / Annotation:
On the basis of the theoretical analysis approaches to classification, formation of contents and structure of the principles of economical and legal examination of regulations in the sphere of realization of industrial policy are offered.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
economical and legal examination, industrial policy.

Romanov A.A. – candidate of political sciences, associate professor


Zhdanov R.R.

The criminal and legal characteristic of plunders of weapon and ammunition and its value in working of a specific subject of qualification

Страницы / Pages: 97-105

Аннотация / Annotation:
Article is devoted to questions of criminal and legal characteristics of plunder of firearms and fighting supplies and connected with these problems of qualification of the criminal action provided by articles 222-226 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The practical importance of this scientific article consists that her results can be used at methodical recommendations about disclosure of the crimes connected with plunder of firearms and ammunition and when teaching disciplines «Criminology», «Criminal law».

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
plunder, plunder of weapon, firearms, weapon, ammunition, explosives, arms trafficking, public safety, article 222 CC RF, article 223 CC RF, article 226 CC RF.

Osipov M.Y. – PhD

Some aspects of using the Anti-Plagiarism system for assessing the quality of scientific legal activity

Страницы / Pages: 106-109

Аннотация / Annotation:
The problem of using the Anti-Plagiarism system for assessing the quality of scientific activity is one of the pressing problems facing modern Russian education and science. Specific examples show the inadmissibility of the practice of preliminary assessment of works only on the basis of the results of the check on the Antiplagiat system without considering the results of this report at a meeting of the editorial board of the corresponding journal.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
law, information technology, publishing ethics, antiplagiarism.


Dimitriev A.D.

On the phenomenon of «cultural and educational environment»

Страницы / Pages: 110-114

Аннотация / Annotation:
In this article questions of the emergence and development of the phenomenon of «cultural and educational environment» in the science of pedagogy are considered. The provisions of this concept are described with reference to modern educational institutions.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
education science, cultural and educational environment, factors of character development.


Grigorieva N.A. – doctor of historical Sciences, Professor

Simonova M.A. – doctor of historical Sciences

Protection of the rights of children in armed conflicts: legal grounds and international practice

Страницы / Pages: 115-119

Аннотация / Annotation:
The protection of children’s rights is one of the most important objects and priorities of international practice and legal policy. The article explores some aspects of the system of protection of children’s rights in the context of armed conflicts. The necessity of improving the organizational and legal technology of the mechanism ensuring the safety of children during wars and humanitarian crises is justified.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
legal policy, children’s rights, armed conflict.

Kandybko N.V. – doctor of economic Sciences, Professor

Sumkin S.G. – candidate of economic Sciences 

Financial support of military construction: organizational and legal aspects

Страницы / Pages: 120-126

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article assesses the financial support of military construction in the Russian Federation in the period 2015-2018, specifies its specific features, and presents quantitative characteristics. It is shown that despite the General decrease in funds allocated for the financial support of the military organization of the state, since 2017, their share in the gross domestic product remains sufficient and capable of ensuring the implementation of the tasks assigned by the country’s leadership to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
gross domestic product, military construction, military organization, cash execution, financial security, Federal budget, underfunding, receivables and payables.

Akchurin A.V. – candidate of legal sciences, assistant professor

Maslennikov E.E. – candidate of legal sciences 

Receiving reports and statements about crimes committed in correctional institutions: the peculiarities of legal regulation and enforcement

Страницы / Pages: 127-133

Аннотация / Annotation:
The scientific article is devoted to the consideration of the peculiarities of penitentiary crimes and priority procedural means of reaction. In order to establish the problematic issues that arise when receiving and registration of reports and statements about crimes in the institutions of the criminal-executive system, the results of a survey of practitioners those responsible for carrying out these activities in correctional institutions are presented.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
criminal-executive system, correctional institution, crime, convict, criminal case.

Gorbunov V.Yu. – candidate of legal Sciences, Associate professor

Disadvantages of the legal regulation of registration for foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation

Страницы / Pages: 134-140

Аннотация / Annotation:

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
foreign citizen, host country, foreign citizen’s residence, migration registration, migration registration.


Petrova T.E. – doctor of sociological sciences, professor

Esendirov M.V. – candidate of juridical sciences

The protection for the rights of the accused in the period of the code of criminal trial 1864

Страницы / Pages: 141-150

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article concerns the research of the rights of accused in Russian criminal procedure in the period of The Code of criminal trial 1864.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
accused, rights, freedoms, criminal procedure, legal status, The Code of criminal trial, investigation, preventive punishment.

Maksimenko E.P. – PhD in History

Regarding the practice of applying article 58 of the Criminal code of the RSFSR (dedicated to the 90th anniversary of «Shakhty trial»)

Страницы / Pages: 151-161

Аннотация / Annotation:
The subject of the study is the application of article 58 of the Criminal code of the RSFSR in relation to the accused in the case «On economic counter-revolution in the Donbass», better known as the «Shakhty case». Some reasons for expanding the interpretation of the concept of «state crime» in the Soviet legislation are considered. Provides specific charges against the defendants in the «Shakhty trial» for the violation of article 58-3, 58-7, 58-11.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
bourgeois specialists, dictatorship of proletariat, the Criminal code, counter-revolutionary activity, article 58, sabotage.

Mukhamedov R.A. – doctor of historical Sciences, Professor


Fedorova E.S.

Krasnova R.R.

School education and social and cultural development of rural locality in postwork years (on materials of Terengulsky district, Ulyanovsk region)

Страницы / Pages: 162-168

Аннотация / Annotation:
In the article, the authors attempted to reconstruct the socio-economic situation in rural areas, such as the state and problems of school education, the resuscitation of cultural institutions and the health care system. In the course of the work, an analysis was made of materials and documents drawn from the funds of the State Archive of the New History of the Ulyanovsk Region (GANIU), Funds 1197 and 1198, which were first introduced into scientific circulation, which contributed to the reconstruction of the detailed picture.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
school, hospital, medical dispensaries, invalids, large families, collective farm, collective farmers, huts-reading rooms, clubs, libraries.


Akhyadov E.S.-M.

Historical stages of formation and development of constitutional and legal responsibility of legislative (representative) authorities of subjects of Federation in Russia

Страницы / Pages: 169-174

Аннотация / Annotation:
This article is devoted to the study of laws of development of constitutional and legal responsibility at various stages of formation of the Russian statehood. The author reveals the peculiarities of formation of constitutional and legal responsibility of legislative (representative bodies of state power of the Russian Federation). The deep analysis of development and changes of the legislative norms providing responsibility of legislative (representative) authorities of subjects of Federation in various historical periods of Russia is carried out.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
constitutional and legal responsibility, legislative body, law, historical stage.


Zabeyvorota A.I. – doctor of science (Law) 

Contemporary Russian Law Science about the ontology and phenomenology of artificial intelligence

Страницы / Pages: 175-179

Аннотация / Annotation:
This publication is a review of the book «Law and Artificial Intelligence» of P.M. Morkhat (Moscow, Unity-Dana, 2018).

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
artificial intelligence, civil law, information law, innovation, robot, robot law.