Право и образование
№ 12 • 2024
Kurov S.V. – candidate of legal sciences, сandidate of technical sciences, associate professor
Civil remedies under sanctions against the Russian Federation
Страницы / Pages: 3-13
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article identifies and analyzes the legal features of the sanctions imposed against the Russian Federation. The legal basis for the state’s adoption of counter-sanction measures is considered. Based on the adopted regulatory legal acts, the use of civil law remedies as tools of protection against property sanctions imposed by unfriendly states against the Russian Federation is justified and characterized
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
sanctions in international relations, economic security of Russia, restrictions and prohibitions in the legal regulation of international economic relations, civil remedies, counter-sanction measures.
TARASOV S.A. Аннотация / Annotation:
The article identifies and analyzes the legal features of the sanctions imposed against the Russian Federation. The legal basis for the state’s adoption of counter-sanction measures is considered. Based on the adopted regulatory legal acts, the use of civil law remedies as tools of protection against property sanctions imposed by unfriendly states against the Russian Federation is justified and characterized
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
sanctions in international relations, economic security of Russia, restrictions and prohibitions in the legal regulation of international economic relations, civil remedies, counter-sanction measures.
Tarasov S.A. – PhD in history
Methodological foundations of the study of the moral and business qualities of civil servants of the Russian Federation
Страницы / Pages: 14-23
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article discusses the methodological foundations of the study of the moral and business qualities of civil servants of the Russian Federation. The key attention is focused on determining the place and role of this procedure in personnel work, identifying the main approaches to its organization and conduct, establishing and characterizing the regulatory legal framework for its functioning in modern conditions.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
state civil service, state, legal regulation, regulatory framework, federal and regional legislation, personal and professional qualities, competencies.
PUZIKOV R.V. Аннотация / Annotation:
The article discusses the methodological foundations of the study of the moral and business qualities of civil servants of the Russian Federation. The key attention is focused on determining the place and role of this procedure in personnel work, identifying the main approaches to its organization and conduct, establishing and characterizing the regulatory legal framework for its functioning in modern conditions.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
state civil service, state, legal regulation, regulatory framework, federal and regional legislation, personal and professional qualities, competencies.
Puzikov R.V. – PhD in Law, Associate Professor
Legal education as a means of overcoming legal nihilism in Russia from traditions to innovations
Страницы / Pages: 24-34
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to identifying the main determinants of the development of legal nihilism in Russia and identifying the main forms and means of overcoming its development in society. The position is defended, according to which legal education has been and remains one of the most effective means of overcoming these negative manifestations. An analysis of the traditionally established forms and methods of legal education is made, using the example of teaching civil law.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
doctrine of law, legal education, legal traditions, legal innovations.
MODERN EDUCATIONАннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to identifying the main determinants of the development of legal nihilism in Russia and identifying the main forms and means of overcoming its development in society. The position is defended, according to which legal education has been and remains one of the most effective means of overcoming these negative manifestations. An analysis of the traditionally established forms and methods of legal education is made, using the example of teaching civil law.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
doctrine of law, legal education, legal traditions, legal innovations.
Vоrontsova N.L. – Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor
Ways to restore the violated right to education
Страницы / Pages: 35-41
Аннотация / Annotation:
The range of issues raised when considering the problems of ensuring and protecting the right to education is extremely broad. The article focuses on the issue of restoring the right to education in the Russian Federation. It provides a description of state and non-state methods of protecting the rights of students through an analysis of legal norms, statistical data and practice materials.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
the right to education, protection, judicial protection, extrajudicial protection, accessibility of education.
ZINKOVSKY M.A. Аннотация / Annotation:
The range of issues raised when considering the problems of ensuring and protecting the right to education is extremely broad. The article focuses on the issue of restoring the right to education in the Russian Federation. It provides a description of state and non-state methods of protecting the rights of students through an analysis of legal norms, statistical data and practice materials.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
the right to education, protection, judicial protection, extrajudicial protection, accessibility of education.
Zinkovsky M.A. – candidate of Law Sciences, associate professor
The impact of school education on the economy and the shadow economy: legal problems and solutions
Страницы / Pages: 42-49
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to legal problems in the field of the influence of school education on the economy and the shadow economy, and possible ways to resolve them. The problems of the legal status of the parent-teacher committee, homework for parents, the influence of the Internet on school assignments, the quality and continuity of textbooks, the appropriateness of large volumes of information, and the weak focus of school education on the real needs of economic sectors are highlighted.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
economics, shadow economy, sanctions, legal problems of school education, digitalization, Internet, educational services, quality of educational services.
BIKKUZINA A.KH. Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to legal problems in the field of the influence of school education on the economy and the shadow economy, and possible ways to resolve them. The problems of the legal status of the parent-teacher committee, homework for parents, the influence of the Internet on school assignments, the quality and continuity of textbooks, the appropriateness of large volumes of information, and the weak focus of school education on the real needs of economic sectors are highlighted.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
economics, shadow economy, sanctions, legal problems of school education, digitalization, Internet, educational services, quality of educational services.
Bikkuzina A.Kh. – сandidate of historical sciences, associate docent
VALIEVA G.R. Valieva G.R. – сandidate of economic sciences, associate docent
On the experience of implementing the discipline “History of Russia” in the context of the updated Concept
Страницы / Pages: 50-56
Аннотация / Annotation:
The authors of the article consider changes in the teaching of Russian history courses in universities associated with the launch of the updated Concept of teaching Russian history. They share their experience in implementing the discipline “History of Russia” and note the organizational and methodological features of its teaching in a non-core educational organization of higher education. Ways to improve the results of mastering the course are suggested.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
the concept of teaching the history of Russia, the modernization of history education, the course “history of Russia”, citizenship education.
MIKHALEV Y.A. Аннотация / Annotation:
The authors of the article consider changes in the teaching of Russian history courses in universities associated with the launch of the updated Concept of teaching Russian history. They share their experience in implementing the discipline “History of Russia” and note the organizational and methodological features of its teaching in a non-core educational organization of higher education. Ways to improve the results of mastering the course are suggested.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
the concept of teaching the history of Russia, the modernization of history education, the course “history of Russia”, citizenship education.
Mikhalev Y.A. – political science candidate, senior lecturer
Research on social -pedagogic capital based on some Moscow city schools
Страницы / Pages: 57-62
Аннотация / Annotation:
This article is devoted to the study of the process of formation of the necessary level of teaching competence at the junction of various subject areas and information technologies through interaction with the community of form teachers in the education system. In these circumstances, it is important to emphasize the value of participation of both form teachers and subject teachers in professional communities for creating effective professional development successful implementation of educational process.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
social capital, school, head teacher of the form, professional community.
WE DISCUSS THE PROBLEMАннотация / Annotation:
This article is devoted to the study of the process of formation of the necessary level of teaching competence at the junction of various subject areas and information technologies through interaction with the community of form teachers in the education system. In these circumstances, it is important to emphasize the value of participation of both form teachers and subject teachers in professional communities for creating effective professional development successful implementation of educational process.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
social capital, school, head teacher of the form, professional community.
Maslennikov E.E. – candidate of legal sciences
BEREZIN D.V. Berezin D.V. –
Features of a group of persons by prior agreement as а form of complicity under the Criminal code of the Russian Federation
Страницы / Pages: 63-70
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article presents various points of view of the scientific community regarding the features of a group of persons by prior agreement as a form of complicity under Russian criminal legislation. The shortcomings in the normative regulation of the considered form of complicity are emphasized, the author’s version of part 2 of article 35 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is proposed.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
criminal legislation, offender, complicity, intent, qualification, group of persons, objective side of the crime.
TURCHINA O.V. Аннотация / Annotation:
The article presents various points of view of the scientific community regarding the features of a group of persons by prior agreement as a form of complicity under Russian criminal legislation. The shortcomings in the normative regulation of the considered form of complicity are emphasized, the author’s version of part 2 of article 35 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is proposed.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
criminal legislation, offender, complicity, intent, qualification, group of persons, objective side of the crime.
Turchina O.V. – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor
Problematic aspects of surrogacy in Russia
Страницы / Pages: 71-78
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to surrogacy as one of the types of assisted reproductive technologies used to provide services for carrying and giving birth to parents who cannot have children for medical reasons. The article touches upon some difficult issues that exist in this area of legal relations, both from an ethical and legal point of view.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
surrogacy, contract, medical organization, assisted reproductive technologies.
HISTORY PAGESАннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to surrogacy as one of the types of assisted reproductive technologies used to provide services for carrying and giving birth to parents who cannot have children for medical reasons. The article touches upon some difficult issues that exist in this area of legal relations, both from an ethical and legal point of view.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
surrogacy, contract, medical organization, assisted reproductive technologies.
Zavrazhin A.V. – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
EVSEEVA I.A. Evseeva I.A. – graduate student
The history of the creation and features of the organization of the educational process for the training of military lawyers at the audit school (1832-1867)
Страницы / Pages: 79-86
Аннотация / Annotation:
Based on military historical archival documents and materials, the article examines the history of creation, purpose and some features of the organization of the educational process at the Audit School, which marked the beginning of special military legal education in Russia.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Audit school, military lawyers, educational process, military legal education.
PODYAKONOV V.M. Аннотация / Annotation:
Based on military historical archival documents and materials, the article examines the history of creation, purpose and some features of the organization of the educational process at the Audit School, which marked the beginning of special military legal education in Russia.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Audit school, military lawyers, educational process, military legal education.
Podyakonov V.M. – Candidate of Historical Sciences.
Genesis key concepts and terms political and legal thought in Russia of the XI– early XVI centuries
Страницы / Pages: 87-93
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to the analysis of the Russian historiography of the origin of the political and legal views of Russian thinkers. The conditions of their formation and the most important stages of development are considered. It is shown how key political and legal concepts were reflected in chronicles, historical stories, lives, treatises, teachings, legal acts and contributed to the development and strengthening of the legal foundations of statehood.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Ancient Russia, people, unity, state, power, sovereign, centralization, autocracy, absolutism, law, law, court, truth, virtue, justice.
PANFILETS A.V. Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to the analysis of the Russian historiography of the origin of the political and legal views of Russian thinkers. The conditions of their formation and the most important stages of development are considered. It is shown how key political and legal concepts were reflected in chronicles, historical stories, lives, treatises, teachings, legal acts and contributed to the development and strengthening of the legal foundations of statehood.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
Ancient Russia, people, unity, state, power, sovereign, centralization, autocracy, absolutism, law, law, court, truth, virtue, justice.
Panfilets A.V. – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
The rise and fall of General Vlasov
Страницы / Pages: 94-101
Аннотация / Annotation:
In this article, the author shows the rise of the career of Soviet General A.A. Vlasov and his betrayal caused by cowardice in the face of responsibility for the collapse of the Lyuban operation. His path of betrayal, voluntary surrender and active cooperation with the Nazi leadership of Germany is consistently traced. The author comes to the conclusion that Vlasov is in good health, voluntarily surrendered, where he developed a vigorous activity on the formation of collaborator units.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
The Great Patriotic War, General A.A. Vlasov, 2nd Shock Army, betrayal.
SCIENTIFIC DEBUTАннотация / Annotation:
In this article, the author shows the rise of the career of Soviet General A.A. Vlasov and his betrayal caused by cowardice in the face of responsibility for the collapse of the Lyuban operation. His path of betrayal, voluntary surrender and active cooperation with the Nazi leadership of Germany is consistently traced. The author comes to the conclusion that Vlasov is in good health, voluntarily surrendered, where he developed a vigorous activity on the formation of collaborator units.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
The Great Patriotic War, General A.A. Vlasov, 2nd Shock Army, betrayal.
Evstifeev A.A. – postgraduate student
The concept, species diversity, legal nature and other theoretical aspects of an administrative act
Страницы / Pages: 102-107
Аннотация / Annotation:
This article describes the history and development of the problems of judicial control over administrative bodies (specifically, over the issuance of administrative acts) and the functional relationship between administrative procedural law and judicial protection in an administrative court.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
administrative proceedings, administrative bodies, judicial control, administrative jurisdiction, judicial protection, administrative procedure.
IVOVA M.O. Аннотация / Annotation:
This article describes the history and development of the problems of judicial control over administrative bodies (specifically, over the issuance of administrative acts) and the functional relationship between administrative procedural law and judicial protection in an administrative court.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
administrative proceedings, administrative bodies, judicial control, administrative jurisdiction, judicial protection, administrative procedure.
Ivova M.O. – postgraduate student
The principles of obtaining education were consolidated in the Fundamentals of the USSR and the Union Republics on Public Education of 1973
Страницы / Pages: 108-115
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to the evolution of the principle of equality in the sphere of educational law. This principle has undergone many changes due to the change of political interests of the ruling party. The author analyzes the change of Soviet educational legislation before 1973 and identifies legislative norms that limit the accessibility of certain social groups to education.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
education, principle of equality, educational law, Soviet legislation, USSR.
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to the evolution of the principle of equality in the sphere of educational law. This principle has undergone many changes due to the change of political interests of the ruling party. The author analyzes the change of Soviet educational legislation before 1973 and identifies legislative norms that limit the accessibility of certain social groups to education.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
education, principle of equality, educational law, Soviet legislation, USSR.