Социология образования

№ 06 • 2017


Fokina V.N. – PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor 

Shirokova M.E. – PhD in Sociology 


Ah A.V 

Formal and informal peer training – the new trend of modern education

Страницы / Pages: 4-16

Аннотация / Annotation:
The sharp increase in the amount of information, of particular importance to the learning by using e-learning environments, combining advances in educational, social and professional fields and personal interest of the student, his relationship with peers – connected learning. The article presents the fundamentals of connectivity and its principles conducive to learning. The analysis of possibilities of formal and informal peer to peer learning as a form of connected learning.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
information, self-organization, connected learning, social network, peer to peer learning.

Krushinsky A.A. – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences

Yakovlev I.G. – Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences

Domestic higher school: strategemes of the planning of management

Страницы / Pages: 17-30

Аннотация / Annotation:
The paper determines the place that stratagematics occupies in the management planning of higher education. It analyzes how the logic of ancient Chinese stratagems can be used in the process of forming scenarios for the graduate school. The article presents examples of stratagems for a management planning of the educational process. In conclusion, recommendations are given on the use of stratagems in the search for non-standard ways of universities development.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
graduate school, logic, management planning, stratagem, strategematics, scenarios of higher education development, management of educational process.



Podolskaya T.O.
Angelova O.Y. – Ph.D.

Mariko V.V. – Ph.D.

Strategy of work in the field of career guidance in the higher educational institution on the example of economic training directions 

Страницы / Pages: 31-43

Аннотация / Annotation:
The described system is practical-oriented work in the university in the field of career guidance (on the example of economic training areas). The article suggests a new approach that allows to effectively build the individual educational trajectory of student taking into account personal interests and features of the regional labor market.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
enterprise, graduate, individual educational trajectory, innovations, competitiveness, career guidance.

Golovchin M.A. – Candidate of Economic Sciences

Teaching in the Russian region: cohesion and isolation within the social and professional commonality

Страницы / Pages: 44-55

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article presents some results of in-depth analysis of monitoring data on the economic situation and social well-being of school teachers in the Vologda region (2011–2017). The analysis indicates factors that demonstrate the convergence processes in the social and professional commonality of teachers (high patience, positive social mood, unanimous understanding of the importance of one’s own profession), as well as divergence processes (different views on the importance of educational reforms in various groups of educators, the gradual loss of socio-professional identity, etc.). Some practical recommendations are presented aimed at rallying the teaching environment by forming links through the type of professional partnership and mentoring.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
education, monitoring, social commonality, social and professional community, convergence, divergence, social well-being.

Sergiyenko A.M. – doctor of sociological sciences

Rodionova L.V. – candidate of sociological sciences


Ivanova O.A.

Education as a mechanism and resource for development of labor potential 
in rural areas

Страницы / Pages: 56-66

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article reveals the essence of labor potential of rural areas and the role of education in its formation and development. The results of the analysis of changes in the level and structure of education of the rural population in the Altai territory since the beginning of the 2000s against the background of Russia and regions of Siberian Federal district were presented. Special attention was paid to the study of rural youth education, its impact on employment, migration and conditions of fastening of youth in rural areas. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
education, labor potential, employment, migration, youth, rural areas.

Ivanova E.O. – Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences


Kulichkina M.A.

Volunteering as a social educational practice

Страницы / Pages: 67-74

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article presents a structural analysis of volunteerism from the point of view of social and educational practices. It is shown that volunteering has considerable educational potential for the formation of individual subjective experience, creates the conditions for self-realization. The analysis allowed to reveal that today is insufficiently developed pedagogical tools for the organization and implementation of volunteer educational practice. 

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
social practices, educational practices, volunteering, volunteer activities, children’s upbringing.


Belousov A.G. – Candidate of Engineering Sciences

The modern mathematical models of educational processes

Страницы / Pages: 75-88

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to some directions related with usage of the modern mathematical methods for educational processes’ modeling. We also consider some applied problems, that may be solved by mathematical models of educational processes. Besides, we consider some prospects of development of educational processes’ mathematical modeling.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
educational processes, mathematical modeling, quality of educations, optimization of learning process, decision making theory.

Popov E.A. – Doctor of philosophical Sciences

Sterlyadeva N.A. – candidate of sociological Sciences

А modern textbook from the perspective of training future sociologists

Страницы / Pages: 89-96

Аннотация / Annotation:
Тhe article discusses the features of a modern textbook as a means of training future sociologists in the modern higher school. The emphasis is on the need to apply technologies knowledge, adequate to the securing of which can contribute to textbook. This will improve the quality of professional formation of future sociologists. The conclusion about necessity of creation of the concept of the textbook. This concept will affect the effectiveness of instilling in sociology and will make a textbook a full participant in the educational process.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:

Lizunkov V.G. – candidate of pedagogical Sciences

Development of economic and management competencies of bachelors of technical directions in demand in the Territories of Advance Social and Economic Development (TOSER)

Страницы / Pages: 97-102

Аннотация / Annotation:
In the article the problem of training bachelors of technical directions with a deficit of economic and management competencies in demand for TOSER is considered. An analysis of the survey and questioning of the representative of enterprises starting their business on TOSER «Yurga» is being carried out, shortage of specialties and professions is being revealed, a model is proposed that fosters the preparation of a sought-after specialist with economic and management competencies based on the dual system of education.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
bachelors, technical directions, TOSER, education, enterprises, deficit, personnel, model, training, dual education.

Kozhevnikova M.N. – Cadidate of Philosophy

Self-awareness of teacher: humanitarian reflection and critical pedagogical thinking

Страницы / Pages: 103-109

Аннотация / Annotation:
The article reveals the possibilities of humanitarian reflection, which activates the self-awareness of teacher, and of critical pedagogical thinking. Both are of an urgent need in the current situation, in which teachers are often overwhelmed with a load of system requirements and as a result occupy a passive position. The principles of critical pedagogical thinking are based on critical theory, critical pedagogy and critical thinking. Humanitarian reflection is analyzed as “reflection in two loops,” with its connection with critical pedagogical thinking and with the clarification of the results.

Ключевые слова / Keywords:
humanitarian paradigm, critical thinking, reflection, critical pedagogy, self-awareness of teacher, philosophy of education.


Lapshov V.A. – Doctor of Sociology

Educational society and provocation: sociophilosophical essays on theory, history, literature and politics (book review: Dmitriev A.A, Sychev A.A. Provocation: socio-philosophical observations: monograph. M.: Tsspim, 2017. 336 s.)