Социология образования
№ 07 • 2011
Zakharevich V.G. – Docor of Technical Sciences, Rector of the Southern Federal University, info@sfedu.ru

Страницы / Pages: 4-7
Аннотация / Annotation:
Ways of development of education at the Southern Federal University, concerning, in particular, studying culture of innovative entrepreneurship and developing business skills in a system of education, are charecterized in the article. Programs of development of technological platforms, participation in which enables to set ties and organize long-term strategic partnership with the largest Russian corporations and plan researches and support the basis for implementation of innovations, are reasoned.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
students, courses of entrepreneurship, social skills and competences, using of knowledge, scientific researches, economic development.
Ways of development of education at the Southern Federal University, concerning, in particular, studying culture of innovative entrepreneurship and developing business skills in a system of education, are charecterized in the article. Programs of development of technological platforms, participation in which enables to set ties and organize long-term strategic partnership with the largest Russian corporations and plan researches and support the basis for implementation of innovations, are reasoned.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
students, courses of entrepreneurship, social skills and competences, using of knowledge, scientific researches, economic development.

Tikhonov A.W. – doctor of sociology, head of Centre of managerial sociology of IS RAS.

Страницы / Pages: 8-20
Аннотация / Annotation:
In the article it is being discussed a problem of exit of domestic sociology on a new stage of development . Nowadays it has been synchronized with world sociology, has got pluses and minuses, but has not become a disciplinary science as the modern philosophy and methodology of the science demand. The author names such condition of a science about a society as “prescientific” and results arguments in favor of this thesis. Thus strategy of an exit from this position is offered.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
scientific rationality, criteria of scientific character, scientific character of sociology, social and sociological reality, the social and sociological theory.
ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Аннотация / Annotation:
In the article it is being discussed a problem of exit of domestic sociology on a new stage of development . Nowadays it has been synchronized with world sociology, has got pluses and minuses, but has not become a disciplinary science as the modern philosophy and methodology of the science demand. The author names such condition of a science about a society as “prescientific” and results arguments in favor of this thesis. Thus strategy of an exit from this position is offered.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
scientific rationality, criteria of scientific character, scientific character of sociology, social and sociological reality, the social and sociological theory.

Gribankova А.А. – Head of chemistry chair Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Chemistry Doctor,

Myamina М.А. – Chemistry Doctor, Professor of chemistry chair

Страницы / Pages: 21-27
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to a comparison of the concepts of university organizational culture, proposed by M. Weber and G. Ritzer.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
university organizational culture, university as a bureaucracy, university as a corporation.
Аннотация / Annotation:
The article is devoted to a comparison of the concepts of university organizational culture, proposed by M. Weber and G. Ritzer.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
university organizational culture, university as a bureaucracy, university as a corporation.

Demchenko T.S. – PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology of MUH

Страницы / Pages: 28-36
Аннотация / Annotation:
In article it is analyzed available and the new organizational structure of high school in a context of social control of higher education on an example of «Modern University for the Humanities», is developed, its structure and the maintenance reveals. Theoretical bases of creation of new organizational structure of high school, results of its estimations are represented by respondents and experts.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
In article it is analyzed available and the new organizational structure of high school in a context of social control of higher education on an example of «Modern University for the Humanities», is developed, its structure and the maintenance reveals. Theoretical bases of creation of new organizational structure of high school, results of its estimations are represented by respondents and experts.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:

Kochetov W.W. – postgraduate student of MUH

Страницы / Pages: 37-44
Аннотация / Annotation:
In article is analyzed additional education of youth as object of social designing on an example of establishments of additional education of Moscow, its structure and the maintenance reveals. Conclusions on the basis of results of questionnaire trained, expert poll and the analysis of documents are stated.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
additional education of youth, social designing, education.
Аннотация / Annotation:
In article is analyzed additional education of youth as object of social designing on an example of establishments of additional education of Moscow, its structure and the maintenance reveals. Conclusions on the basis of results of questionnaire trained, expert poll and the analysis of documents are stated.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
additional education of youth, social designing, education.

Karakozov A.Yu. – Postgraduate Student of the International Academy for Informatization, arsenkarakozov@gmail.corr

Страницы / Pages: 45-50
Аннотация / Annotation:
Specifics of education and sociological support of educational process in a creative university are considered; a role of innovative theater pedagogy using an inter-disciplinary approach, are considered in the article. Methods of optimal developing paths for students studying at creative universities by experience of the Institute of Russian Theater, are reasoned. A task of application of this experience, social sense of which is finding a creative potential of future professionals on earlier stages of education, is set.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
implementation of educational innovations, organization of learning, creative universities, sociology of a gesture, inter-disciplinary.
Аннотация / Annotation:
Specifics of education and sociological support of educational process in a creative university are considered; a role of innovative theater pedagogy using an inter-disciplinary approach, are considered in the article. Methods of optimal developing paths for students studying at creative universities by experience of the Institute of Russian Theater, are reasoned. A task of application of this experience, social sense of which is finding a creative potential of future professionals on earlier stages of education, is set.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
implementation of educational innovations, organization of learning, creative universities, sociology of a gesture, inter-disciplinary.

Abelbeysov V.A. – researcher of Russian state social university

Страницы / Pages: 51-55
Аннотация / Annotation:
In article the social orphanhood as social and nationwide problem is concerned. The number of orphan children grows dramatically in nowadays Russia. New social programs and institutionalization of children are not able to improve the current situation. The author deals with the state of orphanages and the main problems which its inmates may face with. The main problem according to the author is a lack of special educational programs for this category of children, absence of socializing impact of the family. The “isolation” of the child leads to the gaps in cultural and social levels of the personality.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
socialization, orphanage, guardianship, orphan children, success, values, law.
EDUCATION ABROADАннотация / Annotation:
In article the social orphanhood as social and nationwide problem is concerned. The number of orphan children grows dramatically in nowadays Russia. New social programs and institutionalization of children are not able to improve the current situation. The author deals with the state of orphanages and the main problems which its inmates may face with. The main problem according to the author is a lack of special educational programs for this category of children, absence of socializing impact of the family. The “isolation” of the child leads to the gaps in cultural and social levels of the personality.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
socialization, orphanage, guardianship, orphan children, success, values, law.

Arefiev A.L. – Deputy Director on Scientific Work of FGNU ‘Center for Sociological Researches’

Страницы / Pages: 56-76
Аннотация / Annotation:
Statistical data concerning a number of foreign citizens studying in the Peoples’ Republic of China, are given and their sociological interpretation is made. Potential of China as an exporter and importer of educational services is charecterized. Similarity and difference between educational systems in China and Russia are analyzed; recommendations in development of new forms of higher education, including distance education, are reasoned. Achievements of the Peoples’ Republic of China in a field of educaitonal services, represented by mass media, are described.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
students, bachelors, masters, educational services, export abilities, Chinese learning.
SOCIAL PHILOSOPHYАннотация / Annotation:
Statistical data concerning a number of foreign citizens studying in the Peoples’ Republic of China, are given and their sociological interpretation is made. Potential of China as an exporter and importer of educational services is charecterized. Similarity and difference between educational systems in China and Russia are analyzed; recommendations in development of new forms of higher education, including distance education, are reasoned. Achievements of the Peoples’ Republic of China in a field of educaitonal services, represented by mass media, are described.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
students, bachelors, masters, educational services, export abilities, Chinese learning.

Sineva I.R. – Postgraduate Student of the Modern University for the Humanities

Страницы / Pages: 77-81
Аннотация / Annotation:
Contradictions between estimation of property as a value in Russian philosophy as a problem of individualism and collectivism are analyzed. Concepts of a role of property of Russian philosophers, and their views on practice of economic development are considered. It is stated, that Russian tradition focuses on a problem of social and communal consideration of property, which is based on natural-climate and historic features.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
an economic system, a society, valueable orientations, social thinking, private property, conversion.
Аннотация / Annotation:
Contradictions between estimation of property as a value in Russian philosophy as a problem of individualism and collectivism are analyzed. Concepts of a role of property of Russian philosophers, and their views on practice of economic development are considered. It is stated, that Russian tradition focuses on a problem of social and communal consideration of property, which is based on natural-climate and historic features.
Ключевые слова / Keywords:
an economic system, a society, valueable orientations, social thinking, private property, conversion.